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#70220169Monday, June 18, 2012 5:37 PM GMT

Captured. Starved of any information why. Kept underground while who knows what is going on above them. Children and adults of all ages were suddenly rushed into an underground fort, stored into cells with their family. Everything was gone. All we had was the clothes on our backs, if we even had that left. Its like prison, being here. You're kept in a cramped room all day with your family just wondering what you all did wrong. But it's time for us to fight back. Strike. Find out what made us deserve this. We're not going to be clueless anymore. We're going to get up there- even if it kills us. There is no reason we shouldn't be told why. Why they took us away from our homes where we felt so safe. We're going to find out why. No matter who, or even what we have to get through. We're taking a stand. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rules: No mary-sues or gary-stus. No god-modding/ubering. Standard roleplaying rules. Whatever admins or I say, goes. No one gets any special items. ( Ex: Extra blankets/food ) Don't use *'s when roleplaying. ( Ex: *Chuck Norris kick* ) Put the word "Underground" at the bottom of your CS if you read the rules. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CS: Name: A.ge: Gender: Appearence: Personality: Weaknesses: Strengths: Family: Bio: Other:
#70220250Monday, June 18, 2012 5:38 PM GMT

(( I will join when I'm not on my phone, so tomorrow. ))
#70220547Monday, June 18, 2012 5:43 PM GMT

Name: Ivett "Ivy" Aldrich A.ge: 15 Gender: F Appearence: Ivett is about 5'6, she is thin but lacks in curves. She has very pale skin, and due to being underground so long, it has gained a grey-ish tint in certain places. She has feathery black hair that ends just around her biceps. It tangles around into small curls into the back. It looks messy, like everyone else's from being neglected from combing for so long. Her cheeks are slightly hollowed out from the lack of food. Her eyes are always darting this way and that, but if you get her to look at you then you can tell they are a deep green color with specks of gold. She has freckles trailing across her upper cheeks and over the bridge of her nose. Her lips are thin and a soft pink color, and she is always licking her lips so they are often chapped. Ivett wears a worn out, faded green tank top with a thin grey sweater over it. She wears torn blue jeans and old sneakers with holes in them. Personality: Ivett is quiet and appears very vunerable and scared. But she keeps to herself the fact that she is itching to escape. She cares about her family, and can be hot-headed at times if you wear on her last nerve. Weaknesses: Ivett is no good in head-to-head combat. She has taken archery lessons once or twice so that is basically all her experience with wea.pons. Strengths: Ivett is better at solving puzzles than fighting. She doesn't know if this would come in handy, but she knows a lot about traps and how to solve mysteries and such. She used to take track before the capture, so she is a fast runner. Family: Her father di.ed when she was young. She has 2 younger siblings, and her mother has been trying to keep them alive at such a young a.ge, 2 and 3. Bio: Ivett had always loved her simple life. It was hard at times with only one parent to talk to, who was always busy with the two toddlers. But Ivett managed, and lived her life in a very simple manner. Her mother once started dating again and she let an abusive man stay with them, but that really was one of the only things she ever remembers being terrifying. She never really had a problem with anything until they were captured. Other: Ivett's hands shake a lot, she tries to hide it by tapping her fingers often.
Top 100 Poster
#70220992Monday, June 18, 2012 5:50 PM GMT

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#70221142Monday, June 18, 2012 5:53 PM GMT

#70221208Monday, June 18, 2012 5:54 PM GMT

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#70221230Monday, June 18, 2012 5:54 PM GMT

Denver what? o.o;
#70221439Monday, June 18, 2012 5:58 PM GMT

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#70221641Monday, June 18, 2012 6:01 PM GMT

She may not have known. Not all of us watch obscure films.
#70221644Monday, June 18, 2012 6:01 PM GMT

Mister. I have absolutely NO CLUE what you are talking about. If I don't know about this "Denver airport conspiracy" then how could my thread be a knockoff?
#70221694Monday, June 18, 2012 6:02 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#70222535Monday, June 18, 2012 6:14 PM GMT

Literally, I've known Sachie for a LONG time. She definitely not one to be watching those weird "conspiracy" shows. OFF TOPIC: TA-TA! Moltak118 here!
#70224111Monday, June 18, 2012 6:38 PM GMT

Bump Up My Post
#70224762Monday, June 18, 2012 6:49 PM GMT

CS: Character Sheet ocourse :3. Name: Khade Moore A.ge: 15 Gender: M Appearence: Messy brown hair with slightly tanned skin. His eyes are a golden-like brown. He wears a black T-shirt with a dark-red hoodie and brown coat. Baggy, dirty, old jeans with black converse shoes. Personality: Uses witty humor to get out of being scared and embarrased. Though he is very smart and funny. Weaknesses: Seeing his family or thinking about them. Sharp things. :3 Strengths: Can easily get out of tough situations using his strategic skills. Very skilled with two shortswords. [Live] Family: Sister and mother. Bio: TBA Other: N/A
#70224922Monday, June 18, 2012 6:51 PM GMT

You told me you forgot so accepted and admin.
#70226205Monday, June 18, 2012 7:12 PM GMT

Name: Rita A.ge: 13 Gender: Female Appearence: White, almost translucent ( dont know how to spell that) skin. Dark brown hair that ends at her elbows. Darkish-Lightish blue eyes. Pale red lips. About 5'0. Personality: Quiet and reserved. A risk taker. Loyal and honest. Will probably not talk unless spoken to. A thinker, not a speaker. Weaknesses: Hard-Headed. Is bad at any kind of combat. Strengths: She spends most of her time thinking, so she can solve any problem, whether it's a lock on a door or a trap in the forest. She knows how things work, so she can solve any problem if you leave her alone to think. Family: She lived with her mechanic father, who was very smart, which is where Rita got her knack for solving problems and knowing how things work. Her mother moved away. She is an only child. Bio: Rita's life was always complicated. She had to keep house and help her father with his work. She was friendless, the other kids made fun of her because of her knowledge. Her father never understood her, so she talked to her pillow instead. Now that she has been captured, her life has only been made more complicated. Other: She is a really good artist, which comes in handy at times.
#70229738Monday, June 18, 2012 8:03 PM GMT

Name: Anya A.ge: 13 Gender: Female Appearence: ale skin, mostly from being underground. She's small for her age, which comes in handy at times. Due to lack of maitenence, her red hair falls to her waist. She has freckles on her face, mostly. Her eyes are a dull green, and always had brightened when she was outside. She keeps her nails in shape by biting them. She picked upthe technique of biting her toenails from her cat. Her friends always remarked how lightweight she was, due to her size. 5'0. Personality:She is outgoing and a clown with her friends and family, but to anyone else she's gentle and quiet. She'd rather be safe then sorry, and has a great memory. She's quick thinking and careful. When conversation is down in the cell, she's the first to invent some silly game. Weaknesses:She's not at all aggresive, and never fights for anything. When she played tag long ago above ground, if she knew the other person would get her, she'd stop running and give in. She also is fiery and can be bad tempered at times. Strengths: She's good with knives and knots, and is good at swimming and hiding. She can cram herself into small places. She has a great imagination, and can always lighten the mood. She's also handy with some mathches and something to light on fire, and the only tools she currently has are a pen and a bandanna she was wearing in her hair. Family: She has 2 brothers and a sister. Their names are Greyson, Lyric, and Kris. Her parents were really never meant to be be. It was all a coincidence. She is the oldest and is always looking out for her siblings. More will be revealed later. Bio: She lived a happy life until the day they were taken. She went to a good school, and had nice friends. Everything had been perfect until The Thing happened. More about her personal tragedy "The Thing" Later in the game. Other: Other then her pen and bandanna, when she was taken, she was writing in her journal and her cat Jumbles was in her lap. Those are the only perosnal items she brought. Underground
#70230053Monday, June 18, 2012 8:08 PM GMT

Both accepted and admins.
#70230929Monday, June 18, 2012 8:21 PM GMT

#70230975Monday, June 18, 2012 8:22 PM GMT

Bump. I wish more people wouldjoin!
#70231074Monday, June 18, 2012 8:23 PM GMT

#70231548Monday, June 18, 2012 8:30 PM GMT

CS: Name: Masquerade A.ge: 25 Gender: M@le Appearence: I wear a well-tailored, pin-stripe tuxedo suit, with a striking fedora. On the other hand, I do wear a rather sickening mime-mask, with a horrifying grin painted across it. Personality: Some-what crazy, I stay calm and sarcastic in even the most serious situations, and I have a few suprises. Weaknesses: Due to a mental condition I hear voices in my head, they tell me not to show my face in public, or else they will cause despair for the rest of my life. Strengths: I'm very good at "thinking outside of the box" Family: No-one, I grew up in an orphanage, with no siblings. My parents were aparently killed in car-crash. Bio: After growing up in an orphanage and being made fun off due to my mental state, I grew up in a life of hiding and humilation due to the freakish masks I use to cover my face. I am disliked by many members of the underground place, It's not that they attack me, they merely ignore me. I use this to my advantage to avoid trouble. Other: Underground.
#70233665Monday, June 18, 2012 8:58 PM GMT

( ... Not accepted. Nothing is well-tailored or striking when underground for like, 2 years. )
#70284033Tuesday, June 19, 2012 4:45 PM GMT

(Oops. Replace it with a dusty fedora and a wrinkled suit with faded pinstripes :P)
#70284122Tuesday, June 19, 2012 4:46 PM GMT

Hmm. I guess so. But the mask kinda creeps me out. O.o

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