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#70384799Wednesday, June 20, 2012 11:59 PM GMT

...This is a single-player sand box style role play... - [ Modes ] - God ~ Be the mighty ruler in the sky. You control the world, but the people on this planet may not choose to believe or obey you. Ruler ~ Be the mighty ruler of small village, and grow to lead armies of knights into battle. Subject ~ Start out as a young farmer, and work your way up the ranks to become the king's mightiest guard.
#70384877Thursday, June 21, 2012 12:00 AM GMT

#70399495Thursday, June 21, 2012 3:20 AM GMT

Mode selected -> Ruler You currently have 6 members of your small tribe. What do you want to do with them? - Send # to hunt for food - Send # to scout - Train # to fight - Send # to gather water - Send # to mine minerals [NOTE: I will give you fixed selections until page 2. From there, I will let you do your own things.]
#70401940Thursday, June 21, 2012 4:00 AM GMT

#70402845Thursday, June 21, 2012 4:16 AM GMT

Can I have my own thread for God?
#70404845Thursday, June 21, 2012 4:56 AM GMT

I choose God
#70421823Thursday, June 21, 2012 3:30 PM GMT

- [ maxi1332 ] - Mode selected -> God The people on this planet, Euforia, do not even believe in you yet. They are living happy lives without you. You should do something to make them believe in you... - Summon # of creatures to [attack, help] - Change weather - Summon # of [food, water, weapons] Be careful, however. The more you create, the weaker you become. It takes time to regenerate your energy. - [faultydex] - Mode selected -> God The people on this planet, Koridis, do not even believe in you yet. They are living happy lives without you. You should do something to make them believe in you... - Summon # of creatures to [attack, help] - Change weather - Summon # of [food, water, weapons] Be careful, however. The more you create, the weaker you become. It takes time to regenerate your energy.
#70422545Thursday, June 21, 2012 3:43 PM GMT

If you're still selecting/accepting, I would like to be a Ruler.
#70422569Thursday, June 21, 2012 3:43 PM GMT

- [ ThaCruelLlama ] - Mode selected -> Ruler You currently have 6 members of your small tribe. What do you want to do with them? - Send # to hunt for food - Send # to scout - Train # to fight - Send # to gather water - Send # to mine minerals
#70422806Thursday, June 21, 2012 3:48 PM GMT

- Send 1 to hunt - Send 0 to scout - Train 2 to fight - Send 2 to gather water - Send 1 to mine minerals
#70423170Thursday, June 21, 2012 3:54 PM GMT

[Stuck between Subject and God, if still able to join. I guess I'll try God. That is the only Roleplay type I haven't been yet before. c:]
#70423615Thursday, June 21, 2012 4:02 PM GMT

(Looks good.) Subject.
#70424019Thursday, June 21, 2012 4:08 PM GMT

I pick God
#70424436Thursday, June 21, 2012 4:14 PM GMT

- [ ThaCruelLlama ] - [ Previous Action ] - Send 1 to hunt - Send 0 to scout - Train 2 to fight - Send 2 to gather water - Send 1 to mine minerals [ Current Events ] You send 1 man out into the wilderness to hunt for food. He is currently unarmed, and will probably look for fruits instead. You send no men to scout. You train 2 men to fight, both currently unarmed. They patrol your tribe, guarding it with their lives. You send 2 men to gather water. They are forced to gather water with left over animal skins. You send 1 man to mine for minerals, currently without a tool. He will look for open minerals and place them into his animal skin sack. Three strong looking men walk up to your tribe and ask if they could join. They have been travelling for four days, and are very hungry. What do you want to do now? [HINT: You can research new tools, such as baskets, pickaxes, spears, etc. You can research new technology, such as bows & arrows, boats, fishing tools, etc. You can order more men to gather lumber, fish, etc.] - [ gavinfirefox ] - Mode selected -> God The people on this planet, Euforia, do not even believe in you yet. They are living happy lives without you. You should do something to make them believe in you... - Summon # of creatures to [attack, help] - Change weather - Summon # of [food, water, weapons] Be careful, however. The more you create, the weaker you become. It takes time to regenerate your energy. - [ kamikaze123 ] - Mode selected -> Subject You are currently living alone in a small tent you made out of deer skin. You have about 3 days worth of meat, 1 days worth of berries, 5 days worth of water, and some lumber. You look out into the valley, and see a vast forest. However, there is no source of water nearby. You should probably move... - Search for a tribe to join - Search for a source of water - Head off into the forest - Head to the mountains
#70424485Thursday, June 21, 2012 4:14 PM GMT

- [ evilguy10 ] - Mode selected -> God The people on this planet, Euforia, do not even believe in you yet. They are living happy lives without you. You should do something to make them believe in you... - Summon # of creatures to [attack, help] - Change weather - Summon # of [food, water, weapons]
#70424490Thursday, June 21, 2012 4:14 PM GMT

Search for a source of water.
#70424584Thursday, June 21, 2012 4:16 PM GMT

I change the weather to a mild sunny day. [Pure. You gave me the same Planet as Maxi. :/]
#70424690Thursday, June 21, 2012 4:17 PM GMT

Summon 9 creatures to help.
#70424743Thursday, June 21, 2012 4:17 PM GMT

(You gave me the same as well. Can I have a desert planet?)
#70425735Thursday, June 21, 2012 4:31 PM GMT

- [ kamikaze123 ] - [ Previous Action ] Search for a source of water. [ Current Events ] You head off towards the high mountains, hoping there's a river flowing down from them. You finally arrive, but there is no source of water. Half of the day has gone by. What do you want to do? - [ gavinfirefox ] - (I apologize for giving you the same planet. I just copy & paste it, as you can see. Feel free to change the name to whatever you want.) [ Previous Action ] I change the weather to a mild sunny day. [ Current Events ] Before the sun rose up and brought sunshine upon the tribes, it was raining. Some people look up at the sky in awe. Many believe it was just strange weather. You now have 12 believers. What do you want to do? - [ evilguy10 ] - (Sorry about this. I copy & paste, as I said earlier to gavin. You can change the name to whatever you want. However, you will receive a planet from my mind. Sorry, but you can't choose what type of planet you receive. But later, when you have a lot of believers, you can change the planet's climate, landscape, etc.) [ Previous Action ] Summon 9 creatures to help. [ Current Events ] You summon 9 creatures to help. Your creatures are green and have long, slender arms. What do you want your creatures to help the people with?
#70425818Thursday, June 21, 2012 4:32 PM GMT

Find a good place to camp.
#70426103Thursday, June 21, 2012 4:35 PM GMT

- [ evilguy10 ] - (Sorry about this. I copy & paste, as I said earlier to gavin. You can change the name to whatever you want. However, you will receive a planet from my mind. Sorry, but you can't choose what type of planet you receive. But later, when you have a lot of believers, you can change the planet's climate, landscape, etc.) [ Previous Action ] Summon 9 creatures to help. [ Current Events ] You summon 9 creatures to help. Your creatures are green and have long, slender arms. What do you want your creatures to help the people with? ------- (To make it easier to know what I'm replying to. And for science.) I want 4 to help with building and 5 to guard the tribe (unless it is not tribal, but a later time. If it is a later time, add a 0 to every number mentioned.)
#70426199Thursday, June 21, 2012 4:37 PM GMT

[Can you name my planet? c: But nothing too long :p] I grant my believers luck and I make sure to watch to keep them safe. I attempt to communicate with them to tell their villages there is a God. Tell them if they believe I will help them. If they don't believe you then tell them I will make it rain.
#70427316Thursday, June 21, 2012 4:52 PM GMT

Dang,Purely has a lot of people on his hands XD.
#70427410Thursday, June 21, 2012 4:53 PM GMT

- [ kamikaze123 ] - [ Previous Action ] Find a good place to camp. [ Current Events ] You look out into the distance, but see only trees. You then look up to your left, on top of the small hill. The area is somewhat flat and grassy. It would make a good place to camp. You hike up towards the spot and set up your tent. What do you want to do now? - [ evilguy10 ] - [ Previous Action ] I want 4 to help with building and 5 to guard the tribe. [ Current Events ] The tribe members attack your creatures with the weapons, fearing they are predators. They do not attack the other 4, believing it is honorable to not attack the defenseless. They wonder where these strange creatures came from. You have 4 bad morality believers. What do you want to do? - [ gavinfirefox ] - (Your planet is now named Gorian.) [ Previous Action ] I grant my believers luck and I make sure to watch to keep them safe. I attempt to communicate with them to tell their villages there is a God. Tell them if they believe I will help them. If they don't believe you then tell them I will make it rain. [ Current Events ] Your energy is around its mid point. Your believers already believe in good luck, and do not think a god is granting this luck to them. They do wonder why they are always safe, but believe it is a part of their good luck. During their sleep, two of the believers hear your call. They tell the other tribe members, but are only able to persuade 2 more to believe. You currently have 14 good morality believers. The tribe has a total of 36 members. What do you want to do?

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