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#70395233Thursday, June 21, 2012 2:19 AM GMT

[Item Deletion] 1. Make the ROBLOX deleting system a bit less time consuming. It takes a long time to clear out your unused t-shirts / shirts and other things by deleting them one by one. Maybe make a seperate deleting page where you can delete your un-wanted items with ease? The normal deleting system requires visiting the page of the un-wanted item and doing this constantly to get rid of large numbers of items takes a long time. [Responding to a thread] 2. "Re;" not counting as a character when replying to a thread - why? Well let's say a user makes a thread with 59/60 characters. 60 characters being the max you can put in a title. When you go to reply, you have to delete part of the title to post, where in this update (if it ever occurs), "Re;" can be a LOCKED character, so it is un-able to edit making it non abusable, and will not count as a character. [Advertising a Groups] 3. To Advertise a group you must make your own AD. With this update, you can share your AD's with other group members that have created some for that particular group. A user can go to upload an AD for the group, the moderaters AND the group owner have to approve it. To avoid abuse, the group owner can put a minimal amount a user can run it for (example, 300 tix). This way members of the group won't abuse by running it for 1 ticket, and making it un-runnable again for a full 24 hours. Also, to stop abuse, only the group owner can delete the AD, so trolls don't delete it. [Group Relations] 4. Let's say you own a group that isn't a war group and "Allies", "Enemy's" arn't necessary. There would be a "Related" option. Basically this means you arn't going to war or anything with the other group, your just basically related in a way to a different group. High-pathetically speaking, let's say you owned a Dominus Empyreus, and your group was named "Dominus Empyreus Owners". You could put the "Dominus Frigidus Owners" as your "Related" group, meaning you both are "Dominus" owners, but not "Allies". "Allies" for a hat owner group doesn't fit at all. This would be an addition to the tab that shows Allies, Enemys, Group Places and Members. [Quantity Search] 5. Let's say you were looking for rare hats, but don't know them all. Well, you can search by quantity. It would be a box like where the max/min tix and robux price boxes are, just in addition to that, it would have a box beneath those two asking for a quantity search. If I typed in 100 a Purple Sparkle Time Fedora would appear (etc.) [Genre Search] 6. What's the point of having a genre on hats/gears/faces etc; if you arn't able to search by it? When you look at Desert Commander, you can tell it's classified under modern military/war. I see no point in a genre feature if you cant search by hats that are scary, or war related. [Profile Music] 7. Before you say no, read it. You can already add music to your place video's, it's allowed. With this update when you visit a users profile the video is able to be played, thus music is played on your profile. [Maximum Character Count for Profile] 8. Simple and easy update. Make a character count. 1,000 is allowed, but if you go over that amount it leaves off the excess letters from your profile, thus leaving an uncompleted sentance. All this is, is a number count telling you how many you have used up out of a thousand so far. ["Email me when someone replies to this thread"] 9. Another simple update. It's confusing for people who want to track a thread to figure out that thats what you have to checkmark to be able to track it. Change it to "Track this thread". It makes it easier, and more understanding for users who would like to come back and read the thread at any time.
#70395694Thursday, June 21, 2012 2:25 AM GMT

I'm not quite sure what you ment by #5,and I don't support #7 beecause it would be unnessesary and hard for mods. The rest are great ideas that I fully support.
#70395858Thursday, June 21, 2012 2:27 AM GMT

17, If you haven't already noticed, place video's have been featured and music IS allowed. For example: http://www.roblox.com/ROBLOX-Chair-Racing-v6-1-place?id=55700795 Check out his third video. It's a good song, with no cussing. It's moderated. All this would do, is if you happened to have music in your place video, you could play the video from your profile, thus having "profile music".
#70396274Thursday, June 21, 2012 2:33 AM GMT

Even if it would work,i'd be extreamly annoying for me to click on someones profile and have music start playing.
#70396358Thursday, June 21, 2012 2:34 AM GMT

It would be paused until you played it.
#70397449Thursday, June 21, 2012 2:49 AM GMT

#70398769Thursday, June 21, 2012 3:09 AM GMT

#70443427Thursday, June 21, 2012 8:58 PM GMT

#71028062Friday, June 29, 2012 2:19 AM GMT

#73956797Sunday, July 29, 2012 8:28 PM GMT

#73958471Sunday, July 29, 2012 8:47 PM GMT

[Item Deletion] Support. [Responding to a thread] Never noticed before, Support anyway. [Advertising a Groups] I don't care. [Group Relations] Support. [Quantity Search] Support. [Genre Search] Support. [Profile Music] No, no, no. [Maximum Character Count for Profile] Support. ["Email me when someone replies to this thread"] Support.

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