#71012089Thursday, June 28, 2012 11:04 PM GMT

(I could use the code name raging tiger ...)
#71012147Thursday, June 28, 2012 11:05 PM GMT

Name: Thom Ralla Ag.e: 28 Gender: Male Personality: Friendly, Isolated, Cautious. His friendliness despite his isolation and abandonment from others is due to his powers consuming him. Both the Avernous officials and his own fear of his powers convinced him of that, that fear and regret slowly taking over his mind. He still hangs on to his old persona, though, and that is warrant to kindness. Due to the fact that he cannot control or measure the effects of his powers, he is overly-cautious of what he does and thinks. The grasping and temptation of his powers make it near irresistible to avoid using his abilities, and he would slowly grow insane and die at the hands of it. Appearance: Withdrawn and Pale, Thomas is Caucasian. His face is gaunt from starvation, his skin drawn tight against his face. He has high-cheekbones, and a ragged, filthy beard that grows sharply downwards to his chin. Both his dark-brown hair and beard show signs of graying in it, the decaying effects of using his powers. He wears a standard inmate jumpsuit of the smallest size, the shirt loose and drawn across his ribs. Power(s): Thom is a gifted one of the sub-human race. His powers allow him to manipulate the things around him, whether it be earth, or fire, or water. This is with the exception of manipulating time and perception. Due to the strength of his skills, his body slowly decays and grows old, his mind growing insane with the constant temptation of embracing them, thus he will eventually die. He cannot control or measure the effects of drawing his power, also disabling the thought of escape from his prison. Rank: Inmate Bio: Thom was a normal person before his manifestation of what he calls "saidin," the Great Powers. It began to come to him unconsciously. His father in the dying stages of cancer began to recover mysteriously after he cried before his deathbed, a friends broken arm healing quicker than normal. He had not even the slightest realization of what he could do until he was mugged on his walk to university classes. In what seemed an uncontrollable for saidin, he brought a building down upon his mugger, burying him under a hail of rubble. Before he could realize it, the Avernus Corporation had kidnapped him and dragged him into the Asylum, locked up into maximum security. He is their guinea pig for experiments, just like many of his comrades, imprisoned in the Asylum for what could be their whole lives.
Top 25 Poster
#71012160Thursday, June 28, 2012 11:05 PM GMT

(@Elizabeth, that's nothing. Try 3 different sites with bunch of threads active.) Angelica I stared at the scars on my arm with a thoughtful look as I sat on the ground.
#71012215Thursday, June 28, 2012 11:06 PM GMT

2nd person HUMAN Name:Sally Dignity Gender:Female Personality:Serious Appearence:Average human height, lab coat with black skirt, black heels, square glasses, red lipstick, and red hair wrapped into a bun. Rank:scientist Weapons:none Bio:works for A.C. and deals with experiments including sub-humans from floor 3 to 1.....she has dealt with Jack multiple times and many others, she does get annoyed very often by Jack however, which can ruin everyone else's day that has to be with her....she has been to experiments where Sub-Humans have died. She regrets sometimes working for A.C. Knowing how dangerous some of the S-Humans are.
#71012333Thursday, June 28, 2012 11:07 PM GMT

(Oh, sorry, I didn't notice that. You can have two weapons.)
#71012358Thursday, June 28, 2012 11:07 PM GMT

Willow I sat on an exercising equipment used for your legs, but I just sat there, staring at the machine so emotionless and calm. I knew a lot of the people here and I guess you could say we're friends, but I refuse to socialize they want they like.
Top 25 Poster
#71012506Thursday, June 28, 2012 11:09 PM GMT

(Gotta stop changing my mind. FINAL decision, I'm kicking the life power and staying with the shadows. I work best with shadow powers. :3)
#71012512Thursday, June 28, 2012 11:09 PM GMT

Raging Lion "well thanks to those idiots,I can't turn back to my normal look."I clinch my fist and sigh.I was stuck in my armor form for who knows when now .... (Note that Lion can still take damage if enough is dealt,so say a bullet hit him,that would dent him a little,ut if a rocket hit him,it would dent alot.)
#71012617Thursday, June 28, 2012 11:11 PM GMT

Sub-human CS Name: Cassius Fears Ag.e: 37 Gender: M Personality: An intelligent and robot-like man. Also, he is very close to a medieval person. Appearance: Your casual human, with a scar on his left eye and one of his right jaw. His left eye appears to be fog trapped in an eye. He wears a green robe and leather shoes. Power(s): Can understand everything about a machine or piece of technology. This has few fails, but the most usable one is this: It is his only power, and he cannot use it on things as simple as bows, so a bow will not be seen if properly hidden. Also, he can see how humans work. Rank: (Inmate or Convert) Convert. Bio: Cassius was a simple human before he became a sub-human, and didn't know what happened, other than he could see everything about a machine. After this, the A.C. caught up to him, and he gladly joined to assist with their experiments. Cassius' intelligence has kept him alive several times, and his ability to basically read one's mind has assisted him in stopping escapes.
#71012677Thursday, June 28, 2012 11:11 PM GMT

Raging Lion "...." I pick up a metal punching bag and tie it up.I then started to train.
#71012681Thursday, June 28, 2012 11:11 PM GMT

(OK then, here are thou weapons: Heckler & Koch MP5 Franchi SPAS-12 Heckler & Koch MP7 IMI Desert Eagle The MP7 and The DE can be considered secondary weapons because they can both be holstered.)
#71012735Thursday, June 28, 2012 11:12 PM GMT

Jack sat on a chair facing west, talking to some random guy. "So they put the needle in my eye, and took a blood sample from that, CAN YOU BELEIVE THAT? THAT'S AS SICK AS THE HEAD CHOPPING SCENE FROM 300! He wasn't a good actor playing as a dead guy....where was I? OH YEA, GETTING STABBED IN THE EYE! Well I got no scars because it regened and...HEY WHERE ARE YOU WALKING TOO?..jerk..."
#71012974Thursday, June 28, 2012 11:15 PM GMT

Raging Lion "You can't blame them Jack,"I turn my head to look at him."You do talk alot."I go back to punching the metal punching bag.
Top 25 Poster
#71012982Thursday, June 28, 2012 11:15 PM GMT

Angelica I just sat there and stated at the ground, trying to relax from the recent experiment. Nope didn't work. My shoulders were still tense as ever.
#71013174Thursday, June 28, 2012 11:17 PM GMT

[ Tense shoulders. ] [ Following this thread, btw. ]
#71013203Thursday, June 28, 2012 11:17 PM GMT

Jacob I sat on the floor, eyes having a bored look, and started to fiddle with my pistol. Now everyday I get to use it. I hope I never have to use it.
#71013235Thursday, June 28, 2012 11:18 PM GMT

"Hey rocky, decide to not use meat?" Jack said to Lion.
#71013259Thursday, June 28, 2012 11:18 PM GMT

(Jod and Metanate - both accepted. Fine with me, dog-lover.) (Why? Why do I keep forgetting important details?!: Each Inmate wears a chocker than keeps them from using most of their power. They can use a little bit of it, but it drains them out and makes them very tired. After all, if they didn't have the chockers, what would keep them from killing the A.C. and other Inmates?) I, Alice Chest, sat on a wooden chair, isolated in a dark corner, my eyes looking upward as the clear, glass-like, 5-foot thick ceiling. Slowly, I looked down at the other Inmates wandering about. I wasn't the least surprised by their appearances, their powers or their scars. I myself wanted to get up and walk about, but just yesterday my side had been cut open and stitched back up, and I'd been injected with...stuff. So I wasn't really in the condition to move about right now. So, I sat on this little chair, my eyes searching for any weaknesses in the Hole, wishing so much that I could just find one or two Inmates to cooperate with me. But the cameras...they were everywhere.
#71013531Thursday, June 28, 2012 11:21 PM GMT

Raging Lion "Funny,if you haven't notice,my armor power is stuck on, that's why I'm using this!!"I punch the metal bag into a wall.
#71013745Thursday, June 28, 2012 11:23 PM GMT

"Hey, that punching has a life better than us! No need to pick on it....unless it was A.C.....or Julia Roberts.....I didn't like her in that Snow White movie....I thought the original was good...."
Top 25 Poster
#71013765Thursday, June 28, 2012 11:24 PM GMT

Angelica They invaded my privacy too many times and I was sick of it. I was rebellious but I had enough. Enough was enough. I glared down at my choker and sighed. Hmph. Instantly the Hole became dark as though someone turned off the light in a room. Oops.
#71013898Thursday, June 28, 2012 11:26 PM GMT

~Alice Chester~ "Why...why are you people always so loud?" I asked, mostly to myself, but out loud nonetheless. I decision I would probably regret is less than ten seconds. Besides, I already knew the answer: they were insane. Everyone in this Asylum was insane in one way or another. "Another reason why escape is going to be so hard...." I whispered under my breath.
#71014000Thursday, June 28, 2012 11:27 PM GMT

(I wanna join :D) Ashira Tamaki Ag.e: 14 Gen.der: Female Personality: Ashira is a seemingly sweet young girl, one of the younger teens in the Asylum. She always loves to get together with people and enjoys jokes and anything sweet she can get her hands on. She seems much happier than the p.ain and suf.fering around her could allow. Singing is something she likes doing, and you often hear her humming some sort of tune. However, she isn’t always loving like this. In fact, you would turn right around and leave the room if you know how they discovered her power. She doesn’t tell anyone what happened, though. Why would she? She wouldn’t have anyone left. And she doesn’t want that. She is one of the most resistant people there when they come to take her for testing, and has many times hurt a guard or even other inmates in her countless attempts to escape. Something she hates is when you don’t take her seriously. She can be quite intimidating despite her size. Even though she normally seems like a happy-go-lucky girl, some people see that there’s something not quite right in her often blank stares. Trust me. Despite her sweetness and childish look, she wouldn’t hesitate to hurt you if it meant she could get out. Appearance: Ashira is unusually short for her age at only 4’9”. She has a very thin body that clearly shows malnutrition and unkindness. Her legs are long, but her arms are of average length. She has small feet and hands. Her fingers are long and delicate, with ragged nails that she has obviously bitten down. She has a few… twitches, such as often shaking her hands or tilting her head oddly. Her skin is extremely pale, evidence of the many long, horrible years she has spent in the dark cells in the Asylum. She has narrow shoulders and a thin neck. Her torso is very thin and she has a flat stomach, naturally. Her head is heart-shaped and has a lightly pointed chin, with slightly sunken cheeks. Her cheekbones are high and visible, as there isn’t much to hide them. Her lips are cracked and dry, and a natural pinkish shade. She has semi-straight teeth that probably should have had braces, but she never got the chance. They aren’t the most white since she doesn’t get to brush them much. She has a small nose that turns up at the tip. There are no freckles, but there is some acne. Her eyes are unusual, as one is a pale ice-blue and the other is a light green. They are almond-shaped and large, with long dark lashes. Her eyebrows are very pale and not very visible. Her hair is one of the most stunning things on her: it’s pure white. Ashira is an albino. It is around shoulder-length and has short bangs. The whole cut is uneven and choppy, and is obviously not meant for style reasons. Power(s): Ashira has the power to control This means she can cut it like she had a kni.fe. She can also close up the cuts to a point, leaving a scar, but it takes a while to accomplish this. She often get headaches and is tired after much use of her power. One other flaw is that if she can’t see them, she can’t hurt them. If someone covers her eyes, the only strength she has is in her own body. She can also control blo.od to some extent, but she has not gotten good at this power at all. Rank: Inmate Bio: Ashira was born to a Japanese couple who had just moved to America. Neither of them had any powers, and she was an only child. However, her father was unkind to both her and her mother. Her mother took out her anger on Ashira. Ashira was six when she discovered her main power, but she didn’t have much control and accidentally killed both of her parents. Horrified and afraid of the consequences, she escaped into the night and hid on the streets. Occasionally she would practice her powers on innocent bystanders, sometimes unintentionally ki.lling them. It didn’t take the government long to figure out that a sub-human was involved, and they scoured the streets until she was found and kidnapped. They suffered the loss of quite a few guards before they discovered her main weakness, and now they do their best to keep out of her range of vision. Ashira was only seven when she was brought to the Asylum. (I can change her power a bit or add more flaws if you want. Gaa, stupid ROBLOX filters aren't letting me post! So I'm adding quite a few periods.)
#71014005Thursday, June 28, 2012 11:27 PM GMT

#71014125Thursday, June 28, 2012 11:28 PM GMT

Raging Lion I look at Alice,then walk up to her. "Hey,you ok?"I sit on the floor eside her.