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#72300594Friday, July 13, 2012 2:21 PM GMT

I have seen recently that people who have joined recently(in the past 3 months) have been causing trouble on the forums. I have a simple idea: make it so that people who join can't forum for the first few months. This would help everyone be more creative and usefull in the forums. No more trolls would post useless threads. The forums would be essentially cleaned of most problems. Post if you support or not, constructive critisism is accepted. Post ideas!
Forum Moderator
#72300630Friday, July 13, 2012 2:22 PM GMT

No. You cannot judge a person by the date they joined a website.
#72300686Friday, July 13, 2012 2:23 PM GMT

@SCS Exactly. This person XDRONEX keeps bragging about his join date, and it's getting really annoying.
#72300719Friday, July 13, 2012 2:24 PM GMT

XDRONEX, everyone may have his/her idea and share it. What if the player is a forumer on other websites? Not every new player has 0% experience. You know what? *lol lets ignor dis thred*
#72301480Friday, July 13, 2012 2:37 PM GMT

@coolio Stop PAing this guy. @OP Make it a month. 3 months is too long.
#72301501Friday, July 13, 2012 2:38 PM GMT

I agree, they shouldn't let ROBLOX users that just joined this game to post on their first day,or they could add a limit of posts for your first few days like the Minecraft forums do. You must verify your account through your 3-mail and wait 1 day before posting an unlimited amount. Reduces the amount of spam on alts. Also helps my old voting system idea out,i think i suggested this already. I'ma find my old post.
#72301554Friday, July 13, 2012 2:39 PM GMT

a month if way too long,3 days at most.
#72301815Friday, July 13, 2012 2:43 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#72302014Friday, July 13, 2012 2:46 PM GMT

@OP: I feel it should be six months OR give the person the opportunity to take a quiz on the rules for the forum they want to post in at three months. I didn't even know the forums existed until I was a 3 month person. PS: I'm a four year vet today. :D
Forum Moderator
#72302247Friday, July 13, 2012 2:50 PM GMT

@acebatonfan You cannot judge someone based on their join date. What if someone with a doctorate in philosophy joined Roblox? He would find himself not being allowed to use the forums, because, according to this user's suggestion, he would be too "dumb" to do so. This is obviously false, in fact, he'd be more intelligent than almost anyone here. Also, congratulations on being a four year veteran.
#72302357Friday, July 13, 2012 2:52 PM GMT

#72302376Friday, July 13, 2012 2:53 PM GMT

No. You cannot udge a book by its cover. You were new once too.
#72302412Friday, July 13, 2012 2:53 PM GMT

@SCS, What about the 'Hi I'm New' forum?
#72303004Friday, July 13, 2012 3:02 PM GMT

@SC: Yes, there are smart, respectable, people who do forum with minimal ROBLOX experience, but it does feel like a majority of the newer forumers can be considered trolls or severely unintelligent. If ROBLOX were to keep the "one day minimum" foruming age, there should at least be a randomized quiz on general foruming rules and the rules for the forum section you want to post in. Because it is randomized, there will possibly be a lesser chance that people can post answers, but the quiz will also attempt to filter out idiotic suggestions (like the ones described in the WNTS) or impatient trolls.
Forum Moderator
#72303183Friday, July 13, 2012 3:05 PM GMT

@acebatonfan That's an interesting idea. However, my concern is that it may frustrate younger users who don't mean any harm, but would have trouble completing that quiz, and drive them away from the forums, maybe even from Roblox. That may be a good idea to some people, but I don't like that, because I don't like the idea of hurting anyone's feelings, especially younger children. Plus, anything that has the potential of driving Roblox users away has the potential to reduce Roblox's profit.
#72303542Friday, July 13, 2012 3:10 PM GMT

@XDRONE Besides, you're basically saying that everyone who has a roblox account older than 3 months is not a troll. This however is not true.
#72304443Friday, July 13, 2012 3:23 PM GMT

@SCS: Obviously, the quiz won't be that hard. Here's a few example questions I thought up: General Rules: 1. Here at ROBLOX, we have a few simple rules for all the forums. Which of these statements are false? a) You are not allowed to personally attack a person, such as calling them stupid. b) You are not allowed to post repeated, useless messages, such as "hi hi hi hi...." or "asdfg" c) You are allowed to give out your full name or address. Answer: C S&I (Specific forum. Would only appear if you're taking a quiz to post in the S&I forum) 1. Though we gladly accept all suggestions in S&I, there are a few suggestions that we know of and already made a decision on them. These suggestions can be found in the What Not to Suggest sticky at the top of the forum. According to the What Not to Suggest, you should not suggest: a) A new hat b) NBC benefits or removing/adding more BC benefits. c) A new gear Answer: B And, of course, a person can view the forums and not have to take the quiz. They will have to take the quiz when they first post something in that forum section.
#72306909Friday, July 13, 2012 3:56 PM GMT

Although it's a good idea, I would have to suggest the "Hi, I'm new!" forums to be an exception. Other than that, I'm pretty sure you can cover up the already-found loopholes.
Forum Moderator
#72307723Friday, July 13, 2012 4:06 PM GMT

@acebatonfan I think that is a great idea! Just as long as the quiz was kept short, due to the fact that some, though not all younger children may have a short attention span. I think that the quiz should cover as much ground as possible as succinctly and with as few questions as possible. This could hopefully decrease the amount of rule-breaking on the forums, while not frustrating younger children who are also new to the forums. However, I don't think this will stop people who don't care about the rules, and from what I have seen, the majority of the problems on the forums are caused by them.
#72308358Friday, July 13, 2012 4:14 PM GMT

I say there should be a waiting time until they take the test. 3 days, then they take the small test. If they fail, they wait another 3 days, and so on. Don't tell me that there are a lot of smart new joiners. They can wait a few days. If they are smart they would most likely understand.
#72308728Friday, July 13, 2012 4:19 PM GMT

I've joined in 2007 and think this is a horrible idea,....Where will all of the new players go for sources of information? The smart player answers, the forums. Isn't it possible they make wonder just how Gear works? Or maybe they have a question on clans. Forums can provide the answer.
#72308797Friday, July 13, 2012 4:20 PM GMT

They can still read the forums. They just can't post.
#72308950Friday, July 13, 2012 4:22 PM GMT

What if you get banned and make an alt and want to post on the forums but you just joined cause you just made an alt?
#72309157Friday, July 13, 2012 4:24 PM GMT

The answer in C&G is never an active thread. Trust me, I usually C&G forum. 80% is drama and the other 20% is spam. They'll have to ask a question thread to get a legitimate answer.
#72312248Friday, July 13, 2012 5:03 PM GMT

@cubus9 If they just make an alt, then they will not be able to post anything on ROBLOX whatso ever because their account is only 1 day old. -Braeden20-

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