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#72906461Thursday, July 19, 2012 8:35 AM GMT

The sun burns my eyes. Struggling against it, I cover myself with my blanket, hoping that would help. Nope. The sun still burns through the blanket, shining so hard. Getting up, I have once again lost a battle to the sun. Hopefully not tommorow. Streching, my alarm clock buzzes > Bam, the off-button has been slammed by me. Literally 10 more seconds would have won me that battle. Finally, I start my morning routine. Eat dat cereal, brush dem teeth, punch dat window, wait wut. That went by fairly quickly, like all the other times. Oh well, makes me more satisfied. I need to dress as something new, seeing OT getting bored with my arena champion look. Walking in my tanktop and boxxers would be copying my dad, Petrikov. So I go into my room, remembering that box in the corner of it. It came with my 'Monthly OBC' package, so I mightaswell open it with the box opener dad gave me for my 1,000th post. I take it out of my pocket. Oh... It's just a knif e taped to a can-opener... ... This made me laugh. I use the knif e side to cut the tape on the box, and finally open it. Let's see what they sent me. Shiny golden glove arm, what. Bubble gum for ODing, nope. An OBC hard hat, lame. Oh, this looks nice. It's a dark hood with little yellow patterns incorpirated on the sides. Must wear. So I put it on, not pulling the hood over yet. Now in need of some clothes. The closet. Opening it, staring at it. It's a collection of some of Sheeppie's fine work, too bad he stopped making outfits. I put on the slenderman suit, which was his 2nd to last piece of art. Now, all I need is something to cover my face, like I'm some kinda guy from a van. I look at my coathanger which is also in my closet, which is roomy. Someone could live there. Anyway, I look at the wigs and stuff. Then one catches my eye. It's a mask, a comedy mask to be certain. All dusty and used up, it needs a wash. Quickly rinsing the mask, I put it on. Wow, this looks nice. Good thing this mirror came with the house, which we (me and dad) never understood. Finally, I zoom out my camera. Can't have first person all day. I'm in yo house, going down yo stairs. Opening yo front doors. "I'M LEAVING MOM AND DAD!" "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" My dad yells in reply "YOU BETTER HAVE PACKED SAFETY BANANAS!" Scolds biebersmama (my mom, I guess...) My parents aren't marr ied, much less live in the same house. She or he told me a while ago that a giant rock monster actually threw his or her house somewhere, which happened to crush half of ours. And now apparently she or he lives with us, in our mansion. It's complicated, okay? As I take a step outside, something's not right. The sky is red, and the orange clouds are swirling. Big rocks, or meteors, are raining down from the sky, the ground vibrating every 10 seconds. I look around a little more, seeing nothing else supernatural. This must've happened somewhere between this morning and now, since there's also no sun. Then something is making a falling sound, right above my head... Cliff-Hanger ololo END OF EPISODE 1 ~~~~~ DRAMATIC ROLL OUT OF THE WAY. Gracefully rolling out of the way, the meteor lands where I was standing. It missed me by an inch. That was REALLY close. Oh, it also broke the front door... not paying for that. "OH MY! WHAT WAS THAT! FLARESPAWN, ARE YOU OKAY? USE THOSE SAFETY BANANAS I PACKED YOU!" my mom-thing yells after the rumble. "I'M OKAY, THE METEOR DIDN'T HIT ME!" I scream in response. "WHAT METEOR!?" she scolds. Once she starts, there's no stopping her, so I mightaswell investigate the giant rock. It has mini-crators on it, which open up to the core made of molten lava. This scares me for a second. But I have to find out how to stop this, if it's that simple. I look up at the sky, seeing multiple meteors falling. That's not all... I see a giant pirate ship with propellers attached to the masts, with cannons shooting the meteors. There are actually about 5 of them, which just makes this whole thing all the more confusing. I need to squint to get a better view. One of the airships is larger than the other 4, and has a head of some kind of firefox made out of stone in the front of it. They suddenly all stop firing, as though they spotted me and I'm a chosen one they need to k ill. The airships line up behind the main one, which has a cannon slowly coming out of it's mouth. Than the cannon stops extending, and everything goes silent. All I can hear is the distant sound of the propellers on the airships. BOOOOOOOOOM! Some kind of black meteor comes out of the mouth, three times the size of the others. It has sparks traveling quickly and swiftly around it, so it looks like some kinda black hole bomb from some kinda game. The meteor is falling very quickly, at which rateI notice is going to impact the ground at such a force that it will send a slight shockwave coming out of it, so I better get reaady to jump. The ground rumbles like crazy, making me almost lose my balance. The shockwave comes, which I jump over just in time, falling to my stomache. The ground is still slightly shaking from such an impact. In the distance, I can see the bomb wedged into the surface, the sparks travelling around it at light speed. But something intercepts this moment. It's some kind of sound, a sound of a jet. I look up at my left, seeing a jet coming down towards where I am. It swiftly lands. The pilot yells "Get in, now!" "Do I know you?" I scream over the rumbling "No time to explain, but get in or you'll be sucked into a black hole of sorts." he warns. I guess I should get in, along with the other 2 people who are inside. Not much of a choice, either. Getting in, the pilot blasts off while the glass dome closes. Hoping my parents will make it, I realize I'm doubting them. Mom handled a giant rock monster on her own, and dad set a world record for- "THIS MAY BE BUMPY!" the pilot screams, as I look back. The bomb expands into what looks like a black hole, absorbing everything. I see my parents outrunning it, since they got a headstart. I knew I shouldn't of doubted that. And yes, it is bumpy like crazy. Since the black hole is trying to absorb us, and we're counterring it. Lastly, I notice the two passengers in the back, which is a girl with a blue slushie, and a guy with a bandit handkerchief on his face along with a pack of 2 swords. This is going to be one crazy adventure. END OF EPISODE 2 ~~~~~ OT Adventures, by FlareSpawn If you guys enjoyed this, I will start making a third episode. And yes Ara, you are who you wanted to be. Please leave support, auditions, and suggestions below, in the mean time I will try to reply to all of you. tl;dr version: Pls dun spam *Roll End Credits* Director: FlareSpawn Plot Writer: FlareSpawn & Aradicus in a way Dad: Petrikov Mom: Biebersmama Girl with blue slushie: Fundipper Boy with sword pack: calculator73 Author: FlareSpawn Thank you OT, and good night/morning/afternoon.
#72906517Thursday, July 19, 2012 8:37 AM GMT

#72906524Thursday, July 19, 2012 8:38 AM GMT

#72906653Thursday, July 19, 2012 8:42 AM GMT

@Ara 1 positive vote @Petri 1.5 postive votes
#72907297Thursday, July 19, 2012 9:03 AM GMT

So far we have 1 supporter Please read this whole thing and constantly bump it, guys. I worked hard and I don't want this to die. Bump.
#72907312Thursday, July 19, 2012 9:04 AM GMT

#72907317Thursday, July 19, 2012 9:04 AM GMT

Looking forward to the next part.
#72907613Thursday, July 19, 2012 9:15 AM GMT

http://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=649326 Group of OT Adventures :D Now I'm broke lol
#72911037Thursday, July 19, 2012 11:40 AM GMT

Well, I won't say this is the perfect pilot, because you could have made it a little MORE OT related. But its still good.
#72911158Thursday, July 19, 2012 11:44 AM GMT

@Video A name wasn't coming to my mind, honostly this will have little to do with OT. The title just looks kinda nice in peoples minds, and I really enjoy feedback like this. thank you!
#189612671Monday, May 23, 2016 5:14 PM GMT

:D x4

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