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#73652079Thursday, July 26, 2012 9:01 PM GMT

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#73652414Thursday, July 26, 2012 9:03 PM GMT

1.Maybe 2.Yes 3.Yes 4.Yes 5.No 6.No 7.Yes 8.IDK 9.No 10.No
#73652541Thursday, July 26, 2012 9:04 PM GMT

>Texas wins the Big 12 >TCU :D
#73653582Thursday, July 26, 2012 9:13 PM GMT

1. FIU will be the first ever SBC team to be ranked. - Possibly. They look to be a decent team if they can rack off some good wins. 2. USC makes a BCS Bowl. - Yes. As much as I don't like USC and the Pac 12, I think this year with Barkley will be a year of redemption after penalties. 3. Denard finishes in the Top 3 for the Heisman - Yes. I hate Michigan, obviously, but I can't deny the fact that Denard Robinson is a legitimate quarterback in the NCAA. 4. A Non-SEC team will win the Natty. - Possible. Hopefully someone will step up and dethrone the SEC from their winning ways. I could see someone like USC or another high up team knocking them off to win it. 5. Florida State returns to the BCS - Likely. Florida State has been on the edge for the past couple years. This might be a year they make it back. 6. Texas wins the Big 12 - Probably not. The Big 12 is highly competitive with teams like Oklahoma State, Oklahoma, and TCU. TCU has obviously emerged as a good team in the past five years, and I expect them to continue their run and improve more. 7. Rutgers goes to a bowl with a new coach - Yes. I don't really have any reasoning behind this, but I have a feeling they'll get in. 8. WAC will announce themselves as disbanding this year - Don't know. I don't really have any knowledge about this. 9. Georgia fires their coach - Don't know. Same as above. 10. An FCS team will beat an FBS team this year - Yes. It happens every year, and I think it will again this year.
#73662497Thursday, July 26, 2012 10:41 PM GMT

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#73662579Thursday, July 26, 2012 10:42 PM GMT

11. Arizona State will win the territorial cup this year
Top 100 Poster
#73664563Thursday, July 26, 2012 11:02 PM GMT

1. FIU will not be ranked. For a SBC team to be ranked, they have to go 12-0 or MAYBE 11-1. Duke, UCF, and Louisville are no pushovers. 2. USC will definitely make a BCS bowl if Silas Redd transfers from Penn State. 3. Denard threw the most interceptions in the Big Ten last season. That HAS to improve. 4. Hmm...I just might agree with this. 5. I think they will be back in a BCS bowl, with 9 starters returning on a defense that allowed just 15.1 points per game. 6. No no no no no no. Texas won't win the Big 12. 7. Definitely. If Schiano had returned, Rutgers would've been the Big East favorite, and they still have a chance. 8. Uh...Not much knowledge on this so I won't put my thoughts in. 9. Georgia will DEFINITELY not fire Mark Richt. 10. Could happen. It usually does. An FCS team MIGHT beat an FBS team.
#73664705Thursday, July 26, 2012 11:03 PM GMT

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Top 100 Poster
#73664786Thursday, July 26, 2012 11:04 PM GMT

At 3-0? o_e that's just sad @ voters
#73664975Thursday, July 26, 2012 11:06 PM GMT

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#73665030Thursday, July 26, 2012 11:07 PM GMT

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#73665271Thursday, July 26, 2012 11:09 PM GMT

utah sucks
Top 100 Poster
#73665390Thursday, July 26, 2012 11:10 PM GMT

#73665707Thursday, July 26, 2012 11:14 PM GMT

FIU will choke and lose some of those "Easy Game" if you look at the past small schools that recieved votes/were close to cracking the top 25 they normally choke as usual. Happens every year.
#73667236Thursday, July 26, 2012 11:32 PM GMT

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#73667330Thursday, July 26, 2012 11:33 PM GMT

georgia tech hasn't won a bowl game since 2004, despite having a top 5 rushing offence since 2008
#73669465Thursday, July 26, 2012 11:56 PM GMT

Fiu will be probably 23 24 or 25 DENARD ALL THE WAY
#73669811Thursday, July 26, 2012 11:59 PM GMT

USC wins BCS Bowl (NC). Utah, is actually kinda good and they have a great D-Line. I mean USC blocked their game tying FG last year. Utah will probably go 9-4 and go to the poinsettia bowl or something
#73670027Friday, July 27, 2012 12:01 AM GMT

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#73670275Friday, July 27, 2012 12:03 AM GMT

How bout the Wolveriens of Michigan
#73670450Friday, July 27, 2012 12:04 AM GMT

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#73670803Friday, July 27, 2012 12:07 AM GMT

Michigan probably will get the rose bowl or Cotton or some BCS Bowl
#73743077Friday, July 27, 2012 6:28 PM GMT

Yeah they probably will beat Notre Dame Ohio State and MSU
#73744581Friday, July 27, 2012 6:44 PM GMT

1. FIU will be the first ever SBC team to be ranked. No 2. USC makes a BCS Bowl. Yes 3. Denard finishes in the Top 3 for the Heisman No 4. A Non-SEC team will win the Natty. No 5. Florida State returns to the BCS No 6. Texas wins the Big 12 No 7. Rutgers goes to a bowl with a new coach Possibly 8. WAC will announce themselves as disbanding this year No 9. Georgia fires their coach No 10. An FCS team will beat an FBS team this year Why not

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