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#73663244Thursday, July 26, 2012 10:49 PM GMT

○Rising To Feed○ ○CONTENTS○ 1. Special Thanks 2. Notes 3. Story/Plotline 4. Setting and time 5.Character/creature info A. Humans B. Y-KL64's 6.Destruction A. Destroyed ares B. Invaded areas C.Threatened Areas D. Shelter 7. Rules 8. Character sheets ○SPECIAL THANKS○ I thank Exo, paintballlslag, and DawnOfWarfan22 for helping me with this idea. ○NOTES○ -This roleplay IS, in fact, based around E.T.'s. -It is required you read everything, I don't care how long it is =.= -Administrators will be selected later ○STORY/PLOTLINE○ The moment the planet of Earth had been waiting for, anticipating, throughout the 60's. Then, on July 21st, 1969, at 2:56 UTC time, it happened. Neil Armstrong stepped onto the Earth's moon, Luna. Cheers erupted at NASA and people all of the world jumped with joy. Little did anyone know that Neil had stepped onto a nearly microschopic hole, where a pack of seven microschopic creatures had burrowed, still babies. Normally, they woul come up every few years to feed on the moon's sand, which contained the vitamins they needed to survive... but when the American astronaut stepped there, particles of the moon sand dripped down the hole, into the deep portions of moon, where the creatures burrowed. The creatures, now awaken from their slumber, became fairly angry, and swiftly climbed out of the hole, latching on to Neil's leg, unaware to him. The rest of the mission on the moon went by smoothly, but as Neil re-boarded Appollo 11, the creatures hooked on the interior of the ship, taking a ride back to Earth... ◘1972◘ It's been three years, and the creatures haven't been discovered by anyone- except the American government. The minerals found in the dirt in northern California area had the same mineral in which they fed on, yet so little it was unable to be noticed by humans. The creatures swam all the way from the splashdown landing site in the Pacific ocean, where Apollo landed. They finished their burrowing in this area until they rose to feed on March 9, 1972- repopulated and fully grown. At this point, there were at least 53 creatures. They fed on the mineral in the outskirts of the small town of Greenville, California. Soon, they adapted- there was not enough mineral to eat. They went on to the only other thing they thought to feed on- the humans of Greenville. The government kept this secret for a long time- until October 1972, they then realized the creatures- named Y-KL64 - had rapidly evolved into creatures that raided town by town, destroying it to find and feed on all humans. The government then released the truth- aliens. Still, not even the government knew where they came from. Most speculated they followed Neil Armstrong in their own ship, which is also the closest speculation to the truth. Now, most of North and Central America has been looted, and the survivors have to well, survive. ○SETTING AND TIME○ Your character can be anywhere in North or Central America, and they begin date isthe afternoon of November 7th, 1972. ○CHARACTER/CREATURE INFO○ ◘Humans◘ Most children, teens, and elderly have died off. Most humans have somehow been eroded-whether it be emotionally (Family member, friend died, seen devastation, etc.) or physically (Broken bone, sore feet, etc.) ◘Creatures◘ They're appearance is a pitch black skin, large, circular eyes that are a bright grey, yet have no pupils.They are extremely muscular and tall, and they have a hidden weak spot... They have a keen sense of hearing and smell, and average eyesight. ○DESTRUCTION○ ◘Destroyed areas◘ All of North California, All of Oregon, Washington, and Vancouver Island are devastated. Also, Reno, Nevada, and the surrounding area are comepletely destroyed. Many small towns that are not close to a larger city or area of power (i.e. state capitol) have been destroyed. All across North, Central America. ◘Invaded Areas◘ Invaded areas are areas where the E.T.s are abundant, and in the process of feeding. Most of America, wwest to central Canada, and all of Central America. ◘Threatened Areas◘ Threatened areas are areas in which the creature is nearby, and humans have mostly left. These areas are near threatened areas (East Canada, Boston, MA, etc.) ◘Shelter◘ Shelter is a protected area where few creatures run and humans are abundant. It is safer, but more confined and low on food and water. The only shelters are Washington D.C, Pittsburg, Nashville, Tampa, Toronto, Mexico City, and Quebec. ○RULES○ -Normal forum rules -NO ROMANCE WHATSOEVER -Keep cursing minimal -No 'I shoot at a creature until I find the weak spot and kill it' -I would like minimal people to be at 'shelters' -What I say goes ○CHARACTER SHEETS○ Name: A.ge: Gender: Appearance: Location: Strengths(1-2): Weaknesses(3+): Inventory(Food, batteries, wood, etc. Not too much): Weapon(Clubs, butcher knife, nothing too extreme): Biography: Personality: Other: ◘Remember to have fun◘
#73664207Thursday, July 26, 2012 10:58 PM GMT

#73664561Thursday, July 26, 2012 11:02 PM GMT

( I like, original, I might join.)
#73665287Thursday, July 26, 2012 11:09 PM GMT

~Thoughts~ Well written, clearly reveals great skills hidden within the words. I am greatly amused by this roleplay and even though I am part of a couple other roleplays I will be participating in this roleplay. Great plot and information as well. ~Overall~ Well thought out, perfect grammar and spelling, good ideas, plot, and information. ~Rating~ 9.7/10
#73665431Thursday, July 26, 2012 11:11 PM GMT

Thank you, CreativeMystery, I do feel this is one of my better RP's, and it took me 2 hours to do research on the moon, Apollo 11, and Neil Armstrong, and write this. I worked very hard...
#73665504Thursday, July 26, 2012 11:12 PM GMT

I can tell.
#73665830Thursday, July 26, 2012 11:15 PM GMT

Joining :D
#73666167Thursday, July 26, 2012 11:19 PM GMT

Wow, I like it. I agree completely with Creative, although I would like to know what the character's objective is? Is it to simply survive? Destroy the aliens? Find out a way to get rid of them?
#73666274Thursday, July 26, 2012 11:20 PM GMT

Name: Lincoln Evergreen A.ge: 19 Gender: Male Appearance: Long and uncombed whitish blonde hair. Has light grey eyes with a tan complexion. Is estimated about 6'2 and is thin. Wears extremely baggy blue jeans and a white t-shirt with a red and black plaid button-up shirt over the white t-shirt. He is commonly barefoot. Location: New Orleans, LA Strengths(1-2): Kind-Hearted, "One-with-Earth" Weaknesses(3+): Non-Violent, A bit DIM, Against conforming/ rules Inventory(Food, batteries, wood, etc. Not too much): A guitar tied to his back. Weapon(Clubs, butcher knife, nothing too extreme): Against Violence Biography: Was raised in New Orleans by his mother and father who are strongly devoted to Republicanism and Christianity. Around the age of 12 he became a "hippy" and a vegetarian. He is known around town as a bum. He is embarrassing to his family but loved. Personality: Peaceful, All-Loving, Dim Other: Nope.
#73666902Thursday, July 26, 2012 11:28 PM GMT

... I didn't mean to offend anybody, or to make everybody suddenly shut up. I was just asking...
#73667593Thursday, July 26, 2012 11:36 PM GMT

○CHARACTER SHEETS○ Name: Calix Dare A.ge:22 Gender:Male Appearance:Calix has medium length dirty blond hair that ends with a slight curl, but is otherwise straight. He has an average build, and stands at 5"8. He is skinny, and has fair skin with freckles dotting his face every now and then. His eyes are rounded, and an Irish green colour. He wears a plain grey V-neck that is ripped across the stomach, faded jeans wih many tears, and red Chucks. He has a scar running down his left arm. Location:In the remains of a hotel in Dallas, Texas, in a mostly intact room on the fourth floor, where he is camping out, the windows and door barricaded Strengths(1-2): Calix is very stealthy, and can pick locks Weaknesses(3+):He is very hot-headed, kind of a coward, and has no idea how to use a knife. Inventory(Food, batteries, wood, etc. Not too much):In his back pocket is a wallet with a few crumpled dollars, a drivers liscense in which he picks locks with, in his backpack he has food and supplies he's found- a half empty bottle of water, a box of uncooked macoroni, a small box of mostly crushed chips, a small bucket, and a wadded up hoodie that he wears when cold. Weapon(Clubs, butcher knife, nothing too extreme): His weapon isn't that good. It is just a small peice of a 2x4. Biography: Calix grew up in Alaska, but moved to Dallas at the a.ge of 9. He and his single father lived happily in a downtown apartment, until the E.T.s came. His fathers was dead, for he had kicked Calix out before going on a buisness trip in Washington, where he was harvested. Calix abandoned the apartment after the first few floors of the building became unstable and set up in the hotel. He is emotionally and physically scarred. Personality: Calix, as mentioned before, is hot heated and a coward. He is also fairly shy, he is hydrophobic and arachniphobic. He is fairly friendly once you know him. He also has a soft spot for young children, dogs, and the weak and fragile. Other:N/A
#73667761Thursday, July 26, 2012 11:38 PM GMT

(@Creative Accepted @Blue Depends on the character...)
#73669482Thursday, July 26, 2012 11:56 PM GMT

#73669842Thursday, July 26, 2012 11:59 PM GMT

Question. Well 2 questions. 1: Is there a limit to characters? 2. Is their an age minimum?
#73669936Friday, July 27, 2012 12:00 AM GMT

(Fair enough.) Name: Selene Tronic @ge: 21 Gender: Female Appearance: Jet black hair that falls over her left eye. Her eyes are a dark blue, and her skin is pale, despite living in the sunshine state. Location: Tampa Strengths(1-2): Stealthy and agile Weaknesses(3+): She has a freaky fear of fire. In a fight she doesn't have the upper hand in strength, mostly relying on dodging. She is afraid of snakes and spiders. Inventory(Food, batteries, wood, etc. Not too much): A backpack with a thermos, matches, some crackers, and a book on edible plants. In her pocket she carries a picture of her family. Weapon(Clubs, butcher knife, nothing too extreme): A kitchen knife, small but sharp and deadly. Biography: To be revealed. Personality: She's usually rude and says what's on her mind, no matter how cruel or mean. She's got one heck of a temper and gets into fights more often then not. Other: She's sworn to exterminate the aliens because they kills her whole family.
#73670770Friday, July 27, 2012 12:07 AM GMT

(@Ranger 2 character limit for now Minimum is 17
#73670868Friday, July 27, 2012 12:08 AM GMT

(@Blue More appearance please)
#73671195Friday, July 27, 2012 12:11 AM GMT

(Really nice role-play, I can tell it took a long time.) Name: Jack Nacker A.ge: 21 Gender: Male Appearance: Black hair, green highlights around the scalp, wavy hair, hair up to half of his neck, blue eyes, white, tan, white teeth, scar on fore head, white v-neck shirt, ripped jeans, dirty shoes, white nike shoes, strong, six pack 200 pounds, and 5 12' Location:New Orleans, LA Strengths(1-2): I'm strong and I have good target. Weaknesses(3+): Short temper, shy, and is clumsy. Inventory(Food, batteries, wood, etc. Not too much): Some "Classic Lays Chips (c)" and a bottle of B e e r in my hand. Weapon(Clubs, butcher knife, nothing too extreme): A Pistol with a few amo clips in my pocket. Biography: I had a good childhood. I was home-schooled. I had one friend who was a cool guy, his name was Fernando. He was kidnapped when I was 16 though. Then two years later he was found dead. That was when my life started to go down. My dad loss his job. My Mom was stay at home. We were running out of money. Now in present time my parents died two weeks ago, God rest they're soul. I work at a gun shop. As soon as I have enough money to help them pay they're rent, they we're killed. Now present time I woke up and found my Boss dead. I grabbed a pistol and took off. Personality: Short tempered, shy, clusmy. Other:N/A
#73671308Friday, July 27, 2012 12:12 AM GMT

(Changed my Location to Texas)
#73671419Friday, July 27, 2012 12:13 AM GMT

Aw come on. I wanted to make 2 characters that are siblings. One would be older and the other would be like 14 D: Is it possible I can do that if they stay with the other character so it makes sense why they may have survived.
#73671666Friday, July 27, 2012 12:15 AM GMT

Name: Niklause Kophleck A.ge:13 Gender:M Appearance:Black hair, Black eyes, all Black clothes, 5'11 Location:A house he has fortified,Atlanta,GA Strengths: Fast, Clever Weaknesses:Young, Slightly Weak, Half insane Inventory: A box of matches, a small pocketknife, 5 MREs Weapon: Old Hunting Rifle, 50 rounds Biography: Niklause is from Germany, he moved to America when he was about fifteen. His father was in the military and was a hunter in his spare time. When the Creatures came he found the MREs and the rifle. He almost lost his mind from the stress. He so far has been looting food from the house and surrounding ouse to conserve the MREs. Personality: Kind, shy, good with animals Other: He has a Great Dane who follows him around.
#73671822Friday, July 27, 2012 12:16 AM GMT

Oh sorry, is ok if I keep my character's age? that post you made came up whilst I was typing.
#73671917Friday, July 27, 2012 12:17 AM GMT

(Eh, I guess thats a good exeption. Sure. @Lego Accepted... but where in Texas? Dallas?
#73672104Friday, July 27, 2012 12:18 AM GMT

(@Nick you need to change your age and put more appearance.)
#73672187Friday, July 27, 2012 12:18 AM GMT

Thank you thank you thank you! :D Now to make my characters. It may take a while due to weaknessess and strengths.

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