#73881759Sunday, July 29, 2012 12:22 AM GMT

That's amazing. Don't listen to what I said. Listen to that guy.
#73885659Sunday, July 29, 2012 1:03 AM GMT

1. Add bullet drop on snipers. 2. cars. 3. siliencers. 4. crouch or crawl to reduce agro 5. Auto position save each 10 minutes.
#73889903Sunday, July 29, 2012 1:53 AM GMT

i think you should add cars and bikes and stuff for some better transport then walking and the cars can runover survivors and zombies im sure you can make that and i also want you to make a sleep button i mean like everyone needs sleep to survive. anyway thats all im asking for bye
#73890631Sunday, July 29, 2012 2:01 AM GMT

ok the girl i like wants seasons in the game so please do a bro a solid and ad seasons like winter and fog ohh and make kin a big city with apartmant buildings
#73892280Sunday, July 29, 2012 2:21 AM GMT

Temperature, Now we have firewood so now what about temperature changes over 60 degrees=instant death(death animation:ragdolldeath) 50-59 degrees=speedy loss of thirst(death animation:same as above) 19-1 degrees=speedy loss of hunger(death animation:same as above) below 0 degrees=instant death(death animation:Turning to ice) there will be no thermometer gui just a gui how chilly/warm your character feels it will be somewhere on the left of the ammo gui 50-59 degrees:Burning hot=slowed movement,hazy vision,panting and loosing 2% thirst per second 40-49 degrees:Getting hot=loosing 1% thirst per 1.5 seconds 36-39 degrees:warm but comfortable=normal loss of thirst and hunger 31-35 degrees:chilly but comfortable=same with warm 20-30 degrees:Cold=same with Getting hot but with hunger instead 19-1 degrees:Freezing=Slowed movement,foggy vision,breathing fast and shivering and loosing 2% Hunger per second What increases temperature 1.Near Fires 2.Eating 3.Blood Transfusions 4.Being in Small Windowless Rooms 5.Day time 6.Moving(only when cold/Freezing) 7.Firing your gun What decreases temperature 1.Drinking 2.Night time 3.Staying still(only when burning hot/getting hot)
#73897224Sunday, July 29, 2012 3:20 AM GMT

#73897757Sunday, July 29, 2012 3:26 AM GMT

Really, dont do PVP. It's just unfair and it ruins the experience. If you do do pvp, at least make players who die from other players keep their items. Cos it's really annoying when one guy kills us all and we have to get all our weapons and food again.
#73897979Sunday, July 29, 2012 3:28 AM GMT

also, if all of this is ignored, at least place bullet proof vests and helmets that make you invulnerable to bullets. Because it really sucks when you get sniped
#73898459Sunday, July 29, 2012 3:33 AM GMT

make zombies slower! Read the Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks. Ifyou read it, you will learn that zombies are very slow and cannot run. If shoudl also be that they dont do damage on touch, because maybe you push them back, maybe you put your pistols muzzle to its head and fire, maybe you blow it back with a shotgun blast. Maybe...you punch it in the face. The reason i say dont make zombie damage instant is because melee weapons becoem obsolete. Really, i have seen people say a loaded shotgun is better than a crowbar. A TWO ROUND SHOTGUN. Thats because melee is so underpowered and zombies are so overpowered. Say NPVP i\posters if you agree with no pvp
#73899591Sunday, July 29, 2012 3:45 AM GMT

How about we add a crafting and a sea like if you have firewood and matches and maybe add sticks craft them into a torch
#73899963Sunday, July 29, 2012 3:49 AM GMT

A heli-pad at the Miltary air base with a helicopter that can be flown (fuel cans scattered around the map mostly by the air bases) Helicopter health so it can be shot out of the sky. One at the miltary base (Aka a apache or something on the lines of that) With guns welded to the side guns over heat and run out of ammo, Ammo for thoughs weapons are rarer than Mk48 ammo (preventing abuse) One at the Commerical air base No weapons just for transportation.
#73900430Sunday, July 29, 2012 3:54 AM GMT

A sewer system. Filled with greenish murky water. Zombies (Zeds) can still spawn in there. Maybe even.. a sewer gator! (Just a nice little touch you know?) ~Love it~
#73900735Sunday, July 29, 2012 3:57 AM GMT

Alright, This idea i've been hearing in literally 80% of every server I go in. There should be flash lights! They run on battery the battery life can last a few days (which ever many you decide) Once the flash light dies you need to find new batterys and replace them, Old batterys just disappear or need to be dropped (Yet again your choice.) ~Do the Boogy Man dance~
#73900960Sunday, July 29, 2012 4:00 AM GMT

How bout rain? if it rains your thirst should rise 20% or 10 %
#73900975Sunday, July 29, 2012 4:00 AM GMT

@Last post about flash lights Forgot to mention you could use a lantern in stead it dosn't need batterys just needs to be lit. (Replaces hand-gun slot due to the fact it needs to be held, Flashlights can be attached to a belt loop on pants so it dosn't take up a gun slot.)
#73901205Sunday, July 29, 2012 4:02 AM GMT

@EnterBoringNameHere Weather: Rain, Snow, Brighter days, Eclipses (once per server), meteor showers. Yet another nice feature.
#73902034Sunday, July 29, 2012 4:11 AM GMT

Map development. A new city (The name is up to you) Tall buildings like sky scrapers. A gun shot (Locked needs a lock pick or a crowbar) Parking lots in front of main stream stores/malls for example Wall-Mart (looted very limited selection of items left.) A tall building at the citys core (if that would take to long I know a person capable of building tall structures.) A few schools. A bar or some kind of restaurant. Then finally the community like neighbour-hoods.
#73902432Sunday, July 29, 2012 4:16 AM GMT

@Post about weather Lighting storms and natural disasters (exetremely rare) Disasters "Tornado, Earth quake, (tsumani (Dos'nt effect whole map) if you ever add a ocean side town/city/or village) Feel free to edit or enhance (or even ignore) any of these features for I don't mind at all. ~Don't you dare point that cupcake at my eye it's dangerous~
#73905123Sunday, July 29, 2012 4:46 AM GMT

Let the characters have there own clothes or a choice of clothing set's
#73905515Sunday, July 29, 2012 4:50 AM GMT

Zombies deal way too much damage for the tiny amount of health we have on roblox compared to DAYZ, so zombies need to do both far less damage and do it slower. Ammunition should also be more plentiful, and shotgun shells need to take up less space, perhaps have stacks of ten rather than stacks of two. Melee should either be viable or nonexistent. Gun resposiveness needs to be tweaked, all too often i feel like i can just wave my crosshair and shout "Headacus explodicus!" and not have to use ammo. guns that appear to be useful for long range, should actually have a long range. Bandit masks should go away after a while. Zombies need to have a shorter sensory range, if you dont have ninja, the whole town gets arggo'd to you the moment you shoot one. hunger and thirst deplete WAY too fast, if you don't take survivalist, you starve and dehydrate much faster than you should.
#73906348Sunday, July 29, 2012 4:59 AM GMT

You should add a Helmet feature you know when they join they choose there vest hair etc etc... Well why not give them the option if they should wear a hat? Like a cap or a Army helmet, etc etc. or a Beret. Just a suggestion.
#73909188Sunday, July 29, 2012 5:39 AM GMT

How about a jet pack that Has limited fuel and you need to find more????
#73910331Sunday, July 29, 2012 5:58 AM GMT

A few of, in my opinion, super legit ideas. Wait for it... Wait for it... GRENADES. Best part about DayZ: Getting lots of zombies confused, then blowing them all up. Pure bliss. Also, a way to lose zombie aggro. Whether it be throwable tin cans, or simply running in a building, need a way to lose aggro. It would simply be realistic, and would give you a chance to run away if you've run out of ammo. Or you could flip it on its head, and use it to draw out all the zombies in kin. You could then throw the before-mentioned grenade and kill them all. :(D) Increase spawn rate of animals. I know the mod has very little animals, but that is, I believe, a great flaw. It takes a lot of effort to get both firewood, matches and a place to cook, without having to worry about whether you can get back with food in time before it despawns. Knockback on weapons. A must have for any kind of realism to gunfights. With my MK, I can simply point in a bandit's general direction and I will here that sweet ROBLOX "Ooof" of doom. It's too easy! Also, make MK ammo less rare. I feel like it's just for show now, as I don't dare to use it unless I'm in dire need.
#73910700Sunday, July 29, 2012 6:06 AM GMT

Oops, forgot to mention: Add wounds on the zombies. I c wut u did thar, in terms of the zombies not being green, but without some kind of wound or something they just look like angry people. Nothing special, just a couple of decals on their body/head.
#73911349Sunday, July 29, 2012 6:21 AM GMT

needs to add pump action shotgun. IMPORTANT: it does not shoot the double barrel ammo keep the the double barrel bullets green and rename them 12 gauge and show that they are for the double barrel in the scroll over description but add red bulllets and name them 20 gauge (NOTE: the 20 guage is smaller than the 12 guage) and make the clip size 6 or how ever big the pump actions clip is. Also make sure that the pump action has a weaker damage than the double barrel since it has a bigger clip size and shoots smaller ammo. make sure the pump action has similar rate of fire to the mosan-nagasn rifle (sorry i dont know how to spell the rifle) and since it has to have the bullets put in one at a time make sure it has to reload one bullet at a time unlike any other gun in the game and make sure the player can stop the reloading on the bullet its on by shooting Example: the clip can hold Six bullets but if it is at 3 out of six bullets on the clip the player can fire it can cancel the reload as well as fire the gun at the same time