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#73934396Sunday, July 29, 2012 4:10 PM GMT

-RP story line- You look around, rapidly, your on a boat, a large sea boat. You then realise that you are in a rusty, cage, about the size of a cardboard box.In a room, it's dark and you can just about make out other cages. There are people around you, asleep. You shout, "HELLO!? Anyone..?" You wait a few minutes. You keep looking behind you, around you. Nothing. Then almost suddenly you hear a faint "Hi.." You ask what's happened, they explain that you must of got captured, as how everyone else did. You manage to escape from the cage, you have no other choice then to jump through the hole big enough to climb through. You don't realise how deep the sea is, you jump. You wake up, you find yourself stranded on an island, just a little from the shore. You try to stand up, but you cant, your hurt, you start coughing. "cough, cough" a mouth full of water, comes up and you spit it to the ground. Your on this island all alone, until you meet others.. What will you do to get out, how will you live? It all starts here. Rules# : #1 - No OD'ing, no romance. #2 - Do not troll. #3 - Follow the basic roblox rules. #4 - Grammar, try your best to use, punctuation and capitalisation. Please complete this below, if you are going to participate in this RP. Name: @ge: Personality: How do you look? : Height: Pets : (No more than one small pet. i.e, monkey, parrot, small dog, etc. Thank you. Please excuse me if this is not very good.
#73934772Sunday, July 29, 2012 4:15 PM GMT

Rating: Depth: 1/5 (not long at all) Plot: 4/5 (intresting plot) CS: 4/5 (good CS) Originality: 4/5 (pretty original) Detail: 3/5 (normal detail) Total: 16/25
#73936459Sunday, July 29, 2012 4:39 PM GMT

(hmmmmm.....seems this forum still has it's touch..............)
#73936717Sunday, July 29, 2012 4:42 PM GMT

Thank you, Teaser. Also, Starlilynight, what do you mean?
#73936776Sunday, July 29, 2012 4:43 PM GMT

Name: Kat @ge: 16 Personality: Smart, Cheeky. How do you look? : Slightly scruffy. Kat has a bunch of faded clothes. Height: Unknown. Slightly tall. Pets: Young wolf-like husky. Husky is called Wolf because of his wolf-ish nature. Quite playful sometimes.
#73936879Sunday, July 29, 2012 4:45 PM GMT

(this forum was the first one i posted in, and then i moved on. then i decided to come back, for my love of RPing came back. and i can still see there is good RP's here..........)
#73937179Sunday, July 29, 2012 4:49 PM GMT

Kat watched Wolf play in the sea, snapping at the waves. She was sitting on the beach, staring at the horizon. Somehow she got here so somehow she will get out. Wolf whined at her but she ignored, too busy thinking. She hasn't met anyone yet. She needed to find shelter, and have something to eat, even if it was poisonous. Kat drew something in the sand then got up. She whistled at Wolf then walked towards the trees.
#74949329Wednesday, August 08, 2012 4:02 PM GMT

I got up, feeling a little dazed. All I saw were large tree's, slightly drifting in the wind's breeze, I slowly started to pull my self up. "Ow!" I muttered, as I felt a large cut, on my arm. I stood up, looked out to sea, nothing. All I could see was sea, all around, unless I looked straight ahead, which appeared to be the trees, and nature. A small wave, came in and wet my toes, it felt good, but stung a little, as I had a few scratches here and there on my feet. "HELLO!?" I shouted, I waited, and walked towards the tree's. -(Also, people feel free, to join throughout, also following the set rules and filling out the info box.)
#74950352Wednesday, August 08, 2012 4:14 PM GMT

Hope you don't mind I edited the CS to my likings. Name: Owen Shorts A.ge: 20 Gender: Female Personality: Owen is an independent young woman who keeps to herself. She only bothers to talk to one if it will benefit herself. How do you look?: Owen is 5'8 and average weight, light skin. She has short black hair that ends just below her ear, and hazel eyes. Pets: AISDAJIODAIOJO None. WH4T NOW?/
#74951091Wednesday, August 08, 2012 4:23 PM GMT

Name: Scarlet Genet @ge: 16 Personality: Scarlet is a somewhat quiet, childish teen. How do you look? : Scarlet is skinny and short. She has ivory skin and black hair that has a bit of a reddish tint. Her hair is extremely curly and falls down to her waist. She also has pale, icy blue eyes. Height: She doesn't exactly know. She is short though. Pets : (No more than one small pet. i.e, monkey, parrot, small dog, etc.
#74951183Wednesday, August 08, 2012 4:24 PM GMT

Pets: A small puppy she named Jynx.
#74952566Wednesday, August 08, 2012 4:39 PM GMT

(I edited my cs, also, Uber, where is your CS?) Name: Joseph Lordeth /-\ge: 21 Personality: Trusting, brave, strong, stays out of the crowd, and he is British. How do you look? : He is 5 10', and 200 pounds. He is also pretty strong and wears a ripped white shirt, and black ripped jeans, barefoot though. He is white, yet tan. He has white teeth and blue eyes. His hair is dirty blond and is shaggy. It is up to his neck. Also, a scar on his right arm from his elbow to his palm and it's bleeding. Bio: He grew up in England. When he was 10 his Mom died in a Car accident. His Mom died but Joseph lived, although he was in the hospital for 5 days. At the age of 15 him and his father moved to Florida. Once he was 18 he went to collage and He graduated 4 years later. Pets : A brown puppy.
#74956214Wednesday, August 08, 2012 5:20 PM GMT

Forgot mine, tee hee~ Name: Oai hanke /-\ge: 19 Personality: Shy, very mature and speaks older than she looks, japanese, yet she's lived in England all her life. Bio: She grew up in England, with her parents, her Mum died when she was 14, and her Dad died also when he was 16, she got put into care, then moved onto living by her-self in a small, flat. How do you look? : Petite, long black hair, with a full fringe, bright pink cheeks, Japanese, wear's blue skinny jeans and a baggy shirt, blue eyes. Pets: None.
#74956346Wednesday, August 08, 2012 5:21 PM GMT

Also, carry on from where I started, please.
#74956389Wednesday, August 08, 2012 5:22 PM GMT

You need to go easy on your commas. Every time you put one in the plot I kept pausing and it just makes it very unpleasant to read. It gets annoying, just a minor thing. ~Arikai67/robloxunit1
#74957058Wednesday, August 08, 2012 5:29 PM GMT

Name: Lucy Eben Ag3: 20 Personality: Quiet and Shy but talkative at Times How do you look? : Long Brown hair (Stops above waist), Short bangs, Brown Eyes, 5'7, 118lbs, Average Build, Scar across right eye. Black torn Jacket, Black Tank top, Jeans torn at the bottom and knee, Black Cut off Gloves. Pets: Monkey named Yimi. Bio: When she was six her parents moved to Colombia and she grew up most of her life there. Her parents were always too busy to care for her, most of the time she was wandering around the streets since no one was ever home. She eventually found Yimi in which they became friends despite that fact Yimi was a monkey. Eventually she got a job and moved out of her parents house at finally managed to 'start her life'.
#74957870Wednesday, August 08, 2012 5:39 PM GMT

Alright. Start, like from when you woke up.
#74958738Wednesday, August 08, 2012 5:49 PM GMT

Lucy I woke up, a bit dazed. I squinted as my vision to adjust. I saw nothing but the sky. In a quick attempt to sit up I jerked back onto the sand. A pain surged from the back of my head. I felt around in the area and figured I had gotten hit hard. I slowly sat up and finally got to see my surroundings. I was on the edge of a beach, the tide coming up and colliding with me. Beyond there was a thick jungle, cramped together with trees of all sorts. I slowly stood up, looking to my sides in an attempt to see if anyone else was around. But from where I stood there was no one. I sighed. How did I get myself into this mess?
#75048688Thursday, August 09, 2012 2:01 PM GMT

As I headed towards the tree's, I tripped onto the hard ground, "Ouch" I scowled and slowly pulled myself together and stood up, I carried on walking. As I got closer to the tree's I looked behind, to look at the sea but there all I could see was the sea.I gazed into the horizon, and then noticed a movement, on the sand. Suddenly I jumped back, shocked, there was a person! I slow stepped forward, I seemed to make out a small figure, a girl, she had brown hair I walked some more steps, and stood, and stared. I was not alone.
#75051141Thursday, August 09, 2012 2:39 PM GMT

Joseph I walk up on a beach. I notice my arm is bleeding. "What the hell happened?" I ask to myself. I see two girls. I try to get up. "Ow" I say once I put pressure on my bleeding arm.
#75051605Thursday, August 09, 2012 2:46 PM GMT

Lucy I hear a familiar noise. I look around the treetops when suddenly Yimi jumps from one and lands in front of me. He appears frightened of something he saw in there. He climbs up onto my shoulder and stands as if using me as a shield. I shake my head and start walking down the beach. Maybe I could find something in the water, possibly crates full of supplies. Or just random junk. One way or another it might help.
#75063502Thursday, August 09, 2012 5:09 PM GMT

After looking at the figure for a while, I start to walk towards her, "Hey, wait up, please.." I try to shout, but it was faint, my throat was dry and getting dryer by the minute, I needed water. I start hobbling towards her, maybe she can help me. I stop by her. "Hello.." I say in a shy voice.
#75063759Thursday, August 09, 2012 5:12 PM GMT

ukay i wiul try mai hardust gamra okay becuse i wut to troplepay now let strt c:
#75063775Thursday, August 09, 2012 5:12 PM GMT

Lucy Suddenly I hear a voice, a small voice but a voice. I turn around and see a girl behind me. I jump, not expecting to see anyone else here. Yimi drops from my shoulder and scurries behind my leg. "Hello." I say, still sort of surprised. "I didn't expect to see anyone else here."
#75064111Thursday, August 09, 2012 5:16 PM GMT


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