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#73990593Monday, July 30, 2012 2:24 AM GMT

-This is just the Pros and Cons of guests, with a few suggestions at the end. Also, if you want to hate get off before you post your crappy off topic forum hate comment. And if you do post it, thanks for the view and reply, troll ^.^- Note and warning ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Warning: Yes, this is thread three. Do not hate. Note: P.S: This may go on to Thread four, five, ect. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pros and Cons of Guests ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pros- Most are very nice! They will help you build if you teach them and bond with them. One even helped me build a space station in Build Your Own Fireworks: It's Here to Stay, by Wemmi0, after I taught him how to use his tools. He did mess it up a little, but I forgived him and he got used to building and we made a great space station together. They wont try to kill you (Usually). Cons- Some do hack servers so they cant get reported. Some are very mean and random kill you even if you try to befriend them, and when they(If they make one) make their accounts, they are made for mostly being mean and trolling. Suggestions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ David, will you please try to make the guests have more things, like their own custom clothes which they can customize, their own bloxxy cola (Also can be customized), but not money (Tix and robux). And please inform them if they join they can get login bonuses for tix, and if they get Builders Club, Turbo Builders Club, or Outrageous Builders Club, they can earn Robux to buy cool new hats and gears. That may get us a bigger player base and cause more guests to join.
#73990767Monday, July 30, 2012 2:26 AM GMT


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