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#74212959Wednesday, August 01, 2012 12:24 PM GMT

You are woken from your slumber by 2 brutish guards hauling you up by your arms and dragging you forcefully from your cell. You are taken along a large dimly lit corridor towards a large circular shaped room with a rather large dark skinned man sat on a wooden stool that was humorously to small for him. "New blood eh?" He scoffs as the guards throw you down infront of the man. "I am Tivrus, the Gladiator Master, ill be handling your training and weaponry...thats if you last the first match" He mumbles, rising to his feet and towering above you.. "First...what kind of fighter are you" -Here is where you pick your class. Classes come with their own perks, weapons and armour. You must choose a class, and within that, a weapon and perk. Weapons come with their own stats as well. Brute: The hard hitter, dismisses defence in favour of a more direct approach to opponents. Can only carry one heavy weapon and uses heavy iron armour with no helmet. Standard side arm is a shortsword. Weapons:- Warhammer- Low speed, heavy crushing power. Claymore-Large 2 handed sword, Low speed, Crushing and hacking capability. War Axe- Large 2 handed axe, Low speed, Chopping power. Halberd- Large axe with a spiked tip, Capable of Chopping, Stabbing and crushing Perks:- Blood rage- Activate once per match, gives the ability to go into a frenzy and deal more damage than normal, however after it has worn off, you have little defensive power left. Bravado: Defence rises for the rest of the match, however as a result, movement is reduced. Heavy Hand: Your weapons do double damage, bladed weapons however deal more damage on you. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ranged: Nimble and fast, they lack much offensive or indeed defensive capability, but make up for this in speed and ranged attacks. They wear leather armour. Standard Side arm is a Dagger. Weapons:- Longbow: Long range weapon capable of throwing a standard arrow a long distance, carry s 20 of them a match. Flatbow: Favours shorter ranges and more stopping power than a longbow, standard arrow, 20. Throwing knifes: Short range, but deadly. Carry 5 of them per match. Javelin: Long range and rather powerful, you can only carry 2 however. Perks:- Huntsman's Luck: Arrows are more accurate at long range, however they do less damage. Fox's Reflex: Ability do dodge incoming attacks, whether its long range or melee. Spartans Will: Damage from blades are reduced. However you cannot move as fast. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dimachaerus: Skilled in the use of blades, normally carry s 2 in each hand. Nimble but lacks attacking power. Armour is leather over linen wraps. Standard side arm is a Curved Dagger. Weapons:- Xiphos: One handed bladed weapon, only carry 1. Hacking capabilities. Longsword: One handed blade, standard stabbing and chopping. Spatha: Large one handed blade, larger blade than standard swords. Falcata: Similar to a Machete, however the handle shields the hand. Perks:- Lightning Hand: Sword attacks are unable to be blocked by other swords, however the sword does less damage to armoured opponents. Ghost's Wrath: Only activated once per match, if you are heavily damaged, you can inflict triple damage on an opponent for the rest of the match. Padded armour: Ranged attacks cannot cripple you, however you are slower ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Retiarius: Highly skilled in hand to hand combat, mix of ranged and melee weapons. No armour on the upper body, leather and linen on the bottom as well as an iron helmet. Standard Side arm is a Net. Weapons: Trident: A pole with 3 large spikes mounted on the end, cannot slash or cut, can only stab and lunge. Can be thrown a short distance but leaves you without a weapon. Rommphaia: A long curved pole with a spike on the end, Slashing motions do the most damage. Falx: Sickle like weapon, curved blade allows for hooking motions. Scythe: Large pole with a curved blade on the end, long reach. Perks:- Iron Fist: Punches and kicks do double damage, however ranged attacks hurt more. Hardened: Allows you to take more damage before becoming critically injured, however you are slower. Zeus's Curse: Activated once per match, all of your attacks will deal double damage, however you take 25% health deduction.
#74214116Wednesday, August 01, 2012 12:54 PM GMT

(Sorry for the wait) Class: Dimachaerus Weapon: Longsword Perk: Padded Armour
Top 100 Poster
#74214149Wednesday, August 01, 2012 12:54 PM GMT

"You didn't seem that type...oh well..." He laughs and beacons for you to follow him into a secondary room full of locked chests and boxes. Opening one, he grabs a handfull of equipment and dumps it on the floor. "Get ready...you are about to do some training" He grins menacingly. -This is the combat tutorial- Its simple really, you post what you want to do, then i post the result of that action. And depending on your perks, stats and such the outcome will be different. Tiverus stands opposite you with a large wooden shield and training sword. "Go ahead...attack me" He taunts.
#74214263Wednesday, August 01, 2012 12:56 PM GMT

Raise 1 sword (I have 2 right?) up and let it come slashing down on his shoulder. While he's focusing on that, stab his belly with the other sword.
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#74214529Wednesday, August 01, 2012 1:02 PM GMT

(Well you have the sword and the dagger, and this isnt a violent fight..just training) The tactic works, he goes to block your right hand with the shield but is then taken aback by the dagger coming in on the left. -Wounding- . If you actually hit him, you would have wounded him, wounding will cause lots of damage to you, and cause you to bleed unless you finish quickly. You may loose different amounts depending on the severity. "Alrighty, try this" He brings the shield towards your face and smacks it around your jaw, you are stunned and take 2% damage. -Stunning- Blunt weapons and hand to hand can stun you, this renders you with lower defence and speed for a few moments. -Damage- You start at 100%, as you take damage this decreases. Below 50% and you become injured. Below 25% you are critical and below 10% you are crippled. The more you are injured, the less your attacks do damage and the less you can defend. What now?
#74214611Wednesday, August 01, 2012 1:04 PM GMT

Pretend to slash to his left side, and then kick him.
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#74214665Wednesday, August 01, 2012 1:06 PM GMT

He learns from the last time you tried to trick him, and steps back, the kick leaves you open and his trips you onto the floor. "Heh...well...enough of that, time for you to get some real combat action" Tiverus says, removing his things. Stats: Saik Attacking: 3 Defending: 3 Speed: 3 These may increase as you win battles. Match types: There are lots of match types, pitting you against one, or multiple opponents, sometimes with teammates and sometimes without. "Your first match will be against Vespanius, he is new blood as well so its either you or him. He is armed with a simple iron shortsword, Dagger and im not sure how he was trained...so...best of luck." Tiverus pats you on the back and points you in the direction towards the arena.
#74214727Wednesday, August 01, 2012 1:07 PM GMT

Walk to the arena with confidence. (:D)
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#74214805Wednesday, August 01, 2012 1:09 PM GMT

"Dont get fearless out there...fear is what keeps you alive" Tiverus shouts after you. You ascend a stone spiral staircase, the sound of the crowd chanting becomes louder as you see a dim light from the top. As you crest the stairs you are met with 2 guards either side of an iron gate. They glare at you but say nothing, from outside you can hear a voice above the others. "Greetings patrons, today you are witnessing 2 prisoners, who have violated the law. Their punishment, not rotting for the rest of their days but to fight it out to the death for your pleasure....only one will leave this arena alive" It booms.
#74214845Wednesday, August 01, 2012 1:11 PM GMT

Wait for the guards to open the gate? Or open it...?
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#74214926Wednesday, August 01, 2012 1:13 PM GMT

You eagerly await the gate to open... "Now, we shall waste no time in getting this underway...Open the gates" Your heart pounds as the 2 guards pull open the latches and swing the doors inwards...across the sandy circle you see the same happening across the arena, exposing a heavily built man, staring directly at you.
#74214983Wednesday, August 01, 2012 1:15 PM GMT

Slowly walk forward a little. Not too far though, we need some distance.
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#74215049Wednesday, August 01, 2012 1:17 PM GMT

(Dont worry, the arena is pretty big) You inch out the doorway, enough for the guards to slam it behind you, kicking up a wake of dust and blotting your vision. As you look around you see hundreds of people lining the stands, jeering and shouting, waiting for the bloodshed to begin. "On the count of 3, you may begin". One Two Three. The man beings by charging straight for you across the sand.
#74215248Wednesday, August 01, 2012 1:22 PM GMT

Wait until he is close, duck, roll, stab. 'Nuff said :3.
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#74215339Wednesday, August 01, 2012 1:25 PM GMT

As he nears you duck and roll forwards, although you misjudge the distance and simply slam into him, he trips over you and lands in the sand, you are knocked to one side in a heap.
#74215820Wednesday, August 01, 2012 1:36 PM GMT

Get up, and slash his back.
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#74216032Wednesday, August 01, 2012 1:40 PM GMT

You bounce up and bring your sword around towards him, he is only just getting up and the sword slices through his flesh, wounding him and inflicting 40% damage!. Him: 60% You: 100% He cries out in pain, but it is drowned out by the roar of the crowd. He simply lies flat on the floor in pain... Time to finish him.
#74216316Wednesday, August 01, 2012 1:46 PM GMT

(... I dun wanna kill him D:) (I'm such an emotional fool)
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#74216408Wednesday, August 01, 2012 1:47 PM GMT

(You may spare him...but this lowers your reputation and may get you harder matches earlier on...more likely for you to be killed.)
#74216585Wednesday, August 01, 2012 1:51 PM GMT

Stab his neck.
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#74216665Wednesday, August 01, 2012 1:53 PM GMT

The crowd roars for you to end it...they wait in anticipation and then roar once more as you stab the sword through his windpipe, killing him almost instantly. "That was brutal...but thats what the arena is all about...time for you to return down below" The voice booms. The doors which you came through open once more.
#74216708Wednesday, August 01, 2012 1:54 PM GMT

Walk down the staircase.
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#74216811Wednesday, August 01, 2012 1:56 PM GMT

You go through the gates, the guards stare at you as you stride through and down the dark staircase to where Tiverus awaits with crossed arms. "So your not dead...you proved your worth" He says.
#74217030Wednesday, August 01, 2012 2:00 PM GMT

(What now?)
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#74217162Wednesday, August 01, 2012 2:02 PM GMT

(Say something witty...) "The strong silent type eh?" He questions. "Well, your next match is not until later...so do what you want" -After match- After the match you have 12 hours which you can allocate to training or resting Training you may train in 4 different feilds. Attacking Defence Speed Efficiency Every 6 hours you train, you get 1 point in the field you trained in. Resting is healing, for every hour you rest, you get 2% health back. You can also change weapons, you can only do this every 5 matches though, and you loose your weapons efficiency until you wield it again. You may change your perk every 10 matches.

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