#74377743Friday, August 03, 2012 2:53 AM GMT

Sierra She finally finished a customer's silver dagger. Very elegant, with curved snakes for the handle, and a nice pointy tip.
#74378806Friday, August 03, 2012 3:05 AM GMT

'The cart was moving at a moderate speed, well except we should have been to the town by now but Brandon had to make a stop. Well it's on him if this loud of salt doesnt make him and the League of Messengers gets mad. Though this is a small town, it will only affect a few.' Aida set down her book, she didn't feel like writting much more. Really there was no need, she wrote late last night too. Brandon was the one driving the cart after all it really was his fault they were late. He stopped near a cave entrance two nights before to explore it was only suposed to take a few hours but one whole day later... Nothing but a bunch of new scratches and a possible scar on Brandons left hand.
#74379109Friday, August 03, 2012 3:08 AM GMT

i got ice cream does aida like brandon
#74379171Friday, August 03, 2012 3:09 AM GMT

Cassius Two whole towns were frozen to nothingness because they wouldn't allow me to enter. They had wards, but those were easy to break when you control ice... haha, especially when you're warded yourself. I have wards that lower the abilities of wards, and I was looking for someone to aid me in... usurping the demonic throne.
#74379578Friday, August 03, 2012 3:13 AM GMT

(FYI, I will abuse my character's intelligence with wards and counter-wards.)
#74379599Friday, August 03, 2012 3:13 AM GMT

(Brandon like Aida. Was the I got Icecream in the RP because... And GenFears it's morning, you can't be out... Sorry.)
#74379696Friday, August 03, 2012 3:14 AM GMT

(GAH! Morning is still night... sort of... and who said he was on the surface? That was sort of back story.)
#74379895Friday, August 03, 2012 3:16 AM GMT

no i actually got ice cream :p Sierra "Today for the blacksmith shop it is half the price for you buy!" she kept shouting, like one of those market people.
#74379985Friday, August 03, 2012 3:17 AM GMT

(No you have to be in the core when dusk comes, sorry. This RP is based off of a book and I would like to keep most of it in tact.)
#74380075Friday, August 03, 2012 3:18 AM GMT

so the demons kill u?
#74380124Friday, August 03, 2012 3:19 AM GMT

(Muffins! Oh well... what's the demonic government like, if existent?)
#74380954Friday, August 03, 2012 3:28 AM GMT

(Yummy Icecream.) After what seemed a long while Aida and the others started to see signs of civilization, old wards lay scattered. A few broken down carts and huts. Soon real houses showed up and people that watched them pass by. "So Brandon, you do know where we are heading... Right?" Aida asked. "Yes! I do know where we're going," Bandon sighs a bit.
#74381156Friday, August 03, 2012 3:31 AM GMT

(What part of demons being dumb don't you get? I need to reread but there are some smart demons. Mind Demons, I need to reread to get the details I need to properly add them.)
#74381265Friday, August 03, 2012 3:32 AM GMT

(Eh, as you said, some daemons are smarter... so, it's barbarous? Toughest daemon rules?)
#74381380Friday, August 03, 2012 3:33 AM GMT

#74381395Friday, August 03, 2012 3:34 AM GMT

hey kenzie u should have them go to my blacksmith shop :D and we can be friend :) Sierra She kept shouting.
#74381532Friday, August 03, 2012 3:35 AM GMT

(That was the plan, but I need to go for the night.)
#74381572Friday, August 03, 2012 3:36 AM GMT

#74381599Friday, August 03, 2012 3:36 AM GMT

(Just be in the town they're going. And scratch the 'build up a team' part.) Cassius I was here. I was always here... haha, intelligence made me strong, despite my obvious weaknesses...
#74381839Friday, August 03, 2012 3:39 AM GMT

u should make a human so ur not left out
#74381907Friday, August 03, 2012 3:40 AM GMT

(Nonsense! Each night, he'll... errrm... manipulate the weaker daemons to... NEIN!)
#74382167Friday, August 03, 2012 3:43 AM GMT

#74390315Friday, August 03, 2012 5:26 AM GMT

... I...normally frown on threads involving demons as a main plot point, especially when you can play them, but... I think this one is going to be...above average...? I don't know what I'm trying to say. I'M JOINING, SO SHUT UP. N@me: Adam Sequier @ge: 21 Gender: M Appearance: Tall, and of average build, Adam has medium length, dark brown hair, fair skin, and a slight limp on his left leg. His face is slightly angular, with a sharp nose and a powerful stare. Perhaps his most interesting feature is his eyes -- Although he is but a beginner in terms of magical prowess, his potential is limitless, as his teachers have said, and the biggest indication is his eyes. The irises are pale blue, and if you look closely, not only are there white runic symbols in the irises, but the runes slowly spin, going around and around the pupil at about 90 degrees per 2 and a half minutes. The only other particularly noticeable feature is his left hand, with is significantly scarred, although certainly not mangled by any sense. Of course, as a logical person, he changes his clothes for hygiene reasons, but he prefers long, thin coats, and shirts of either black and white. His pants are often a simple loose, black linen, often torn at the bottom due to long hours spent travelling. Equipment: A few scrolls, a book or two on the secrets of the Arcane Arts, and a few vials of ink, a quil and paper, and of course an ink pot. Magic: Yes, but still learning the intricacies. Weapon: A simple steel sword with a slightly elongated hilt, for reasons unknown. Bio: At the young of 16, Adam had lived an ordinary life. A few people pointed out his strange eyes, but a lot of people had strange deformities in their village, so it didn't stand out to much. However, it was this year that he discovered his affinity for magic, although in a less then extravagant way -- He reached for a bowl and it started to inch towards him when he couldn't reach it. His parents, eager for an excuse to have their son finally live off on his own, sent him off with various teachers in the school of magic to travel the land and learn more about his skill... Other: Nerp. Nerr Ertherr Ferktss ferr Errderrm.
#74390595Friday, August 03, 2012 5:30 AM GMT

(Damn, I meant 31 and 21 for the magic discovery age, and also:) When the Age of Destruction began (Which I hope wasn't more then 10 years ago D:), he discovered that his petty magic tricks, moving and levitating objects, were useless in comparison to his wards, which were lackluster, but serviceable. And thus, he joined the war against the demons, learning more about his powers each passing day.
#74411157Friday, August 03, 2012 2:23 PM GMT

(Accepted. Also, can me and Brandon be best friends Kenzieroo?) Jack I sit down on a bench. I start sketching me killing a demon (I'm pretty good).