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#74282462Thursday, August 02, 2012 2:43 AM GMT

The world was not always as we see it know, there was a time when humanity lived in balance with the demons. Those years are called the Age of Ignorance; it was a time before wards. The Age of Ignorance was a scary time for human, but there was less demons back then and they couldn’t kill everyone. Much like today, humans would build up what they could and the demons would tear it down each night. We struggled to survive adapted, learning how to hide food and animals from the demons. We lived in holes in the ground so they couldn’t fined us. We lived anyway we could, until we discovered writing. From there it wasn't long until we found writing that could hold back the demons, called wards. We practiced wards, more and more until someone found a ward that could even hurt them. The demons did not take well to this advancement. They fought back, and hard, thus the beginning of the First Demon War, the second age, the Age of the Deliverer. Magical tactics grew and humans began living longer. There was hope that we could stop the demons all together, and soon they top showing up at all. Humanity rejoiced in there victory, but as many years passed without a common foe, the brotherhood of men grew strained. For the first time we fought agents each other. As war sparked, the Deliverer was called upon by all sides to lead, but he shouted ‘I’ll not fight ‘gainst men while a single demon remains in the Core!’ He turned his back, and left the land s as armies marched and all the lend fell into chaos. From these wars arose powerful nations, mankind spread far and wide, covering the entire world. The Age of the Deliverer came to a close, and the Age of Science began. The Age of Science was our greatest time but in that time was out biggest mistake. We forgot magic. After three thousand years the demon where thought to have never existed. The demons multiplied over the centuries. The three hundred years ago, they rose from the Core one night in massive numbers to take it back. Whole cities where destroyed in the first night. Men fought back, but even our greatest weapons had little affect. The Age of Science came to a close and the Age of Destruction took hold. They look in there history desperate for answers, the old science was not help, but they found salvation at last in old stories once considered fantasy. Men began to draw clumsy symbols in the dirt, preventing the demons from approaching. The wards still ward, but nerves hands make mistakes and that could lead to disaster. Those who survived gathered people to them, protecting them through the nights. Those men became the first Warders. Still no one could find the ward that hurt the demons, and some fought but not with much strength. It was not until a few months ago that someone had chosen to fight the demons and had much success. Aida, Brandon, and Ulrika. I’m sure you've heard of them and how they are scorned, no? Many children praise them, but the adults find it a waste of time, they scone the three, trying to make the children think the same. But this is only the beginning, only the start of what may become a revolution. I’m sure you would like to come along, become the best at what you are. Make a better living with yourself. ~Human~ N@me: @ge: Gender: Appearance: Equipment: Magic?(Please not all, you can be powerful without magic): Weapon?: Bio(Put your occupation at lest, ps this is in an older time period. So farmer or blacksmith, or messenger, ext.) : Other: ~Demon~ Type(Element): @ge: Appearance(Try to match type, besides that it doesn't matter): Skills: (Demons aren't smart, just powerful. They don’t have motives they just kill. They only come out at night; they come out of the ground) ~Animals~ N@me: Gender: Type: @ge: Appearance: Pet?: Talking?(Please not many talking, like three): Bio:
#74283050Thursday, August 02, 2012 2:50 AM GMT

Might join.
#74286140Thursday, August 02, 2012 3:24 AM GMT

(Could I be a special daemon? Like a sentient one, closer to a human than a daemon?)
#74286272Thursday, August 02, 2012 3:25 AM GMT

(.... Sure)
#74286925Thursday, August 02, 2012 3:33 AM GMT

(Why the Yen signs?)
#74286970Thursday, August 02, 2012 3:34 AM GMT

~Demon~ Type: Ice @ge: (Are daemons long living?) Appearance: Human like, with light blue skin(UN blue), and ice-y spikes that're transparent and closer to navy blue. Has rune-like shapes on him in the same navy blue as the spikes. Spikes are symmetrical. There are three spikes on each arm, one on the upper arm, one on the elbow, one on the hand, which serves as a slashing weapon, and the same on the legs, except one on the lower leg instead of foot. Two 'horns' made of ice on the head. Bald, with one spike on each shoulder, going forward. On the stomach area are spikes that go forward and create 'armour.' Skills: Intelligence.
#74289018Thursday, August 02, 2012 3:58 AM GMT

(Demons live long, accepted)
#74311028Thursday, August 02, 2012 1:08 PM GMT

(No rules?) ~Human~ N@me: Jack Jones @ge: 18 Gender: Appearance: He has black wavy hair up to half of his neck. He has aqua blue eyes that glitter in the sunshine. His skin tone is white, yet tan. he has a scar on his leg. He also has white teeth. He is also is 5'10, strong and 190 pounds. Nerd glasses (The ones with tape, not the circle ones), black shirt, black pants, and a hood, Also he is barefoot. Equipment: A sketchpad and a pencil Magic?: None Weapon?: Dagger Bio(Put your occupation at lest, ps this is in an older time period. So farmer or blacksmith, or messenger, ext.) : Ever since he was 6 a Farmer. His Dad was killed by a Demon when Jack was 13. His Mom tried to keep him indoors at all time to keep him safe. But Jack had a different plan. He now tries to KILL Devils. He took a dagger and went off. He never saw his Mother again. Other: None (Accepted and admin? :D?)
#74311046Thursday, August 02, 2012 1:09 PM GMT

(All the times I said Devil I mean Demon)
#74316780Thursday, August 02, 2012 3:00 PM GMT

(No rules because I had created this on a different website and on there people aren't idiots. I forgot to add rules.) (Accepted.)
#74316916Thursday, August 02, 2012 3:03 PM GMT

(Not admin though?)
#74317357Thursday, August 02, 2012 3:09 PM GMT

(Okay. Ag.e: 937.)
#74334891Thursday, August 02, 2012 6:45 PM GMT

(Sure and cool, I'll post my CSs later tonight.)
#74345621Thursday, August 02, 2012 8:51 PM GMT

#74346719Thursday, August 02, 2012 9:03 PM GMT

is this medieval or no
#74347461Thursday, August 02, 2012 9:11 PM GMT

ill take that as a maybe and since there are blacksmiths it must be that one age.................. ok then
#74347740Thursday, August 02, 2012 9:14 PM GMT

(Yes and no, for the sake of not confusing people yes. Let's just say the Age of Science is our modern. Then things happened.... Midevil.)
#74350275Thursday, August 02, 2012 9:40 PM GMT

~Human~ N@me: Sierra List @ge: 18 Gender: F Appearance: Sierra has dark wavy red hair, that ends right above her shoulders. It glistens occasionally. She had dark green eyes that appear to have golden streams. Her skin tone is a tan-ish pale-ish. Sierra is tall at 5'8, and is the average weight. She has no freckles. Sierra wears a brown corset, mixed with a white blouse. for u noobs who dont know: http://s2.thisnext.com/media/230x230/Brown-Steampunk-Corset_90D05FF2.jpg She has dark brown leggings, and tall brown boots that end at her knee caps. Sierra also has a dark green cloak with a hood. Equipment: Sketchbook. (no not copying collego jez) Magic?(Please not all, you can be powerful without magic): no Weapon?: A long silver sword that she made by herself. Bio(Put your occupation at lest, ps this is in an older time period. So farmer or blacksmith, or messenger, ext.) : Sierra owns a blacksmith shop, so of course.. she is a blacksmith. Her shop is not that busy sometimes, but she gets good pay. No one knows her story.. but it will soon be brevealed in the roleplay. Other: shes hawt
#74353782Thursday, August 02, 2012 10:19 PM GMT

#74354482Thursday, August 02, 2012 10:28 PM GMT

when may we start
#74355647Thursday, August 02, 2012 10:42 PM GMT

(When I post my CSs later tonight. ~Going swimming~)
#74373761Friday, August 03, 2012 2:10 AM GMT

~Human~ N@me: Aida Marii @ge: 17 Gender: F Appearance:http://www.roblox.com/Aida-Marii-item?id=84588000 Long shirt, pattered pants and tall leather boots. Equipment: She chooses not to carry much with her, but she has a small pouch of gold for food, she does also care a few herbs for healing but mostly uses her own magic. Magic?: She has limited magic, but has made a staff with wards to heal and limited fire control. Weapon?: She has a small dagger in her left boot, and her short staff. Bio: When she was living with her family her mother was killed by a fire demon, she blaims her father for doing nothing. After that Aida ran away and found a herb gatherer and was under her teachings for five years until she was 14. Shortly after she found Ulrika wounded, healed her and since thewn they have been partners killing demons. Only a year ago or so ago did Brandon join them. Other: ~Human~ N@me: Brandon Slen @ge: 18 Gender: M Appearance: http://www.roblox.com/Brandon-Seln-item?id=84587961 Equipment: His weapon, water, two wards and some rope. Magick?: If you count his ability to make stong defence wards then yes, besides that no. Weapon?: In pic. Bio: He was a messenger since he was 13 then when he met Aida and Ulrika, while they where battling a demon, he joined their small group. However he is still working as a messenger. Because they travel town to town being with them only makes it easier to get through his route. Other: ~Animals~ N@me: Ulrika Type: Wolf @ge: Unknown Appearance: http://www.roblox.com/Ulrika-item?id=84587936 Pet?: More like partner Talking?: Yes Bio: She doesn't speak much of her past, it doesn't seem as if anythings wrong but she doesn't like to. She has been with Aida for a few years now.
#74374464Friday, August 03, 2012 2:18 AM GMT

CAN WE START EVERY1 IS ONLINE yeah i got banned again on my main and alt THATS WHY I HAVE 5 ALTS! YAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
#74374647Friday, August 03, 2012 2:20 AM GMT

#74376552Friday, August 03, 2012 2:40 AM GMT

(Go ahead and start.)

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