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#7431191Monday, April 13, 2009 2:14 AM GMT

This is for Europe only -- a demo, of sorts. I want to see hwo this will work out. (Europe includes Turkey and Russia) Nation Issuse (Enviroment, War, Unrest, Plague, etc.) UN Ambassador Political Leaning (Left, Middle, Right) Wars Alliances What your country needs is your top priority. As the ambassador, you must persuade others to help you. Good luck!
#7431794Monday, April 13, 2009 2:28 AM GMT

Nation- Luxemburg Issue- Enviroment UN Ambassador- Nyameow Politicial leaning- Left Wars- none..... yet. Alliances- France, germany, russia, italy Our country is small so any inviromental harm is dangerous, and there is much polution. We need people to fish rivers clean and pick up our landfills because there is not enough people in Luxemburg to help. We also need suplies of clean water and food. Helpers will recive 8,000 in cash. Countries/ Rulers of that country will recive an alliance and 200.000 in cash.
#7431937Monday, April 13, 2009 2:33 AM GMT

Does if have to be a real country? If not: Nation - Feron Issue (Enviroment, War, Unrest, Plague, etc.) - Lose of morale among citizens/soldiers UN Ambassador - Staraptor Political Leaning (Left, Middle, Right) - Middle? (What does it mean?) Wars - None...and hopefully nobody will attack us until we regain morale. Alliances - I send a diplomat to Luxemburg. Again, a small country, but Staraptor is thinking of expanding, yet not now with the issue of morale.
#7431979Monday, April 13, 2009 2:34 AM GMT

Yes must be real.
#7432061Monday, April 13, 2009 2:36 AM GMT

Cyprus Unrest, the citizens are revolting because of a new tax on cars I guess me? Left-Wing Not in a war Allianced with greece and turkey
#7432152Monday, April 13, 2009 2:38 AM GMT

Okay then, Cyprus I will donate 70,000 to you guys to help settle taxes.
#7432453Monday, April 13, 2009 2:46 AM GMT

France Issues: Avian 'Flu virus -- effecting 2 million citizens. UN Ambassador: Jaques "Xie" Montelbeaux Political Leaning: Right Wars: Minor Dispute with the Netherlands. Alliances: Allied with Andorra. I would like to request a bulk of 500,000 flu viruses, the nation of France would be very thankful.
#7432592Monday, April 13, 2009 2:49 AM GMT

Nation:united government sernor Issuse:war and plaque UN Ambassador:johnson vertrez Political Leaning:middle Wars :war in eruope (new one) Alliances:amrica germany british
#7432634Monday, April 13, 2009 2:50 AM GMT

we woude gladly give that to you only if you dont put that stuff in our border planes are noew comeing tords your land we demand more suplies for the war
#7432665Monday, April 13, 2009 2:51 AM GMT

Okay, real then. Great Britian Issues: Loss of morale UN Ambassador: Sir Terrance "Star" Salisbury Political Learning: Middle, still doesn't understand what this means. Wars: None Alliances: Ireland and Poland. With loss of morale, we are obviously not ready for war, and so have set up extra defenses on our ports.
#7432691Monday, April 13, 2009 2:51 AM GMT

Jjtt, America isn't in Europe....
#7432692Monday, April 13, 2009 2:51 AM GMT

I give france 100,000 for cures, Im sending people to help with wars in "united government sernor"
#7432709Monday, April 13, 2009 2:52 AM GMT

we will send defences and create wepone and training faciltees
#7432723Monday, April 13, 2009 2:53 AM GMT

oh then poland
#7432727Monday, April 13, 2009 2:53 AM GMT

the taxes have been settled in Cyprus, but some citizens are complaining that the taxes will be reintroduced on something else because of a greedy government
#7432746Monday, April 13, 2009 2:54 AM GMT

New flash- 1 species of bird gone in Luxemburg, we need people fast.
#7432766Monday, April 13, 2009 2:55 AM GMT

Cyprus gives poland lots of toothpaste to solve thier plaque problem...
#7432774Monday, April 13, 2009 2:55 AM GMT

pepole in senor are going hungry because of war
#7432791Monday, April 13, 2009 2:56 AM GMT

we are now sending men and women to help plz wait
#7432821Monday, April 13, 2009 2:57 AM GMT

I send a diplomat to Luxemburg to ask for an alliance while sending 100 workers to help with their environment.
#7432836Monday, April 13, 2009 2:58 AM GMT

pepole are now leaveing senor because of hunger need food now!
#7432851Monday, April 13, 2009 2:59 AM GMT

I send a diplomat to Luxemburg to ask for an alliance while sending 100 workers to help with their environment. ---------------------------------------------------------- We accept alliance and thankyou. We are giving you guys your well earned money.
#7432863Monday, April 13, 2009 2:59 AM GMT

half of population of senor is gone plz help need food
#7432896Monday, April 13, 2009 3:00 AM GMT

(i looked it up and found an online thing kinda like this nationstates.net go check it out)
#7432901Monday, April 13, 2009 3:00 AM GMT

Ill send some canned goods as well as bottled goods too, to senor.

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