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#74694075Monday, August 06, 2012 3:53 AM GMT

STAR WARS The empire is on the rize once again from when Luke Skywalker's fail To get Darth Bane to understand The ways of the light and dark sides. Darth Bane Restarted the Sith Empire. When Luke caught on Bane got Lukes trust student Lord Harkens To kill Luke Skywalker. The Jedi order came together and called for war. As the war waged the Jedi order could not face all of the sith alone. Master Vain and his appentice Went to Kamino to get the clone producton Started again. Cloud city was attacked. It is only a matter of time before the Sith overwehlems the Jedi. Rules: 1. Roblox rules. 2. No god mod. 3. You have no choice of how or when you die. 4. No insta kills. Tips: 1. Make 3 or 4 profiles. (How military talk so it is characters) 2. Speak like you are in a third person story. 3. There are alot of non playerable races like rancors that will try to kill you Playable Races: Wookie, Human, Clone, Droids, Nautoaln, Trandoshan, or Cybrog Non-playable races that I control: Rancor, Acklay, Nexu, and Reek. Faction: Jedi: Humans, Nautaln, and Trandoshan can be it. Sith: Human, Nautoaln, and Trandoshan can be it. Allys of Sith and Jedi: Wookies, Clones, Droids, and Cybrogs. Bounty hunters: All Planets: Alderaan, Aleen, Balnab, Bespin, Carlic, Christophsis, Coruscant, Dagobah, Dathomir, Felucia, Kamino, Naboo, and Mustafar. Character sheet: N.ame A.ge Gender: Race: Apprence: Scale color. (If Trandoshan) Droid color: (If you are droid or is your helper. Droid unit name: (Can be a R1 R2 or R3 unit.) Faction: Planet starting point:
#74694567Monday, August 06, 2012 3:57 AM GMT

N.ame Yoduh A.ge 782 Gender: m Race: little blue things Apprence: little blue guy with brown staff, good with force, only about 4 foot 2. Scale color. n/a Droid color: bluish Droid unit name: R69 Faction: rebels.
#74700408Monday, August 06, 2012 5:11 AM GMT

Deained _________________IGONORE TROLL LINE______________________________________
#74701308Monday, August 06, 2012 5:25 AM GMT

Fix your grammar, then repost this.
#74704585Monday, August 06, 2012 6:18 AM GMT

#74711357Monday, August 06, 2012 8:41 AM GMT

Blanchey tries to troll because he got trolled when he made crappy RPs. Also blanchey, please use spell check more often.
#74713048Monday, August 06, 2012 9:22 AM GMT

STAR WARS The empire is on the rize once again from when Rize! Rize my young one! Luke Skywalker's fail To get Darth Bane to understand Darth bane: Umg u fail i dun understand The ways of the light and dark sides. Oh! I thought this was a new sentence, it does have a capital. Darth Bane is his name. Restarted the Sith Empire. Because why the hell not, it's not like he didn't have a million ships and troops. When Luke caught on Bane got Lukes trust student Lord Harkens He caught on and jumped on the bandwagon. What's a trust student? I trust you to be a student! Why is he even a Lord if only a student! To kill Luke Skywalker. The Jedi order came together and called for war. War? War against who? Sith Empire are weak, f00! As the war waged the Jedi order could not face all of the sith alone. "Agh! They are too strong with their 20 troops and 1 ship! Save usss!!!" Master Vain and his appentice I don't even know. Went to Kamino to get the clone producton This is a new sentence, capital y'see! Clone producton is a real fun thing to do! Started again. Why is this even on it's own? e,e Cloud city was attacked. What's cloud city. It is only a matter of time before the Sith overwehlems the Jedi. Jedi: We have millions of troops, they have 20, SOS! ~Mr. Correct
#74713337Monday, August 06, 2012 9:31 AM GMT

Nice Xilirite you did there. (Now invite me to your party :U)
#74723290Monday, August 06, 2012 1:37 PM GMT

Before I get offended and all that **** I have to say if you don't understand what this RP is about and don't know wha cloud city is go to the star wars website or wiki or maybe watch the movies and cartoons.
#74723340Monday, August 06, 2012 1:39 PM GMT

Question, it has been a while since I last watched something Star Wars, but......WHO THE HECK IS DARTH BANE?
#74723451Monday, August 06, 2012 1:42 PM GMT

Oh. This is sometime in the futrue. Since itt is the furture now Darth Bane came Luke Skywalker was killed and cloud city is under attack. Luke was remaking the Jedi order since he was the last one.
#74724459Monday, August 06, 2012 2:01 PM GMT

Bumping. I have to mention this RP is for people that understandds or are star wars fans and sorry for any bad grammar. I made this in the middle of the night.
#74727764Monday, August 06, 2012 2:51 PM GMT

#74728026Monday, August 06, 2012 2:55 PM GMT

Stop bumping. Face it, this thread has failed. Try again.
#74728796Monday, August 06, 2012 3:06 PM GMT

arstemis. A few theing. Trolls like you never win. You are trolling me even though you don't know what the heck star wars is or how the races of star wars aliens are spelled, you have no clue who Luke Skywalker is, people make stuff that is nothing like star wars so this is like the closest thing to star wars, and troll like you fail at life and troll only because you want people to have no life like you.
#74728845Monday, August 06, 2012 3:06 PM GMT

plus I have only three bumps left.
#74729943Monday, August 06, 2012 3:21 PM GMT

Dude, Darth Bane is thousands of years before Luke Skywalker. Also, you need an interesting plot that doesn't screw up canonical information. Go look at the wiki and maybe watch the movies. Maybe also read books about Bane. Also, the Sith Empire is also thousands of years before look. If you fix that, then you might have a better RP.
#74730153Monday, August 06, 2012 3:24 PM GMT

I don't care for the star wars books. I think the Games and movies are better. Plus I don't care for the time peroids at all this is differnet by Bane and Luke is dead and someone could just steal Banes name and make it there own. I seen it happen and people have same names. I kow like 50 people in real life that has my real name.
#74730513Monday, August 06, 2012 3:28 PM GMT

FYI blanchey You say "trolls will never win" but at the same time you are getting mad That means the troll has won.
#74730890Monday, August 06, 2012 3:33 PM GMT

Sorry if I was getting mad I'd HAVE ALL CAPS or have a *!* in there.
#74732234Monday, August 06, 2012 3:50 PM GMT

1) I have a life. 2) I was kind of trolling first, but pointing out the bad points. 3) When I said to move on, I wasn't trolling, that's a genuine piece of advice. 4) I like star wars, f00. 5) It's also fun to see you so butthurt. c:
#74797710Tuesday, August 07, 2012 2:23 AM GMT

THE GAMES AND MOVIES? THE GAMES AND MOVIES KSOGIMSIJGNDMNGIOGOIDNMGOIDNMHDNNGIODFJGIODFNHJDIOHOIDFJ Most games have at least some lore, other then *shudders* Force Unleashed. Anyway, they have good lore elements in the older games and if you played them or even some of the newer ones you would realise that you have some big mistakes there plot wise. And the books are brilliant screw you, they also talk about a lot of stuff after the movies. Luke restarted the Jedi order they quickly and even though the random Sith came along none of them could ever recreate the entire Sith empire without something huge happening.
#74798046Tuesday, August 07, 2012 2:26 AM GMT

Blanchey, why did I even try to help you, you are pathetic, childish, and will never learn, leave this forum and don't come back you failure.
#74798310Tuesday, August 07, 2012 2:29 AM GMT

I.... My brain is blown, I am a huge SW nerd and I....... The grammar...... The plot holes, IT HURTS!
#74798621Tuesday, August 07, 2012 2:31 AM GMT

Agreed with CreativeMystery, I was trying to help you, and I even said if you just fixed it up and made it so that the timeline and canonical info didn't get screwed up, this could be an epic Forum. I'd even join. Also, I am a big Star Wars fan, and I know what a lot of people who read the books and play the games like.

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