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#74783419Tuesday, August 07, 2012 12:05 AM GMT

In the middle of nowhere... A train is driving. Only carrying a few people. It's also on auto-pilot. There's also a small rumour that... Whoever is on the train. Is murdered... Only few will survive this cruel game, but who is it? LINK = http://piratepad.net/cokk4g2mP7
#74783591Tuesday, August 07, 2012 12:07 AM GMT

Full Plot vv One day... A group of teenagers are on a trip to different destinations around the world, Little did they know that there was a murderer on the train. "I heard that once a month, a murderer boards the train.", said one of the group members. "I'd have to see it to believe it.", one of them said. None of the group members believed him/her... but that night, someone died of stomach poisoning... And, one by one, the group got picked off, all of them dying a different and unique death... Until there was one person left... a feud between life and death, playing minigames and just simply dying, a game where it's required luck and crossing your fingers, in this game, Murder Train... The only game where you are not VOTED OFF... You are killed off... You need to survive and let die, for this is the game of... Murder Train...
#74784440Tuesday, August 07, 2012 12:16 AM GMT


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