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#74794360Tuesday, August 07, 2012 1:54 AM GMT

In the ancient scrolls, their existed a realm in which beings of fantasy dwelled, this place is known as Zai. Zai is beautiful, from its lush forests that hold caves of untold fortune in jewels, oceans that hold the beautiful life the gods gave them to be, the destructive volcanoes that made this place what it is through its harsh, yet helpful manners of lava spills. (- Realms and Locations -) -Realms- Haav'ol Haav'ol is a desert realm. Home to the sand elementals, sanarrs, Haav'ol death worms. Haav'ol also has its beauties under its ugly sandy appearance. Crymson jewels, red as blood and glow as bright as the stars waits patiently under the deserts sand, slowly growing, the bigger the gem, the more they sell for. Haav'ol is feared for its deadly oasis's, they seem real until you sip from the water, which is actual a transolucent poison that quickly numbs the skin and kills the victims. The main race of Haav'ol is the Draum, cyclop folk who are friendly and hospitable to all travelers. Borea Ho ho ho! Borea is home to the frost wolves, giants of frost, and creatures who adapted to the harsh cold weathers, rather than escaping. This realm is also home to the dwarves who build into the sides of the mountains, and are known for their breweries. The frozen ocean exists in Borea as well, under the waters is Geeamundarr, the titan of waters, who was defeated thousands of yeers ago by the dwarven sanctum, who sought to keep borea from the titans rule and make peace with the others that dwelled here. Izus Izus is the jungles of Zai. Its lush forests holds some of the worlds biggest felines, like the wholla. The wholla are twelve foot tall felines with long shaggy fur and thick bone claws, most are tamed rather than killed, and used for travel since they run at very fast speeds and need little for or water, as they mainly feed off the magic that is in the air. Zai is home to the Orkai, the giant mean and green beasts with the resembling boar tusks that peak out their mouths, they seemed to want war with any race that enters Izus. In the forests of Izus roams Whollamanthu, the titan of speed and strength, she is a sixteen foot wholla who is said to have skin of stone, and claws of iron, all who have challenge her have been slain. Outreach The outreach is a group of floating islands coated in toxic gases, very few have attempted the journey, and less have returned. -Locations- Kikarron Kikarron is a small mining village in haav'ol that is legendary for its crymson jewel mines. Hyth A giant castle built out of ice, the dwarves cherish this city and thousands of dwarves are always checking over the city for flaws and cracks in the ioce, known for its fur trades and magicsmiths. Bath A city in Izus, Inventors of the shower and bath system, they also invented soap. The cities architecture is basic to greeks, with a bit of orkish style handywork. Known for herbs, soaps, and oil trades. (- Races and Classes -) -Races- Dwarves Short, potbellied humans. Stereotyped with a long beard and little intelligence, while the beard bit is true, the low intelligence is not. Orkai Orks basically, husky mean and green figures. Boar tusks that resemble the teeth sprouting from their mouth, they have a passion for handiwork and craftmanship. Draum Giant fat cycloptic creatures that are known for hospitality, neatness, and their great battle tactics. Draum once a day can use the sight of maur, which allows them to sense heat and nearby creatures. -Classes- Shaman Familoiar with nature, shamans can tap into sauhad, the god of natures power and use it at their will to heal, and combat their enemies. They are expoerts with herbalism, and animals. Druid Druids are shamans that have the ability to transform into certain animals (Dolphin, tiger, bear, seal, shark, eagle, deer, elephant, snake, and wholla.) Paladin These healers are skilled in the art of fighting, they also wear heavy armor, making them juggernauts. Archer Swift fighters that use a bow and arrow, or crossbow to long range combat their foes and enemies. Warrior User of the sword and wearor of the armor. These people can take great hits and deal even greater damage, they can use berserk once a day that doubles their strength. Mage User of the arcane, dark, and other arts of magic. They can tap into voord, the god of magics power and use it to summon ethereal beasts, pillars of fire, whatever the magic can do. (- Gods and Titans -) Voord god of magic Hyperal god of blacksmithing, and magicsmithing. Mim goddess of life and death Whollamanthu titan of speed and strength Geeamundarr god of the waters Crymson titan of blood, and jewels. Spol god of intelligence, luck, and good fortune Spal god of stupidity, bad luck, and bad fortune (- Rules -) Please no superpowering, overpowering, or godmodding yourself. Yes if you can take down a titan, but not in one hit, titans are thirty plus foot towering giants with unnatural magic capabilites. No trolling. You can start wherever, there is no set storyline, yet. The gods will listen to prayers once in a great while, gods will favor you more if you defeat a titan. Have fun :3 (- Character Skeleton -) Name; Yeers of age; Gender; Class; Race; Armor; Weapons; magic spells (mage, shaman, druid, paladin); biography;
#74795044Tuesday, August 07, 2012 2:01 AM GMT

(Also add realm to CS) Name; Almond Yeers of a.g.e; 47 Gender; Male Class; Paladin Race; Dwarve Armor; Leather shoulder pads, leather with iron underplating chests, leather pants, iron and leather boots. He also wears leather gloves to keep from the devlish frostbite. Weapons; Iron warhammer, onehanded. magic spells (mage, shaman, druid, paladin); Holy smite, heal, resurrection. biography; Almond was not lucky, his family died from a frostwolf raid when he was seven. He survived in the wilderness, due to being adopted by frostgiants, who he calls ma and pap, and still visits from time to time. He learnt magic from a traveling paladin and became one himself. Realm; Borea
#74795819Tuesday, August 07, 2012 2:08 AM GMT

(Too much>O)
#74799392Tuesday, August 07, 2012 2:38 AM GMT

Name; Dendaris Yeers of a.ge; 32 Gender; Male Class; Warrior Race; Dwarf Armor; Iron Plate Armor Weapons; Steel Longsword, Two-Handed magic spells (mage, shaman, druid, paladin); Berserk (If you count this a spell for warriors then sure. ) biography; Dendaris has been living Hyth since he was a boy, he always trained to be a great warrior like his father. Now that his parents both turned on him and abandoned him to survive, Dendaris plans to track down his parents and kill them, but he is the only one that wants to kill them, with no help because Dendaris knows how powerful his parents are. His mother is a mage and his father is a Paladin. Realm; Borea
#74800755Tuesday, August 07, 2012 2:50 AM GMT

(Accepted, a few more to begin.)
#74801980Tuesday, August 07, 2012 3:02 AM GMT

Almond I move my legs back in forth in my chair in front of the fire, the roasty warmness kept my legs and my cabin from turning into an icecube. I stroke my beard and take a sip of alcohal from my cask.
#74804411Tuesday, August 07, 2012 3:28 AM GMT

Dendaris; I enter the tavern that is nearest to my home. I come to this tavern every week to come, drink, and meet new people. I sit in a table that was in a corner, and then a recognizable mistress greeted me, and she knew me too. "Dendaris! What will it be today? Would you like to have your usual?" she said happily to me. "Ah, hello Matilda! Yes I would like to have my usual, thanks." I say, smiling to her.
#74805266Tuesday, August 07, 2012 3:37 AM GMT

Almond My stomach grumbles as I stand up. I approach a cabinet and take out my warhammer, I then approach the door and step out into the snow, closing the door behind me.
#74805495Tuesday, August 07, 2012 3:40 AM GMT

As Matilda leaves my side, I examine the tavern. I notice that it was filled, mostly with dwarves, and people were talking and arm wrestling and doing all sorts of things. I glanced toward the man at the back of the tavern playing music. He was playing a soft atmospheric music, that made you feel warm.
#74807402Tuesday, August 07, 2012 4:01 AM GMT

I approach a tree and stop, in front of me was a alpha male frostwolf, feeding on a frostbuck. I slowed my breathe so he could not hear me.
#74808063Tuesday, August 07, 2012 4:08 AM GMT

Name; Urgarok Years of a.g.e; 26 Gender; Male Class; Shaman Race; Orkai Armor; A light armor made of the bones of wild jungle cats topped with a robe to keep him cool in the harsh desert. Weapons; A metal tipped curved staff topped with a wolf skull and a curved bone dagger. magic spells (mage, shaman, druid, paladin); Summoning of the Lost, Call of the Wild, Ethereal Explosion. biography; Urgarok was trained from a young age to master the power of shamanism but was sent away after having caused a large explosion that took out two temple walls. As he headed into Izuz's deep jungles, he was chased by several wild cats, to escape them, he jumped into a large cave. As he waited for the wildcats to pass he found that the cave was a forgotten shrine to Voord. He read ancient texts, teaching him magic, but was soon forced to abandon the cave when his practicing alerted the wild cats. He ran into Bath in hopes of escaping them, and has taken up an apprenticeship at a blacksmithy. Realm; Izuz
#74808314Tuesday, August 07, 2012 4:11 AM GMT

(Accepted, welcome to zai!)
#74808711Tuesday, August 07, 2012 4:16 AM GMT

I gasped for air, I couldn't keep on with the low breathing. The frostwolf ran to the tree and I whammed him in the side with the warhammer, he tumbled over but quickly regained on his feet and charged me. From my warhammer a golden glow grew bright "HOLY SMITE!" I yelled and the hammer smack the wolf, the wolf tumbled over again but didn't get back up.l
#74809865Tuesday, August 07, 2012 4:31 AM GMT

Urgarok I hammer the red hot blade on the anvil, pounding it flat. I turn it over so the slicing blade would be on the surface. I hammer the back of the blade into a curved, scimitar like shape. The design would function well in the jungle, where the trees would hinder a longer sword. I stuck it into the barrel of water to cool it before pulling it out and letting it set. The Draum blacksmith came in not long after and looked over the metal short sword, sounding pleased. "Very good... After two years, you finally get the perfect design, it looks to be selling quality as well. Good work."
#74810031Tuesday, August 07, 2012 4:33 AM GMT

Matilda came back, and set down the Dwarven Ale on the table. "If you need any help, just come find me, okay?" she said and then left. I picked up the ale and took some sips, still watching the other people enjoy their time. 'I wonder if I should go talk to anyone?' I thought to myself.
#74810204Tuesday, August 07, 2012 4:35 AM GMT

I continue through the forest until I see in the distance a giant fortress made of ice, there it is' i mumble to myself. I carefully navigate down the snowy and wet rocks to the bottom and head towards the city.
#74810936Tuesday, August 07, 2012 4:45 AM GMT

(Joining IMMEDIATLY.Or else ASAP.)
#74812062Tuesday, August 07, 2012 5:01 AM GMT

Na.me;Wild Yeers of a.ge;16 Gender;M Class;Archer Race;Orkai (This how you spell or?) Armor;Almost never wears armour.When he has to he wears light armour made from the trees of Wea.pons;B0w and @rr0ws magic spells (mage, shaman, druid, paladin); biography;An O.rphan, he lived in the wilderness and learnt how to climb trees. In his cave, which was his home, he made himself an archery range and a bed.
#74812290Tuesday, August 07, 2012 5:04 AM GMT

(( Can you not censor so many words please? Can you also stop misspelling a lot? Btw you are accepted if you can turn on spell check, like Google Chrome or something. ))
#74812611Tuesday, August 07, 2012 5:09 AM GMT

(Adding..Realm:Izus.What's misspelled too?
#74812694Tuesday, August 07, 2012 5:11 AM GMT

(( Oh well, I guess you're accepted ))
#74853000Tuesday, August 07, 2012 5:37 PM GMT

Almond I come to a halt and kneel behind a rock, I look up to see a giant blue skinned man carrying a treetrunk club with him, he was a frost giant. After he leaves I continue towards the city.
#74869253Tuesday, August 07, 2012 8:34 PM GMT

#74872289Tuesday, August 07, 2012 9:02 PM GMT

(A/g/e is filtered)
#74872839Tuesday, August 07, 2012 9:07 PM GMT

Dark Hole - Throws a small creature into a small black hole, throwing them back out in a few seconds. This takes almost all of a creature's breath away, making it dizzy, and confused. Freeze - Freezes a creature for a few seconds. The ice melts quickly, regardless of the temperature around it. Summon Tiger - Summons an ender-tiger, able to tackle, and tear at flesh, for a few minutes. Litch-bolt - Shoots a small ball of dark energy. Capable of killing someone if hit in the right spot.

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