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#75141697Friday, August 10, 2012 7:04 AM GMT

Hello Robloxiwooders, Kasert and I were on a skye chat when I was looking through my old documents and I found a script for a failed show called "Better Day". We both agreed it was very funny, so I've agreed to collaborate with him on the project. We're combing our skills for what we hope to be a great product. Anyways Better Day takes place back in 2008 ROBLOX when everything was a lot better. Before the creators of ROBLOX changed it, a lot of people were having fun and looking back on it you just really realize that it's a lot different now. Being two 08ers, we feel like we can capture that fun energy of that time. Now, we'll need people to be on the cast: Bob: Bill: Cashier: Jerome: Scruffy: Kid: Mother: Policemen: Cashier/Kids/Mother do not share the same scenes as Policemen/ Jerome So you can play two roles in the way
#75176691Friday, August 10, 2012 6:20 PM GMT

Let me take a wild guess here: You're making a movie based about the stereotypical "better ROBLOX" in order to make 08ers-09ers depressed and sentimental and somehow drive change to revert ROBLOX into the "better ROBLOX". Believe me, 08 isn't the "perfect" and "better" ROBLOX that nostalgic 08ers want you to believe. They don't seem to remember the extreme use of free models in Frontpage Games, or how most of the levels were "Ride a cart into BLANK" or "Build to survive a BLANK" or "Try to BLANK a BLANK". Enlighten me; what's the point to making this film, other than to make 08ers depressed and sentimental?
#75177168Friday, August 10, 2012 6:25 PM GMT

And in case you don't believe me, this is my old account.
#75180086Friday, August 10, 2012 6:56 PM GMT

I was OP. My favorite game was ride a cart into a volcano. And I do feel like it was better, but that's only a plot. Also it's a series/
#75180668Friday, August 10, 2012 7:03 PM GMT

Ah well, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. My problem with the project is, put simply, I don't see how a film series with a mostly sentimental mood be able to sustain a interesting plotline throughout the series.
#75231061Saturday, August 11, 2012 3:49 AM GMT

We'll, it's not a look back kind of thing. It's simply in a 2008 enviorment and I thought of the idea after looking at some videos made then. I mean, building was a lot more basic then with that one house in a green field.
#75232008Saturday, August 11, 2012 4:00 AM GMT

It's comedy i believe, ive read part of the script. i don't see depression.
#75280967Saturday, August 11, 2012 6:26 PM GMT

Wait so, let me get this straight: this is a story taking place in an idealized 08 environment, and you'll tell stories of different people living in this environment. Congratulations! You managed to lose my interest in this project! Where's the conflict? Where's the suspense? Where's the interesting plot line? From what I've seen, this storyline has as much relevance and importance as a fluff piece on the news. Here's an idea, and you can take this idea and use it if you want; Protagonist played during the "glory days" of 08. But as time went on, he saw ROBLOX lose quality and focused on quantity. Many of his friends jumped ship, leaving Protagonist alone in this mediocre world. Cut to 2012, Protagonist is still playing, however he's much more bitter. Many people see him/her as a complainer and a whiner. Maybe through the course of the film, Protagonist tries to recreate 08 in some way. Or maybe he/she meets someone (A potential love interest?), and they rant and rave about 08. The title "Better Days" holds more weight. It symbolises the Protagonist clinging to the idealized 08 world he lived in. It also symbolizes his/her depression and bitterness at the 2012 world. But once the story comes to a close, he/she learns that you can't cling to this idea of a perfect world. He/she learns to accept the 2012 world for what it is, and he/she finally fits in. If that is not a better idea than "people living in an idealized 08", then I don't know what is.
#75282821Saturday, August 11, 2012 6:50 PM GMT

No, I don't know where you would even get that idea. It's a plot, I'm not telling stories about other people. Also, I feel like you only feel that way about my perspectives because you want to be the person who is different from everyone else. It's a comedy based on two characters I created, and all the comedy foundations established in that time.
#75285808Saturday, August 11, 2012 7:31 PM GMT

Great. After 8 posts and 2-3 days, I still don't know what the plot to this project is. Just tell it to me straight.
#75314172Sunday, August 12, 2012 12:26 AM GMT

LIKE MANY MANY comedies it focuses on two roomates. One intelligent and one so random, but I've put my own "diversity is a novelty" spin on it. So there is no real plot besides the basic concept, but it's not what you might've assumed at first because you weren't sure. I've also been up for 24 hours so I could've better described it however I lack the abilities to at the moment
#75315968Sunday, August 12, 2012 12:44 AM GMT

Alright, let me see if I can understand this. What you are basically trying to do is a parody of both classic 80's sitcoms and the low quality of writing in 08 videos. The plot will vary from episode to episode, for example one episode will focus on Bill getting fired from his job, another will focus on Bob getting food poisoning. pleasesayimrightpleasesayimrightpleasesayimright
#75327804Sunday, August 12, 2012 2:47 AM GMT

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