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#75156197Friday, August 10, 2012 1:55 PM GMT

In this world there is magick in everyone, and only those that truly believe can learn. But this isn't the kind of magick you see in movies, there are no words involved and this isn't just about the 'four' elements. To control magick is to control your own life energy. Few people ever find their magick abilities, even after years you might never find the kind your best at. Recently two groups of mage's have formed each with there own view on magick. One group known as "Shard Sorceror's" wants to teach magick to everyone open to the idea, while the other group also known as "The Kronicalz" only want to show magick only to those ready. These two groups have been fighting each other for years. Now a dark evil is awakening from its slumber high in the mountains their army is building and the two groups will have to work together. This might be the biggest war in history and you'll have to keep it a secret war. Which path do you chose, which group Shard Sorceror's, The Kronicalz, or seek to help the Great Evil? Will you work together or destroy yourselves before the Great Evil? ~Rules~ All the normal rules, Limited romance, What I say goes, Have fun! ~Beginning Magick~ Mana (Mana is an invisible energy mostly used for healing warm/cooling and defense. Can be used for attacks.) -Water -Fire -Wind -Earth -Dark -Light -Death -Life (Healing) -Electricity ~Intermediate Magick~ Vitakinesis(healing) Electrokinesis(electricity) Telekinesis(objects) Atmokinesis(weather) Cryokinesis(ice) Hydrokinesis(water) Geokinesis(earth) Aerokinesis(air) Pyrokinesis (fire) Gyrokinesis(gravitational fields) Magnokinesis(magnetic fields) Photokinesis(light/color) Audiokinesis(sound) Seeing into the future Empath ~Master Magick~ Biokinesis(body) Chronokinesis(time) Chrono Telekinesis(Move through time) Mind Reading Mind Control ~Shard Sorceror's~ A group of various mages that want to share magick with everyone, and anyone that is willing to learn. They have five people as the leaders of the group. Their base is a floating garden in the skies of the world, if your lucky then you might some day stumble upon their base. ~The Kronicalz~ A second group of various mages that only want to teach people magick that are mentally ready to learn the power. The main leader of the group is Danny Kronicus, and two other people help him. Their base is in the core of the world so it is extremely hard to find. It has several rooms, a 'gym' a library and a meeting room. ~The Great Evil~ Very little is known about this group, motives and allies. The only think know is that the main base is somewhere in the mountains. They only have a few strong members and never give up. They infect people and bring diseases everywhere. ~CS~ Name(First and last, and nickname if you want): @ge: Appearance Sides:(Shard Sorceror's, The Kronicalz, or Great Evil. Pick one, but your not allowed to be in 2 groups at the same time.) Magick(Pick weaker magick, You will get better as the RP goes on. You can learn new magick by winning battles. You must choose Beginning Magick first, once you won 10 battles in Beginning Magick you get to pick Intermediate Magick and once you won battles 20 times in Intermediate Magick you can pick Master Magick spells, You can only pick 3 Magicks from the differeant classes, but you can decrease your ammount of Magick): Bio(Please put something): Other: Well students of the magick, choose your team! P.S I remade this, the last version was crap.
#75156340Friday, August 10, 2012 1:57 PM GMT

[I won't join. But its a improvement. Well done.]
#75156480Friday, August 10, 2012 1:59 PM GMT

Ultrae how about you be the leader of the Shard Sorceror's?
#75156537Friday, August 10, 2012 2:00 PM GMT

[Very well. I guess. Danny.]
#75157069Friday, August 10, 2012 2:08 PM GMT

~Beginning Magick~ Mana (Mana is an invisible energy mostly used for healing warm/cooling and defense. Can be used for attacks.) -Water -Fire -Wind -Earth -Dark -Light -Death -Life (Healing) -Electricity ~Intermediate Magick~ Vitakinesis(healing) Electrokinesis(electricity) Telekinesis(objects) Atmokinesis(weather) Cryokinesis(ice) Hydrokinesis(water) Geokinesis(earth) Aerokinesis(air) Pyrokinesis (fire) Gyrokinesis(gravitational fields) Magnokinesis(magnetic fields) Photokinesis(light/color) Audiokinesis(sound) Seeing into the future Empath ~Master Magick~ Biokinesis(body) Chronokinesis(time) Chrono Telekinesis(Move through time) Mind Reading Mind Control ~Shard Sorceror's~ A group of various mages that want to share magick with everyone, and anyone that is willing to learn. They have five people as the leaders of the group. Their base is a floating garden in the skies of the world, if your lucky then you might some day stumble upon their base. ~The Kronicalz~ A second group of various mages that only want to teach people magick that are mentally ready to learn the power. The main leader of the group is Danny Kronicus, and two other people help him. Their base is in the core of the world so it is extremely hard to find. It has several rooms, a 'gym' a library and a meeting room. ~The Great Evil~ Very little is known about this group, motives and allies. The only think know is that the main base is somewhere in the mountains. They only have a few strong members and never give up. They infect people and bring diseases everywhere. ~CS~ Name(First and last, and nickname if you want): Danny Kronicus (Leader of The Kronicalz) @ge: 1.6 Appearance Black Tux, Black Hair, devil wings, black tie. Sides:(Shard Sorceror's, The Kronicalz, or Great Evil. Pick one, but your not allowed to be in 2 groups at the same time.) The Kronicalz Magick(Pick weaker magick, You will get better as the RP goes on. You can learn new magick by winning battles. You must choose Beginning Magick first, once you won 10 battles in Beginning Magick you get to pick Intermediate Magick and once you won battles 20 times in Intermediate Magick you can pick Master Magick spells, You can only pick 3 Magicks from the differeant classes, but you can decrease your ammount of Magick): Fire, PyroKineses, Mind reading. Bio(Please put something): Is the leader of The Kronicalz, but now is working with Shard Sorceror's to stop the great evil. Other: Likes to be cruel sometimes, but not always, he is kind of neutral.
#75157126Friday, August 10, 2012 2:09 PM GMT

Oops didn't meant to copy everything, just didn't watch, ignore my last post. ~CS~ Name(First and last, and nickname if you want): Danny Kronicus (Leader of The Kronicalz) @ge: 1.6 Appearance Black Tux, Black Hair, devil wings, black tie. Sides:(Shard Sorceror's, The Kronicalz, or Great Evil. Pick one, but your not allowed to be in 2 groups at the same time.) The Kronicalz Magick(Pick weaker magick, You will get better as the RP goes on. You can learn new magick by winning battles. You must choose Beginning Magick first, once you won 10 battles in Beginning Magick you get to pick Intermediate Magick and once you won battles 20 times in Intermediate Magick you can pick Master Magick spells, You can only pick 3 Magicks from the differeant classes, but you can decrease your ammount of Magick): Fire, PyroKineses, Mind reading. Bio(Please put something): Is the leader of The Kronicalz, but now is working with Shard Sorceror's to stop the great evil. Other: Likes to be cruel sometimes, but not always, he is kind of neutral.
#75157441Friday, August 10, 2012 2:15 PM GMT

[Ah alright. Dan. I'm going now anyway. TF2 to play.]

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