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#75233830Saturday, August 11, 2012 4:24 AM GMT

₪═══════════════════════₪ GCR RULES GUIDE ₪══════════════════════₪ ☞INTRODUCTION ☞RULES ☞OFF/ON DUTY ☞GLOSSARY ☞SUMMARY ₪══════════════════════₪ INTRODUCTION ₪════════════════════════₪ ✎ Welcome to the GCR Rules Guide, this guide will go VERY in depth on our rules. It will list all rules in a numbered layout. The rule will be listed and then you will see a description next to it. This guide has been made to its size to prevent ANY loopholes. You dont have to read the whole thing but you can use it as a reference. Its probably best if you do read it all, but its not completely necessary, just dont go blabbing on about how something isn't against our rules when it actually is. ₪══════════════════════════₪ RULES ₪═══════════════════════════₪ ✎ Below you can find all our rules described in detail. There should be no reason to ask questions as i have made this guide as detailed as possible. All rules will be marked with either a "✔" or an "✖". The "✔" will be put in front of any rules that are only indirect. Anything marked with "✖" is considered a rule that is a direct offence against GCR. ♕✔ {SHOUTS}: Shouts are a big part of GCR. Shouts allow us to communicate and send a quick message to every member of GCR. There is, however, certain rules that everyone must follow when using shouts. Only Commander+ needs to read this. All others may skip this, as it doesn't involve them. First rule about shouts is that they must contain proper grammar. We dont want to be embarrassed by someone saying "Z0MG R4IDZ 4T M3RCA FZW!". Instead remember to capitalise where needed (Not every single word), and use proper spelling (Avoid abbreviations, eg: "u" instead of "you"). Secondly, you must mark your name at the end of the shout like so: "- Nsk1999". People can therefore see your name when they see the shout on their walls, instead of having to go to the group page and look at your name. And lastly, do not make pointless shouts. So no shouts saying your having a party, no shouts saying you won a raid or training is over, and no shouts saying that you just got a new pet monkey. We also have a 5 warnings policy. You will be given 5 warnings when it comes to shout. So whenever you post a shout wrong, like use bad grammar, dont tag the shout, or dont tag your name, you get a warning. Once you reach 5 warnings, you receive a demotion. ♕✔ {RAIDING/DEFENDING}: When raiding, there are many rules that must be followed. Patrolling is included in defending. Below is the list. ● Do not flame ANYONE, even the enemy. ● Do not team kill. ● Listen to all orders given by higher ranks as soon as they are given. ● Full command is given to the raid leader/highest rank. ● Do not embarrass GCR in any way. ● Wear GCR uniform. ● Do not hack/exploit, even to help GCR. ● Raid leader/highest rank must send raid report to me. ♕✖ {TREASON}: Treason is not in any way tolerated in GCR. If you feed intelligence to enemies of GCR, join an enemy of GCR, admin attack GCR, attack or harm GCR in any way, you will be immediately exiled. If that same person is seen in GCR again, they should be exiled and their name should be reported to all other HRs and why he/she should be exiled if they ever come back into GCR again. ♕✔ {RESPECT}: All ranks are expected to obey ANY higher ranks. So if someone who is a higher rank than you gives you an order, you must follow it. You must also not question the order or insult the higher rank or you will be demoted. This being said, if a higher rank is exceptionally rude to a lower rank, they can and will be demoted. Please bear in mind, being strict and drilling is NOT being rude. ♕✔ {ACTIVITY}: If you are an Officer+, you can be demoted for not being active. Being active means posting on the group wall, raiding enemies, training lower ranks and recruiting new members. Also, if a higher rank approaches you while you are off duty and requests you come to training or a raid, you have to go, otherwise the higher rank has reason to get you demoted. However, you only have to go once a day. If they approach you again, you do not have to go. You may also request private training from a Centurian+ once a day. If they decline, they can be demoted. But remember, you may only request a private training session once a day. After that, people dont HAVE to train you if they dont want to. Do not ask the Sovereign for a private training. If you do so many times, you can expect a demotion. Consider yourself warned. ♕✔ {WALL}: When using the GCR wall to communicate with other members, you must use proper grammar, make sure what you say isnt completely off-topic and not flame. We allow fun on the wall, and some off-topic things. Saying you did something outside of Roblox on the wall will not be accepted. ♕✔ {STUPIDITY}: Yes, in GCR it is against our rules to be a moron. EVERYONE is smart... some people just dont act smart. If you show an exceptional amount of "moronicness", you can and most likely will be demoted. We find it embarrassing to have people going around doing stupid things. We like to give GCR a clean image, not one that says "OHAIDER, I LIEK CAIK DERRRRRPPPPPPP!!!!!". ♕✔ {RECRUITMENT}: Certain rules apply to recruitment. Firstly, alts are NOT allowed in GCR, it is a waste of space. Secondly, do not recruit people who are in enemy clans of GCR. If you do, they will be exiled. It is fine however if they leave the enemy clan to join GCR. ♕✖ {BULLYING}: If anyone is found bullying someone in GCR, they will be exiled immediately. We like to be close in GCR and we do not tolerate anyone being mean to anyone else. So please make an effort to make sure you do not tease others etc. ♕✖ {BEGGING}: Under absolutely no circumstances, can you beg. Do not beg for ANYTHING. Do not beg for tech, do not beg for promotions and do not beg for someone to come visit your place. If you are talking about a possible training base, fort, etc. then it will be allowed. If you ask more than once a day, you will be punished. ♕✖ {ADVERTISING}: Do not advertise anything at GCR bases, the GCR wall, or at anything having to do with GCR. This will end with the post (if its on the group wall) being removed and you being demoted. If in-game you will be given a warning and if you persist you will be demoted. If you wish to have something advertised for you by GCR, send me a PM and I will possibly advertise for you. It is very rare however for me to use GCR as an advertising machine. ♕✔ {GRAMMAR}: Grammar must be used in GCR. We dont expect you to use commas etc, but we do expect you to use proper spelling and capitalise when needed (NOT WHOLE SENTENCES). If you are a Brute+ and use bad grammar too much, you can and most likely will be demoted. ♕✔ {UNIFORM}: When on-duty you MUST wear the GCR uniform. It is that plain simple. Wearing the uniform is like having your ID card. If you refuse to wear our uniform when on duty, you will be demoted. ₪═══════════════════════₪ OFF/ON DUTY ₪════════════════════════₪ ✎ When you're on or off duty is pretty much when you are a GCR soldier and when you are not. You are on duty when you are: ● In GCR uniform. ● At a GCR base. ● Raiding with GCR. ● At an allied base. ● At a GCR meeting. ● Doing anything having to do with GCR. You are off duty whenever you are doing anything that has nothing to do with GCR. You are NOT on duty if your just playing a game with friends from GCR at a place. ₪════════════════════════₪ GLOSSARY ₪══════════════════════════₪ ✎The following is a useful list of words that you might find being said in GCR that you might want to know or incase you dont know what they mean. ● GCR ~ Abbreviation of "Grand Clan of ROBLOX". It is used to avoid having to type more. ● "Line Up" ~ When a higher rank orders for a line up, they are expecting all GCR to line up in a line in front of them that is as straight as possible in as little time as possible. ● "Orders?" ~ Short and snappy question asking for orders from a higher rank. ● "Yes, Sir!" ~ Used to acknowledge something a MALE higher rank has just said. ● "Yes, Maam!" ~ Used to acknowlege something a FEMALE higher rank has just said. ● "Man Stations", "Battle Ready", or "Battle Stations" ~ Direct order given by HRs for all GCR to take battle ready positions. These are only a few terms used in GCR. If you have any other terms that you think belong here, just send me them in a PM and I will add them if I like them. ₪════════════════════════₪ SUMMARY ₪═══════════════════════════₪ ✎If you have read the whole of this guide, good job. This guide however has been made for you to skim through. It is not necessary to read the whole thing, just make sure you understand our rules. This has gone into much detail to prevent any confusion. If anything is missing out just send me a PM and I will review the guide again. If you follow these guidelines, you are sure to be a great soldier in GCR. Grand Clan forever! ♕ Sovereign Nsk1999

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