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#75274426Saturday, August 11, 2012 5:15 PM GMT

This thread is inspired by my book I am writing, called 'Human Pet'. This is also inspired by my anger at the ASPCA and how they neglect their animals, and also on Weird True and Freaky, I hope you enjoy. The link to my book will be posted at the bottom of this thread. ------------------------------------------------------ About eighty years ago, humans were no longer enslaved, but rather kept as pets. The demons dislike our way of life by keeping animals "hostage", and treating them as objects. Most people didn't treat pets as objects, however the few who did, brought this horror upon us all. Humans way of life changed rapidly, once from being the rulers of the over-world, to being kept as pets who have no respect. Animals are higher in the social ladder than us, much higher. Bacteria is better respected than we are. How some demons treat us...They breed us like cats and dogs, to sell in pet stores and to get slaughtered in the ranches. We are either litter-trained, or house-broken. But have little privacy. Rarely are you lucky enough to even have a leaf to cover your body. They whip us when we are bad, since we don't have a sensitive nose. They rip children away from their mothers when they have reached the age of one. They speak our language, and understand us. We're treated like how we treated the animals we kept as pets...Feeding on pellets that are in foodbowls. When we are trained to do something, we get a treat...We go to the vet...We are sold in pet stores. It's utterly terrible. And only because very few people did wrong. Now, we're human pets. ----------------------------------------------------- This is a sand-box RP, thus, you make your own plot. You can be either a demon or a human, demons come from myths, and have animal-features. Demons also have powers, very minor unless you work for the government. They usually live about 300years. You can not rebel against their government, as you are worthless and you would be a laughing stock. So please, don't. I don't care about Romance, swearing, or whatever else, I just don't want bullying or flaming. Admins are my close friends, and they know who they are[;D]. No, you can't be admin, so don't ask. Instead of doing a CS, i would like a Character Paragraph, explaining your character and the scenery around him/her. Remember, if you are a human, you are treated as how people treat animals. So, you are NOT higher power. Your CP will prove your RPing ability, I expect grammar, but it doesn't have to be perfect. Thank you. You must be accepted. Please don't spam the thread. Humans will either A) Be sold in pet-stores B) Sent to the ranches for food or C) Be put in the breeding program. Females are usually in the breeding program, and most die during child-birth. Yes, there are humans who are put in the fighting. Just like how pit-bulls are. Suggestions? PM me. Hope you enjoy. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Questions? PM me, I won't answer them on the thread. And I am serious about this. Link to the book: http://figmentREMOVE.com/books/389728-Human-Pet
#75274847Saturday, August 11, 2012 5:19 PM GMT

(CP from my book. Enjoy) I startled awake from the horror that was in my nightmare. My head banged the top of the cramped cage I was forced to stay in until I was bought. Sweat covered my body, tears streaming my puffed face. The cage was warm, and over-heated. The air was heavy, with a thick smell of urine and rotting feces. There was glass on both sides of the cage, no one was in the store except for the owner. I slowly made myself sit up, holding my bare legs close to my chest as I looked around my cage. I was sitting on simple newspapers, crumpled up from my sleep. Two metal bowls sat at the front of the cage, one filled with slop and the other filled with water that hasn't been cleaned in weeks. In the back of the cage was a bucket where urine and feces stayed in, they weren't mine as I only been here for a night. The shop was much quieter than I thought it would be. The last one I was in, other humans were screaming and yelling, pounding on the glass in hopes to be let out. I remember hearing the loud screams of humans in the back room, dying in a painful death because they were simply too violent to be adopted. curled pig tail sticking out from his shorts. I turned to sit on my knees, looking out through the clear glass. I glanced at my reflection, my pale blonde hair falling to my hips in soft, heavy curls. It was oily and dirty, since I haven't been able to bathe in weeks because of the unthoughtful store owners. My skin was pale, a snow-white which glistened with the drops of sweat that formed from the heat of the cage. My eyes, on the other hand, were both odd. It's what made people not buy me. My right eye was a dark blue, with pale blue lines. It resembled calm waves that slowly moved to shore. My left eye was a soothing green, almost like pine-trees sprouting in the forest. I felt like it made me ugly. . . I shook those thoughts out of my head, I couldn't let something such as my appearance depress me. I was glad I was in a rag dress, even though it only landed at my mid-thigh, I was atleast covered.
#75275302Saturday, August 11, 2012 5:25 PM GMT

(This makes me rethink having a pet. :o) ~Magma72~
#75275572Saturday, August 11, 2012 5:28 PM GMT

(Mhm. That's what it's supposed to do. :P)
#75276459Saturday, August 11, 2012 5:38 PM GMT

(I'll join.)
#75276529Saturday, August 11, 2012 5:39 PM GMT

(Yay! Long time no see, User.)
#75276592Saturday, August 11, 2012 5:40 PM GMT

(I feel appreciated now, thank you for brightening my day.)
#75276700Saturday, August 11, 2012 5:41 PM GMT

(XD Was that sarcasm?)
#75278179Saturday, August 11, 2012 5:56 PM GMT

I sat in a cage, looking around. I saw a lady in a dress. Turning to the front of my cage. I tried to see my reflection. I saw one puffy eye, my bare body scattered with bruises. I had been rescued from an underground human-fighting ring. My hair was black, and I looked like a teenager. My face was scattered with zits. My eyes were light blue, and my skin was pale. I had black marks where I had been hit. I resembled a young man, in my ways. I looked at the bucket behind me, glad my nose was stuffed. I sniffled. I wore a rag, tied around my waist, to cover me. I looked depressed, and paranoid. I sniffled again. Upon standing up, I look at my physique. I was skinny, but tall. I wasn't bare-bones, because I generally won my fights. I'm typically very quiet. I looked around again, and sniffled. I sat down, in a corner, hugging my knees to my chest, letting out a few cries of sadness.
#75278597Saturday, August 11, 2012 6:01 PM GMT

(So I write a story about a school shooting, and that gets through the mods the first time, but this gets blocked?) A slant of light hit my eyes as they darted open. I used my hand as a shield, blocking the light ray from my corneas. I turn away from the "sun" and look at my "Enclosure". It was a simple one really. It had a small metal food bowl filled with pellets, a second bowl filled with water, and a bunch of newspaper. At least I got to see yesterdays news. I sit down, my back sore from arching in this cramped space. Why did I have to be fairly tall? It feels like being 6'2" is a disease. Well, at least you can run faster, with long legs and what-not. I peered into the store, my only source of entertainment, well, besides those newspapers. There wasn't much activity in the store, just one demon, wandering around the store. The demon was huge, probably my exaggeration, but he was probably around 20-30 feet tall. His red eyes glared at me, examined my body, then went on to someone else. After about an hour of watching him, he finally left with a bag of food and a girl, probably around 6 ye.ars o.ld. The girl looked back and waved goodbye, such a sweet little gesture. I looked into the glass sides of my cage and saw my reflection. I stared at my eyes, they were amber, such a strange color for a human. My hair was brown and matted from my lack of bathing. My skin should have been lightly tanned, but I looked to be darker from the dirt that covered me. My facial features had a long and sharp feel to it, almost like a spear. I looked below to see if I was clothed. I was, but just wearing pants that I think are made out of burlap. At least it was something. ~Magma72~
#75279085Saturday, August 11, 2012 6:06 PM GMT

(XD Both are accepted!)
#75279700Saturday, August 11, 2012 6:13 PM GMT

(:D Thanks!) ~Magma72~
#75280108Saturday, August 11, 2012 6:17 PM GMT

(Thanks... And, silly Crabapple, you have yet to realize that, if I say anything at all, I don't fiddle around with sarcasm. I tell them that I hate them, and spit on their shoes.)
#75281935Saturday, August 11, 2012 6:39 PM GMT

(O:< That's not very nice.)
#75282543Saturday, August 11, 2012 6:47 PM GMT

(( Yay! I can join and actually roleplay this time! ))
#75282684Saturday, August 11, 2012 6:49 PM GMT

(XD Yes you can, Awesome.)
#75282745Saturday, August 11, 2012 6:49 PM GMT

I sat in the back of the filthy, rank cage. My back turned away from the glass wall. The hideous demon children banging on the glass, relentlessy trying to make me turn around. I don't know how they could be interested in such a dirty, scruffy creature as me though. Eventually, the cage stops shaking, and I take a quick peek behind me. Seeing nothing, I quickly turn around and look for nearby demons, again nothing.Taking a risk, I turn fully around, and see my reflection for the first time in what must be years. My long, stringy, and filthy blonde hair, lay in tangled clumps around my head. My eyes, blue-gray and lifeless, empty of emotion and hope. My face, scarred and dirty, and red marks on my cheeks from being hit. My body, thin and pale, covered by nothing more than a ripped, and oversized T-shirt. I turned back around, ashamed by my appearance, and try to remember things from before being in the cramped cage. With I sigh, I realize my memory can't stretch that far, I know nothing of my past, and nothing of my future.
#75283705Saturday, August 11, 2012 7:03 PM GMT

(Hmm, might try to join later. Good plot and good idea of having to be a good roleplayer though :D)
#75284244Saturday, August 11, 2012 7:10 PM GMT

#75284545Saturday, August 11, 2012 7:14 PM GMT

"She won't behave! I can't take her food without her biting me!" The demon said, hissing as he flicked his tongue out of his snout. "No one has bought her either, we need to put her down." The other demon said, growling. My eyes widened, just because no one bought her doesn't mean they need to put her down! The demons finally tied her down to the table, tears streaming down her small five year-old face.The two doctors dragged a table over to the girl, who was screaming. They opened a jar, which held two slugs in it. The slugs were dripping in slime, and both had razor sharp teeth. A demon yanked the girls head to side, not popping the neck however, and causing her to wail. Another doctor grabbed the tweezers, grabbing a slug from the jar, and dropping it in the girl's ear. Blood poured out of her ear and onto the table as she screamed, the slug digging to her brain. I felt my breathing grow heavier as the smell of blood and the smell of fresh flesh flow into my cage. The child let out another shrill scream, before she fell limp on the bloody table, the slug chewing it's way out of her forehead, and jumping back in the jar. Slime poured from the hole in her skull, the blood dripping out and over her once cute face. I felt my body swaying back and forth, tears streaming from my oddly colored eyes as I stared at her, feeling guilt and sympathy for her. The doctors grabbed a bag, stuffing her body in it as they sprayed down the table and floor, before leaving the room with the bloody bag. I turned around, watching people walk through the store, none buying a human...All buying supplies for their humans. "Someone buy me." I murmured, "I have an hour to live..." I slammed my head against the cage, my head throbbing loudly.
#75286295Saturday, August 11, 2012 7:36 PM GMT

I ran as he came close. Holding a pitchfork, he took chase. I slowed down thinking I could not escape. He walked away, seeing a easier pray. I did not dare to watch as I heard the scream, and footsteps walking out of the barn. I was close to the only one on the farm, trying to escape death at every step, I could not even remember my name. As I peered over the fence, I saw exactly what happened to those who were not agile enough to escape death. Hundreds of bodies hanging from a pole, waiting to be sold. I looked at the house across the street, and saw my reflection. Pale skin, frail legs, thin body, and very old and tight clothes. If only I could be one at the pet store, I thought. And so I just stood there, staring into the distance.
#75286371Saturday, August 11, 2012 7:37 PM GMT

(@Crabby, creepy post.) I sit in a tight dirty cage. I blow my black hair out of the way, it was shaggy. I see a mirror and look at myself. I look at all the dirt around my face. I have a slight beard (The one when your still growing it and it is all dots), I am really pale, and have aqua blue eyes. I look at the scars over my face and my black eye. I look at my lip, the bottom lip is bleeding.I want to scream at the Children when they play with my cage, it makes me get a bump on my for head. I pity myself as I see my condition, I am a weak guy, very skinny, If I were any more more skinny My bones would pop out. I am 5 10'. It makes this cage very tight. I weigh at 160 pounds which is un-healthy for a guy that is 21. I look away from the mirror as I spit on the floor. I see a Demon looking at me. It walks away with only one glance. I would want to just run away. I know if I don't get picked soon, they will kill me. I try to look cute, but whenever I do, it looks like I got hit by a bus.
#75286384Saturday, August 11, 2012 7:37 PM GMT

(Accepted, Spartan.)
#75286492Saturday, August 11, 2012 7:38 PM GMT

(Am I not accepted?)
#75286761Saturday, August 11, 2012 7:42 PM GMT

(Of course, I didn't see your CP. :P Accepted, Cool. Welcome to the party!)

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