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#7540558Wednesday, April 15, 2009 11:01 PM GMT

Post your stories here! Real or fake. Mine: Once I was with a squad in a jungle battles. We saw a red light from the distance, but we couldn't make out what is was. But when we got to south central village, we discovered what is was.......
#7540713Wednesday, April 15, 2009 11:04 PM GMT

This takes place in Invalid's warfare map I was with 4 other people, we were in the middle of a foggy forest full of ruins. We had taken shelter in a wrecked church when suddenly the place was teeming with enemies! 2 of us quickly fell under the gunfire while I blinded them with a smoke grenade, then we moved in with our knives. We quickly cut down most of them, I myself got shot in the leg during the fight we took another casualty before escaping in a jeep we found crashed outside.
#7540928Wednesday, April 15, 2009 11:08 PM GMT

#7542204Wednesday, April 15, 2009 11:33 PM GMT

That place is creepy. It's hard to see.
#7542737Wednesday, April 15, 2009 11:43 PM GMT

This is in my place (Fake story but real place) Me and hiwatter were fighting.. At my lazer warz... Shoop da whoop came.. He said: I AM NOW DARTH NOOB!!!!!!! IM A DUMB CHARACTER! He got eaten by ban-man! And the world was saved!
#7543515Wednesday, April 15, 2009 11:57 PM GMT

(fake story, possbly real place) me, and two other members of my team, the brawlers, a genral and a commander/data collector, we were spying on umbrellacorps base when all of a sudden we felt guns pointed to our heads, we turned around quickly and saw that umbrellacorp and derb540, the leaders of umbrella corp, along with some grunt had pointed the guns to our heads, they made one bad mistake, putting me with the grunt, i quickly pulled out my M16 and shot down the grunt, followed by Derb540's right arm, and Umbrella corp's left leg, then somethin unexpected happend, derb540 and umbrellacorp fused to make derbcorp540, they then were firing rockets from thier arms as we ran, me and my genral get away, but my comander, just dodged a rocket and lost his legs, we quickly ran to him, pikced him up and gotta to our jeep, layed him on the injurie area, and drove back to the brawlers hidden base, where we then got the commander new legs
#7543894Thursday, April 16, 2009 12:04 AM GMT

(real story real place) Me and another guy we pilots in that Bio Conflict Game after failed rescue atempts my chopper crashed and there was zombies coming toward my chopper I managed to get in another chopper
#7544579Thursday, April 16, 2009 12:17 AM GMT

(real story, real place) it was zombie D-day was killing all the zombies in sight i was then suddenly shot in the back, by one of my teammates though the traitor i will never know
#7545358Thursday, April 16, 2009 12:31 AM GMT

Nice stories everyone!
#7545378Thursday, April 16, 2009 12:32 AM GMT

1 day i shot a noob.
#7545540Thursday, April 16, 2009 12:35 AM GMT

my paint baal place true) I was playing with a good friend and he was all "I own ya"and"ownage!" I just walk up to him and melee him and grabs the flag and make a run for it and I scored and I was like"whos ya daddy?!" THE END

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