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#75618458Wednesday, August 15, 2012 2:06 AM GMT

Yes, this is another sand-box RP. Soo, I hope you enjoy. --------------------------------------------------------- The year is 2080, the world has been through wars, rebellions, revolutions. It has been destroyed. It's been changed. (Yup, that's the story...XD I'm sorry, but this is a sand-box, and more of a "I'm going to be very creative" RP. So...Here's the changes that happened.) -------------------------------------------------------- Culture: Europe has gone back to Medieval cultures, however, the technology is still there. They are now a 'full' Monarchy, all of Europe one kingdom with many provinces. Europeans wear Medieval clothes, however fight with guns. They use medieval armor. And have the same hair-styles. Russia(Once Asia) is now a dictatorship, controlled by the Dictator Ivan. Russia is made up of many islands, all controlled by the same person. Slaves are popular here, despite any race they are. Mermaids are usually captured here, and their tails are skinned to use as the reptilian armor that is used here. They're also having an epidemic with Heat Stroke, no, it's not like the old Heat Stroke where you would get over-heated. Instead it's contagious, and very fatal. As soon as you get it, within three days you are dead. It's a painful experience, and most are driven to insanity once they get it. Atlantis(Once North America): During the Nuclear War North America was shattered, deep into the ocean depths. There, humans adapted to the water, gills grown on their stomachs, and their legs combining together. Scales formed over them, turning them into the fantastical myth of mermaids. The mer-race is a Democracy, voting and vetoing presidents. However, at this moment, they are in a Civil War, fighting over rights for citizens. Southern Americas: The Southern Americas are split into two, one being owned by Europe, and the other being owned by Russia. The European part of the Southern Americas holds the nastiest of prisoners, pirates, and the air-ships. The Pirates are illegal, hiding on the southern part of the large territory, which is all jungle. The northern part holds the air-ships, and the prisoners, who can not escape. The part owned by Russia holds the races that Russia doesn't wish having them in there. Everyone from Russia is blonde hair, green eyes. People who are born differently are sent to the barren waste-land of Southern America. Once shipped there, they usually are digging their own graves as soon as they arrive, being split into two groups. The first group has to survive, the other group is shot in their grave. This is all under the order of Ivan. Australia is an anarchy, holding the misfits. That's about it on Australia. It also holds a small kingdom of pixies and fairies, the kingdom hiding on top of the clouds, however labeled as Australia. ----------------------------------------------------------- Race: Humans- Bipeds that are the most large population of the race, living in Australia, Southern Americas, Russia, and Europe. Elves- A tall, angelic race. Living only in Europe(Unless a prisoner or pirate), and are usually in the arts of magic and science arts. They have the pointed ears, and there is multiple sub-species of them. Dwarves- Living in Russia, they are the large enemies of Elves. They are short, and hot-headed. They are usually well with machinery, and metal-making. They live in mountains or woods. Gnomes- A species closely related to the Dwarves, the gnomes live in either Russia or Europe, they are neutral in the races. They are extremely intelligent, despite their height, and advance in technology. Their heads are usually larger than their bodies. They can live anywhere, however, are mainly in the cold. Merpeople- Mermaids or mermen, they live in Atlantis, under the sea. Their tails are scaled, and usually they have abnormal hair-colors. Their eyes are usually two colors. They are excellent swimmers and very good at fishing. Fairies/Pixies- Don't let their cuteness fool you, this race is nasty and cruel. In their small mouths are rows of sharp teeth, just waiting to tear human flesh apart. They are tiny creatures, about 3cm tall. And usual dress with natural items. Mutants- Basically, mutated humans that live anywhere, however are usually shipped to Australia. ---------------------------------------------------------- Classes can be anything. However, if you want to be a political leader or someone strong in society, please PM me before doing your CS. For non-admins, Students of Magic can ONLY be used for the magical character. Not archmage, or mage. Please follow this rule. Want to start a rebellion? PM me before you do. Again, this is a sand-box. and you make a plot and story. CS must be filled out all the way, nothing can be left blank. Even if a sentence. HAVE QUESTIONS, PM ME. I WON'T ANSWER ON THE THREAD. ----------------------------------------------------------- Admins: They know who they are. ----------------------------------------------------------- CS: Name: RPAge: Race: Country: Appearance: Items: Class: Bio: What is the country made up of islands: ------------------------------------------------------------- ENJOY!
#75619355Wednesday, August 15, 2012 2:15 AM GMT

#75619496Wednesday, August 15, 2012 2:16 AM GMT

(Dead you should join! You would be an admin.)
#75619717Wednesday, August 15, 2012 2:18 AM GMT

(i've never done a sandbox rp, but I like it!)
#75621411Wednesday, August 15, 2012 2:36 AM GMT

Name:Horice Silentall RPAge:28 Race:elf Country:Europe Appearance:blue skin sliver hair wear a red robe with a purple line down end Items:a staff and a throwing dagger Class:magical character Bio: tbr What is the country made up of islands:Russia
#75631723Wednesday, August 15, 2012 4:40 AM GMT

CS: Name: Elleste Wraithmist RPAge: (16-17 in human visual age. Not sure if elves live longer.) Race: Elven Country: Europe (Spain area) Appearance: Underweight fir even his meager 5'2 stature, His narrowed face and ears are all that distinguish him from a younger human. Self concious about his apperance, He wears black long sleeved Mage's robe with runes sewn in silver on the trim and hood which to a mage are obvious as Fire and Projectile protection wards. His blond hair, which he hasn't bothered to do more than wash and trim every once and a while, falls neatly to his kneck, causing him to constantly to have to brush it from his face. His Face is narow as typical in elves, and his eyes are miss matched, one a light shade of violet, the other a human like blue. He also carries a rather large backpack, full of spell components and supplies, and a staff that doubles as a single shot rifle. Items: Various spell components, his staff, an amulet of Water breathing Class: Mage Bio: Elleste was a natural and dedicated mage from the start, and passed through the student stage rather quickly. Extremely quickly. He is determined to be an Archmage, and has a delusional fantasy of someday ursurping the throne, and placing a council of mages in control of Europe. He despises Russia as this is where he was originally from. His mother, being not elven or of magic, or of the specified requirements of the dictator, was shipped out, unable to escape, and her fate is unknown. His father is dead, killed by a Wraith. Ironic. What is the country made up of islands: Russia
#75632099Wednesday, August 15, 2012 4:45 AM GMT

[Dead, accepted...Vam, not accepted.]
#75702963Thursday, August 16, 2012 12:40 AM GMT

#75747607Thursday, August 16, 2012 2:35 PM GMT

deadeyelee in elf years your 32
#75752656Thursday, August 16, 2012 3:51 PM GMT

(I'll join.)
#75754454Thursday, August 16, 2012 4:16 PM GMT

CS: Name: He is unnamed, but he is known as the Wingless Crow (shortened to Crow) by his mentor, who calls him this for his first job and how it turned out. RPAge: 28 Race: Human Country: Europe Appearance: Wearing black cloth, he has a bandolier, adorned with pouches filled with whatever he may need, mostly poisons but still a few other things that can come in handy. He has a silenced pistol at his side, and, if it's not pointed at anybody's head, a rifle on his back. His eyes are brown, but are typically hidden by his hood. He is usually clean shaven, unless I say otherwise. He has a scar by his eye that runs down to his chin. He has a pretty small figure, and can move quite quickly. Items: He has his pouches, filled with items, and his sniper rifle on his back and his silenced pistol at his side. He also has a few knives hidden throughout his ensemble, like one in the back of his belt, one strapped to his ankle area. His most favored knife is placed on the inside of his upper thigh, so he can kneel down and say he is lacing his boots, but is instead stabbing you in the back. Class: Hired Killer, or A.ssassin. Bio: He was born at the moment his mother died, and his father had been long gone as soon as he heard the words 'Child.' At the age of twelve, he saw a prisoner under escort to a prison get s.hot in the head by somebody. He quickly hopped up and followed after the somebody, moving faster for he was a kid, and wasn't carrying a weapon. He had heard about a.ssassins, but had never seen one. This man kindly took him in. He taught him the tricks of the trade, until he finally became a full fledged a.ssassin by himself. He may have even outdid his teacher. What is the country made up of islands: Russia!

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