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#77846196Monday, September 10, 2012 1:02 AM GMT

Neerly 6 years ago I typed in 'Game like legos' into Google. I found Roblox. I've been part of Roblox for neerly 6 years.. I have a main account named Minimeep (no 1) I've been very active at some points, and inactive in others.. Right now, I'm getting on less and less. I'm afraid soon I wont be getting on at all. I'm unknown to most of Roblox. I will never be remembered. Thats a sad thing to think for me.. I always imagined one day I'd get known on Roblox.. Put in 'stone' known from fame. I thought I might one day make a huge group.. or a place with tons of visits.. Or shirts and pants everyone would wan't. I guess those dreams will never come true. I can't say I didn't try? I mean I did build almost every day, I forumed tons of people trying to help them out. I was in Frost Clan, I thought I was the best because I went to one of the top ranks with in a month. Now that I'm older I see it doesn't even matter. Frost Clan didn't make me famous, neither did my modles or places. I even made pants that have been sold over 100 times. Yet no one will remember the creator of the pants? The only people who may remember me if they havn't already quit aswell are: Velvers April1444 Disturbeddemon Buffyrabbit Epicmeep Breeleaf Tran18 CaNdYGiRl206 Velvers: was my first REAL friend I had on Roblox, I met him in 2008. We were 'brothers' for life. Life on Roblox that is, and his life ended. I joined his groups, I stuck by his side. I would never leave him. We were going to rule Roblox. Now, he has quit do to updates on Roblox. Disturbeddemon: another one of my great friends, he's still on from time to time for now. Now we are mainly just friends on Facebook because he has also quit (soon) do to Roblox updates. To think I just started to teach him how to build 'well' I'm not saying I'm any good of a builder at all, but I do have a place in building mode right now that I have high hopes for. April1444: was my best friend, we had our ups and downs sure but no matter what she will be my friend. I bought her BC twice because she was my good friend. If anyone could cheer me up it was her! April has quit because she got angry with Roblox's updates. CaNdYGiRl206: was April1444's friend before me, we ventured through out the lands of Roblox! I havn't heard from her in a long time. I'd say she's quit. Buffyrabbit: is Disturbeddemon 'girlfriend' haha, for the longest time I could swear she hated me. Now we are pretty good friends. I'm not sure if she's quitting anytime soon? Shes been on and off lately. Breeleaf: probably my best little buddy right now. We talk all the time and I used to build stuff for her all the time. Like places and modles and scripts. She hasn't quit yet, but she has been inactive for a while only to come on for a little bit. Epicmeep: is just a friend who I've been friends with for a while and I helped make his group famous.. Sadly it's inactive now. Epicmeep has quit Roblox for what you've probably guessed THE UPDATES! Tran18: is helping me fight Roblox's updates but we'll see how long that lasts I guess. But thats truely nothing. Even thin in about a year im sure I'd be earased from memories. Earased from Roblox. It almost feels like im dying.. As if I'm trying to think of all the things I could have dont to make Roblox better for me and other people. Plus they may never return to Roblox. I am quitting Roblox on September 21 2012 the day my Robloxian account minimeep (no 1) turns into a 6 yearold account. I probably would have stayed longer except the fact Roblox is ruining Roblox. I guess I pretty much grew up with Roblox. I got so used to everything.. The people the places the gears and hats.. Now its all changing. Maybe my times on Roblox was meant to come to an end? It depresses me though.. Roblox was truely a great game IN THE OLD DAYS! Now.. It's crap. The rest you don't have to read but you can if you wan't I'd apriciate if you did. I guess I just can't stand bad comments, so I'd love if TROLLs would stay out of TROLLING on this forum. I love to hear arguments so I'm all up for that. Just don't Troll. Here's what I think: Dear Roblox and Robloxians, Some of you weren’t there for 2006-2010 but those of you who were might remember Roblox ‘glory’ days in my opinion. You know the times before all the hackers, exploiters, new players and all the people who say noob and call you a hacker if you beat them in a sword fight? The time before games got slow and ‘laggy’ and Roblox became Ro-Craft or Blox-Craft with the lame terrain. Seriously Roblox, you had something really going for you! Don’t copy Minecraft just to get a bunch more people it was cooler back in 2006-2010! You might say Minimeep1 you’re a 2008 account but look up minimeep (no 1) it’s a 2007 account. I remember how easy it was to build awesome places, how easy it was to talk to creators of games or even Roblox. You can call me a liar but I used to play games with Telamon back then. That’s how easy it was! I miss the days groups were not spammers and hacks and full of noobs. I miss the days ads didn’t annoy you or get copied. When people made GOOD games and didn’t copy other people’s ideas, scripts, and models. Roblox has been going WAY down hill! Look at all the games find all the ones that aren’t copied or similar to other games or are actually good, I guarantee you’ll find only a handful of games that fit that category. You might be getting mad at me for being all hateful by now but think of all the things Roblox has ruined! Roblox's layout is just terrible! Didn't you guys love the colors and the simplicity of the look? You could easily find where you wanted to go. How many messages you had or how much money you got. Now with this black and white (futuristic look -in my opinion) it just looks terrible! The new FF blue shield is also kinda bugging me, at first it was cool but I still like the old rainbow color changing light that would outline your player. They could update the graphics on it but other than that it was awesome! Packages, they are a stupid idea! Yes, yes I know I’m wearing them but that’s because I get judged if I don’t and I already paid for them. Honestly shirts, pants hats and geara and T-shirts should be the only thing available! Now there are 3.0 bodies coming out, I know a simple way to deal with this is to not use them. But I don't even like the option of it. I just miss the simple days I guess. Even the hats and gears are being MADE for 3.0, so what are the original Robloxians getting? Hats that dont fit? Forums are getting spammed and useless, yeah go ahead and say this forum is useless but the 2006-2010 accounts out there will probably agree with me that this is the truth! For 2010+ accounts you really have no right to talk here but I know you will anyway because you guys never knew what Roblox was REALLY like. Roblox is a game site, its not supposed to be a social network like Facebook or what ever, you should get rid of chat. Messages are okay but don't make Roblox something it's not! It was more like legos, no matter how much they say their not. Now, it's like a social network, real life, Minecraft game? It's truely terrible! Now they say thats not what they are.. With all these new textures and building tools with the stupid guis, I think thats exactly what it's becoming. Minecraft with a tiny bit more freedom, but less freedom if you compare it to Roblox 2007-2010. Roblox, Roblox Studios is one of the main uses to build. Your stupid stamper tools don't work, not the way most people want them to. The new layout of Roblox studios is so bad I can hardly stand building anymore! Things I used to be able to build in a week are now taking me months to build. I hate the new tabs and cruddy look of them. I think their also making it a bit harder to build infact, with all the lag they let off. Some of you might remember when your backpack had unlimited space? I hate how that no longer happends.. Now if I want more than ten tools I have to switch out one and get that one. That actually makes it kinda difficult to fight and do other things in Roblox games. I do have to give you props for the leaderboard. It did bug me a little bit how it got in the way, now you can minimize it. The thing is, you took away the adding people on their so you can't decline or accept. Yet people are still able to do friend requests, that just gets REALLY annoying. I know Roblox has made it so you can go into edit mode, go to test mode and go to personal servers to build 'normally'.. But that's just a bit to much.. And who knows how long thats gonna keep. I hope to become a Roblox creator, game designer or something just to try to fix up Roblox’s mistakes. I’m 16 now (go ahead and judge because I know you will anyway) but one more year I’ll be 17 and eligible to register to be part of the Roblox team. Wish me luck and for those exploiters and new players have fun spamming up this forum and annoy the hell out of everyone on Roblox. You are welcome to leave comments but for 2006-2010 those are the only comments I really care about. I’m so sorry you 2010+ were not able to see the greatest times of Roblox. All I ask Roblox is that you take this into consideration when you ruin your game even further. I've been part of Roblox for five years do you really want people from my generation to leave? Remember these are my opinions.. I honastly don't care for arguments because I've heard them all yet I still believe in this. Goodbye. If you agree or support, I recommend you join this group http://www.roblox.com/groups/group.aspx?gid=593044 (This group is a petition on Roblox updates. I have 3 Roblox Editors watching the group carefully.. This does not mean Roblox will change, but it means it has the possibility of changing with the right ammount of people in it. I'm still messaging Roblox Editors, co-creators and creators. But we do need people to join.) I know people say they won't change Roblox. I know that is probably the case since literally no one cares enough to try to change it. You guys might not understand how great it is we have editors watching the group.. That means we atleast have somewhat of a chance. I know they wouldn't change everything.. But it's possible they'd change some things. I just can't believe Roblox thought these were good ideas? Sure some might be to other people.. Some might be great ideas and some don't even matter much to me. Though.. Some of these updates, I just have to think "Are they trying to get rid of players?" Oh well, thanks for reading this. Maybe I have inspired you aswell to stand up? Then again, I'm guessing not enough people care to. I'm told everyday not to quit, that with me Roblox might see a problem. That we have a fighting chance to show whats wrong. That I'm not the only one that feels this way. That if we keep up the forums, emails and recruiting peopel that we can bring back Roblox.. I'm just not sure the players of Roblox has it in them to join and help. Thats why I do this, this forum is made to show there are people out there that care about Roblox! -Ḿῗ₦ῗṃ€€₱1ت
#77846363Monday, September 10, 2012 1:04 AM GMT

#77846645Monday, September 10, 2012 1:07 AM GMT

#77846987Monday, September 10, 2012 1:10 AM GMT

Not really a suggestion or idea, if it is I am sorry I didn't make it through the whole thing.
#77847123Monday, September 10, 2012 1:12 AM GMT

@Shadow, That thread is true. @OP Ahh... Yes... 2010 was great... Except for 5767563567467 things!!!! (No Rage Intended) -FutureLogin ~Grammar Police~
#77847186Monday, September 10, 2012 1:12 AM GMT

Oh, and yes, TL;DR. (Just kidding)
#77852110Monday, September 10, 2012 2:03 AM GMT

Someone has a hard time of dealing with change.. ~ Bump ^o^ ~
#77852562Monday, September 10, 2012 2:08 AM GMT

Wtf I see Candy almost every day....
#77852894Monday, September 10, 2012 2:12 AM GMT

Better now than it was... its people like you making it bad.
#77857576Monday, September 10, 2012 3:17 AM GMT

You see, it all started with the creation of Builders Club...
#77857775Monday, September 10, 2012 3:20 AM GMT

If you don't quit, i'll be your friend I dislike it when people quit :c I know what your talking about... I had TONS of old accounts. I joined in 2008 I played intill 2009 then I joined in 2010 again,on another 4ccount. I forgot my p@55w0rd,so i quit for half a year when I came again,i made this @ccount. but so much had changed. And also ROBLOX is only blocking words that would hurt a 2 YEAR OLD, like h@te,p00py,!d!ot, BUT they dont block nasty, perverted words, the F word,d word,b word s word,ect
#77857982Monday, September 10, 2012 3:23 AM GMT

I can easily summarize this, as well as every other WE WANT OLD ROBLOX BACK sob story, in four words. "I DON'T LIKE CHANGE!" Get over it. ⇒ Your friendly neighborhood hypocrite, Ghost.⇐
#77858135Monday, September 10, 2012 3:26 AM GMT

Also, Rainbow, it's really not hard to filter break. All one would need is an ALT key and a keypad. If you seriously think the admins aren't blocking the real swears, it's clear that you're extremely gullible. ⇒ Your [not very] friendly neighborhood hypocrite, Ghost.⇐
#77858198Monday, September 10, 2012 3:27 AM GMT

#77858328Monday, September 10, 2012 3:29 AM GMT

Well... this might have been a hacker but on a thread they were majorly cussing and it wasnt getting blocked and once i was angry at someone on the forums so i said ''I HAT3 YOU!! and it got blocked
#77858375Monday, September 10, 2012 3:29 AM GMT

#77888777Monday, September 10, 2012 10:00 PM GMT

Roblox is better than what it was in 2008 I can name a bunch of stuff pike packages new interface new gear. Roblox is better than ever I'm thinking of putting a smile on shedlesky's face and buying OBC :D

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