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#78649830Saturday, September 22, 2012 8:26 PM GMT

Long ago in the country of Athmoot, a people known only in history as “The Builders” built the capitol known today as Brightstone. They where a peaceful race, similar to humans, and very quick to advance technologically. They where primitive, and only had basic tools, but they built up the city of Brightstone at an impressive speed. Later, another race now known simply as “Invaders” as the old records called them, invaded. They drove away the builders who had settled in that city, took all of it's resources, and then left it. It is not known what happened to the Invaders, but the beautiful city of Brightstone, with it's well-cut white marble, clean, shining iron, and well lit streets, was left abandoned for three hundred years. But as luck would have it, a group of human pilgrims came across the abandoned city. They where fascinated by the old city, and where quick to take up residence. These humans where of very intent minds, they where excellent builders and inventors, but did not care much for appearances. The city was cared for, but was developed into a more modern version of the old city. Cogs and gears where used to build elaborate contraptions that filled the cities. The marketplaces where filled with stands selling tools and blueprints. Despite the city being officially called Brightstone, it's residents often refer to it as Grease Central; this is in reference to how the city is so focused on inventing that it is not kept in the cleanest state in some of the poorer areas. However, recently the idea of electonics was introduced to the city and it's people. Some believed that these new electic devices where the future, and that steam-powered mechanics where a thing of the past. Some accepted these new ideas more than others, finding the machines efficiency and speed extremely appealing. However, some scoffed at the idea, sure this electric technology was faster, but they found that it was unreliable and prone to breaking. This created a rift in the city, some areas became more electric based, while others became more attached to the way things had been for years. However, while the humans of Brightstone have been focused on the petty squabble between Steampunk and Electric technology, a new threat began to work it's way into the city. It has not yet arrived, but it will soon, the invaders are coming. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This idea had a lot of thought put into it, by both me and Blox. Please don't ruin it, that's all I ask. NOTES! *I will control NPC's *I ask that there actually BE strife between people of the two factions. *I also ask for realism, to make things realistic in the RP. I will approve inventions individually as to make it so nobody is overpowered. *Follow the directions for the Character Sheet or else you will not be accepted. RULES! +General RP rules (no mary/gary-sue, no creating sideplots off on your own, no killing unless that character allows it, don't control other characters, listen to the mods and owners [me and blox] and follow the story) +Attempting to control NPC's is g'modding, so don't do it +Don't create a side-plot all for yourself, we are a TEAM and we work TOGETHER. If you truly can't resist, message me about a side-plot and I will see if it is acceptable. +Bloxette is an admin, so listen to her as well Character Sheet: Name: (originality please?) Age: Faction: (Steampunks or Electrics, or in-between?) Weapons: (you do not start out with these, they are not your inventions, but you will get them later. they must match up with your faction, and if you're in-between pick one-side or the other. can't have both.) [If they are a weird weapon, something original, describe what they do] Steampunk weapons are long-range and faster, but weaker. Electric weapons are prone to exploding, friendly-fire, and are slow and short-ranged. Appearance: (match it up with your faction again, and go into some facial/build detail so we know what you look like) *FOR THESE NEXT TWO, DO NOT POST THESE! Please MESSAGE THEM to me, so the other characters do not already know things about others that may ruin the story.* Personality: (strong silent type? fearful chatterbox? the rock, or the one that always depends on others?) Description: (I want a detailed past, at least 5 sentences. Why you're the faction you are, your social/school life, etc. Also include NEGATIVES about your life, for realism. Nobody is perfect, so include flaws and bullies, fears, etc. along with this)
#78650920Saturday, September 22, 2012 8:38 PM GMT

CS: Name: Kevin Corkner A.ge: 17 Gender: Male Faction: Electrics Weapons: Electric Disc-(a trash-can like disc about the size of my palm, black with 4 blue sparks in a plus-sign on the edge, with red dots corresponding in the center. it fires a field of electricity in a 180 degree angle in front with a max-range of about 3 feet, can be thrown) Energy Sword-(an advanced alloy sword connected to never-ending plasma batteries that super-heats the sword to high degrees of heat able to cut through almost anything, however batteries overheat after about 5 minutes) Appearance: About 5'11" with a thin/slight build, yet gives a hint of strength in the arms and torso. short curly black hair that's flat on the sides and sort of puffs up on top in a a faux-hawk of sorts, dark brown eyes as to be almost black with thin natural eyebrows. medium-length eye-lashes and a normal brow, a thin jaw-line that leads to a chin that sort of squares off at the bottom. a small nose with regularly-sized/spaced eyes. facial hair has grown and is groomed to be in a goatee of sorts. his arms are hairy, and he wears a short-sleeved black shirt under a short-sleeved button-up with a black/white plad shirt over-top that's only buttoned the middle two buttons. dark jeans and gray/white shoes finish off the outfit.
#78650982Saturday, September 22, 2012 8:39 PM GMT

Pretty neat...
#78651122Saturday, September 22, 2012 8:40 PM GMT

thanks. me and my friend blox spent a couple of days fine-tuning it. it's probably lacking somewhere, but *shrug* we're trying it.
#78651293Saturday, September 22, 2012 8:42 PM GMT

So what is the feel to the story?
#78651416Saturday, September 22, 2012 8:43 PM GMT

define "feel" as in mood?
#78651673Saturday, September 22, 2012 8:45 PM GMT

As in like... A Feel of War? A Feel of Survival against all Odds? A Feel of Pollution?
#78651750Saturday, September 22, 2012 8:46 PM GMT

More of an unknown danger lurking in the shadows.
#78651896Saturday, September 22, 2012 8:48 PM GMT

Ah, Like those creatures in "The Silence of the Library." I see. Scary junk brah.
#78651978Saturday, September 22, 2012 8:49 PM GMT

i'm aiming for something that has more of a horror theme to it rather than the regular "danger coming, kill all the baddies"
#78653711Saturday, September 22, 2012 9:07 PM GMT

*bumpity bump bump bump* i hope this isn't a dud
#78655687Saturday, September 22, 2012 9:28 PM GMT

Name: Olivia Danvelli Ag.e: 27 Gender: Female Faction: Steampunk Weapons: Olivia's weapons are essentially dual handguns. The handles are a dark wood, melded with the shaft with golden-copper colored metal. The bullets that the gun fires are also copper-colored. Appearance: Like many stereotypes of Steampunks depict, Olivia does not put much time into her appearance. Her dark brown stick-straight hair is usually tied back messily, but well enough to keep it out of her face. Her face being long and thin, though still shapely. Her eyes are a dark green and wide, with large bags beneath them. Her eyebrows are long and thin, and slightly darker than her hair. Her nose is long with a straight bridge, with a slightly rosy hue. Her mouth is small, with somewhat large, pale lips. Her teeth are slightly crooked, but obviously something that she does put a little bit of time on the side for caring for. Her cheeks are slightly pink, but still pale like the rest of her skin. Olivia stands at about 5'4”, and is fairly curvy. At the beginning, she will be wearing long faded brown pants, with dark brown leather boots that go up to just above her heels. Her shirt is a faded white blouse with copper buttons. She has a faded leather jacket that she wears tied around her waist, and she is wearing dark brown thick leather gloves.
#78655963Saturday, September 22, 2012 9:31 PM GMT

that's good blox. i got your personality/description too, so you're good.
#78657079Saturday, September 22, 2012 9:44 PM GMT

Invaders are coming? YOU RUIN MY FEELINGS! D=

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