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#78804909Monday, September 24, 2012 10:01 PM GMT

Link : http://www.roblox.com/Ktree-city-place?id=93312924 _______________________________________________________________________________ Roblox's Newest City, Made by treefire1234 and Kj312. Kj312: Owner treefire1234: I build most of it. _______________________________________________________________________________ This game is a personel server. You do not get tools unless you are a worker or builder. The only admins are me. Kj312 is admin too [Of Course] __________________________________________________________ Play today the only City place made From scratch. Please dont throw hair everywhere, and so on ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Report Bugs and Spams also complaints to me [treefire1234] Link : http://www.roblox.com/User.aspx?ID=28657783 Thanks for Reading and playing if you did. If you want a house PM me. Ill talk about it with Kj312, He'll make a shirt and sell it at a price we both agree on.
#78876431Wednesday, September 26, 2012 12:53 AM GMT


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