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#79179547Sunday, September 30, 2012 4:45 PM GMT

I have 3 ideas that I think would improve Roblox. Please read carefully so you won't hate on something that I specifically stated in the paragraph. I already have a thread on the first idea, but I included it here too. 1) A Replacement For the Backpack I think it's a real pain sorting all your stuff in the backpack, and I'm sure that you do too. So my idea is instead of using the backpack, just have little arrows at the edge of the hot keys, so you can arrow through all your stuff. The arrows would appear when you have filled each hot key with an item and then another extra one. The numbers would stay where they are however. Only the items would move through the hot keys. This would be a lot more easier and efficient than the backpack 2) Liking and Disliking Comments In this idea, you would have the ability to like and dislike replies on a thread. The design would just be a "thumbs down" and a "thumbs up" on the right side of the post. Under the option that says "View recent replies first" and "View recent replies last" there would be another option that says: "View most liked replies first." So someone can see the top reply. That could be useful because if someone posted an idea (Like this thread), then they can see if there are any downsides to the idea by viewing the top comment. However, the creator can not like or dislike comments on his/her own thread, only other viewers can. I know the first thing people will think when they see this idea, DISLIKE TROLLS. Well I have an idea that will help reduce the amount of these if this idea is used. So when the mods are on the forum, it will say below the reply "Zebah87 disliked this" if I disliked a reply. Only the mods would see this though, not normal players. If they notice that one person is repeatedly liking or disliking replies, than that person will be given a warning, then banned for a certain amount of time, etc. The rule that you can't dislike or like replies continuously will be stated under Forum Rules. 3) Saving your threads Now I have often come to the state where I am typing a thread, and I either have to leave for a while, or I need to check something on Roblox, but I can't leave my not done thread, and if I open another roblox tab then it will lag. So my idea is to have the ability to save your threads and continue them later if you aren't finished typing them. So to continue a thread you started, there would be an area under MyForums that says "saved threads." Then you could simply click on the thread and continue typing. There would be a limit of how many threads you can have saved, and that would be 5. So those are my ideas. Please, if you don't support an idea, state your reason, don't just say "Idea 2 FAILS." I hope these ideas improve Roblox. ~Zebah87
#79180207Sunday, September 30, 2012 4:53 PM GMT

1) They are planning that... 2) Already suggested 1,000,000 Times... 3) Support, but maybe there should be a button that says:"Make to Not Done Threads", so it will place it to Not Done Threads, and you can the next day Continue.
#79181087Sunday, September 30, 2012 5:04 PM GMT

First of all: To improve idea #1, there could be a button on the game menu in settings whether you want arrows or in the backpack. But let's say you have Orinthian Mace as hotkey #1 and you want Orinthian Sword and Shield but it's not in a hotkey. You want both in the hotkeys, but you can only do that with the backpack. So adding to arrows,there would be a "view all tools" button. there would be a row of all your tools,not blocking your whole entire screen. You would drag the sword and shield/Mace into the hotkey area. Suggestion #2 is good,but what if there was 100+ likes or dislikes on a thread,and someone was trolling with other 100+ likes/dislikes,wouldn't that be a lot of work put on the moderators? Suggestion #3: Saving threads. You're right about that, I've been there. But along with that, we could put "edit thread" button. You know, like if you misspelled "liked" and put "lieked" instead. You would press the button and you could go back into the thread you made. These are all brilliant ideas, zebah87. I think they should be made. (LuigiLuigi23456 liked this thread.)
#79181309Sunday, September 30, 2012 5:07 PM GMT

@cory 1) They are? I'm sure it has nothing to with my idea... Well I didn't copy there own idea 2) Sorry I havn't seen the idea before. 3) Yeah that sounds better
#79181600Sunday, September 30, 2012 5:11 PM GMT

@luigiluigi: Thanks for the support. I agree with you on ideas 1 and 3.
#79181899Sunday, September 30, 2012 5:15 PM GMT

1) Oversuggested, but I agree. 2) Nah. 3) I don't know...support...? "Want some Nooby Nuggets with that?"
#79182835Sunday, September 30, 2012 5:28 PM GMT

roblox.ROBLOXForum.ROBLOX.S&I.3_ideas_to_improve_Roblox.findAllChildren:GetService(InsertObject.Support) end Welp, there's my failish Support Script. Doubt it would really work but oh well, i tried. :3 That script should automatically support all three of these ideas... if not it'll crash this entire thread... o_o Not RLY but itsa LOL moment. :P
#79194467Sunday, September 30, 2012 7:58 PM GMT

@drift: ok???
#79194676Sunday, September 30, 2012 8:01 PM GMT

@tony: Why not for #2? and I've never seen another suggestion that suggests replacing the backpack. Maybe saying how it's annoying, but never saying how they think arrows should be put on each side when you run out of room...
#79194745Sunday, September 30, 2012 8:02 PM GMT

1# TOTALY SUPPORT. Most time im 1min. sorting and then i die and... ._. - finnaly done, dies. #2 I forgot this idea :/ #3 i dont got that problem :)
#79194954Sunday, September 30, 2012 8:05 PM GMT

@vlek: Yeah I have the same issue while I'm sorting my stuff. and if you don't have an issue with #3 then you probally soon will
#79195466Sunday, September 30, 2012 8:11 PM GMT

:3 ~(It was a secret bump until I said it was secret)~

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