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#79321405Wednesday, October 03, 2012 12:05 AM GMT

Let's trying this again people, without the Journal entry. (Short Summary) All around the world, there has been a major drought. Nothing humanity has ever dared to think of. For nearly ten months, this drought goes on, devastating third world countires, leaving them wiped out. But finally, after the nearly ten harsh months, rain comes. But if so much of it built up. . . It all had to come down, and it does. Fear sets in around the world, as flooding reaches over 12 feet in some countries. The rain stops once every now and then, but not not often, so you will usually need to gather in the rain. Depending on which living quarters you choose, will determine how fast the water travels, and how deep it is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your postion - Georgia, in the Appalachian Mountains. You have high ground, but from the pooring rain, the water levels are 3 feet, and rising. Since you are at an elevation, water travels faster, and can easily knock you off your feet. Food will also be hard to come by, given you live in a more urban area. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Perks: (You may only have one.) Storage - You have two and a half weeks worth of food stocked up, instead of just one/ Weaponry - You may have a pistol, but only with limited rounds. (Pistol is semi-automatic, and it comes with 25 rounds. You can also find a gun by looking around) Strength - Battling the tough currents comes easy to you. Purify - You can drink rain-water. (The rain water is not clean and is not safe to drink because of possible virus, or infection, though the chances are medium risk of you getting sick.) Fortify - Your shelter is tough again the rain and flooding, giving you protection, and a great place to stay. Companion - You have a K-9 friend to help you find food, weaponry, and possible enemies. (If chosen, put a description of your dog in the "Perk" section of the CS. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Living Quarters. Honeysgrove - A small town, a population of probably 300. Its at a slanted level, where shelter is being torn apart by the flooding. People here have turned into bandits, robbing houses, killing the folk that live there. Despite the risk though, Honeysgrove is thick with loot, since little of it has been destroyed. Weavry - Not really a town, it's mainly only populated by farmers. Water level here is high, since it is elevated. But the water is also calmer, making easier way to get around. Loot here is mild though, and houses are usually parted a long ways from eachother. Kinsdale - A population of about 750, Kinsdale is a modernized town. This town. is in a valley, and water levels can reach up to 6 feet, but the water is calm. It's dense population creates more crime, leaving the mortality rate high. The loot rate is low here, most of it's all been destroyed. But this is where the good stuff is at. Supermarkets, Carpentry shops (For fortifying your shelter), and even the most abundant source of guns are here out of the three living quarters. Put Bibity Boobity in your Food supply if you've read. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CS explanation Name: (Duh) Food supply: (Nothing higher than a supply of one week for yourself, unless you choose Food Supply perk.) Weapons?: (No guns, not everyone has one, and if I let you choose one,everyone would) Height: (REAL important) Leg strength: (1-10. You may only choose 7 and above if you have the Leg Strength perk) Good intentions, or bad intentions?: Family: (If you choose to have one) Weight: (Imprtant too) Clothing: Other body desriptions: Bio: Not needed, but always accepted. Perk: Living Quarters: Shelter:(1-10 status on how well it is fortified. Only people with the Fortify perk can choose 7 and above) (It'll look like this) Name: Weapons: Height: Leg strenght: Intentions: Family: Weight: Clothing: Food Supply: Other body descriptions Bio: Living Quarters: Shelter: Things to keep in mind: I make up the rules There are no admins No instant killing, keep it strategic. I will definently allow for you to use your surroundings to make useful devices, and make basic repairs on items. Some things may be added as this goes on. Any feedback welcome.
#79321691Wednesday, October 03, 2012 12:08 AM GMT

{{Cool, but it may end up too fast paced for me to keep up. Is there any chance of an ISRP version?}}
#79321904Wednesday, October 03, 2012 12:10 AM GMT

Yeah, you should probably look over your roleplays before you submit them... I recommend collabing or getting someone else's opinions on them before you post them.
#79322869Wednesday, October 03, 2012 12:20 AM GMT

@Jet, I've been asking for feedback for days. I haven't gotten any, so I posted. And Piperson, it looks like few people will probably join, so I'd be willing to do an ISRP.
#79323995Wednesday, October 03, 2012 12:32 AM GMT

I've noticed some of the typos. Shoot. I deleted some stuff, and it may have gotten deleted as well.
#79325952Wednesday, October 03, 2012 12:53 AM GMT

CS Name: Tyler DerVan Weapons: Four inch, stainless steel knife. Height: 6' 3" Leg Strength: 5 Intentions: Good, but will resort to robbery if supplies are low. Family: N/A Weight: 182 Lbs. Clothing: Slightly ripped blue-jeans and a white T-shirt. He has a black raincoat that zips up and has a hoodie. Food Supply: 2 Weeks 3 Days Supply...Bibity Boobity Bio: N/A Perk: Storage Living Quarters: Honeygrove Shelter: 6
#79326288Wednesday, October 03, 2012 12:57 AM GMT

This Thread is closed. I will post the Link to the Collab, that will be done by myself, and a friend of mine. You can still apply here, and be accepted though. Qwerty, when the Collab is done, you will be automaticly accepted.

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