#79667498Sunday, October 07, 2012 10:30 PM GMT

I have been interrupted by the arrival of Ab.
#79668015Sunday, October 07, 2012 10:36 PM GMT

#79668022Sunday, October 07, 2012 10:36 PM GMT

Do you have something against Ab ._.?
#79668116Sunday, October 07, 2012 10:38 PM GMT

I was just Kidding.
#79671433Sunday, October 07, 2012 11:21 PM GMT

CS: Name: Gankona Netsui Gender: Female Profession: Writer and artist, works in a small library on the edge of Omashu RP.A.g.e: 14 Bending Style and Similar Techniques (If Applicable): She hails from an Earthbending family, and is an average bender, but rarely uses her techniques, so she has no particular form, though she does enjoy making sculptures from it. Personality: Gankona is usually rather quiet. She is polite enough and doesn't mind helping people, , and she's a pretty good worker, though she's almost always silent and doesn't mention a lot. She does however, have a strong love for art, particularly painting and sketching, and tries to use her Earthbending abilities to actually sculpt objects. She has a love of nature and many of her paintings depict animals and landscapes (she loves snowy places and forests). But she's also good at making eerie paintings and imagery. One of her best works actually depicts a Spirit wandering through an alleyway at nighttime. Gankona really doesn't CARE what nation people are from and tries not to get too much into politics, stating that she only has problems with "The Fire Nation military and Lord, everyone else is fine". Although she is rather relaxed and calm, she does have a problem with fighting and usually avoids it, practicing only defensive techniques. She spends most of her time writing stories and painting artwork to go with the stories. Gankona has always disliked reality and tends to immerse herself in fantasy worlds we crafts, and loves fiction and mythology to an extent where she has almost become a handbook for the stuff. She also loves history, and thinks that it should be studied intensely by leaders before they choose to do something. Gankona does have an obsession with reading and loves autumn and winter. She also constantly takes night walks and spends hours at the library. She finds the human nature is flawed and should be improved, and often takes things philosophically. She knows many facts one may consider random, and actually records them. Physical Appearance: Gankona is five feet high with a long, slender build and lanky limbs, her skin is fairly pale and she looks like she's about to tip over a lot of the time. Her features are rather sharp, such as her nose and chin, but her eyes are wide and childish. She has Heterochromania, meaning they are both different colors. Her left is a brilliant green with flecks of deep emerald on the edges, and her right is a vivid silver with bits of deep gray on the edges. Her hair is a deep, deep brunette-bordering-black that is held back in a fairly messy bun by a black ribbon. All of her bangs are swept to the left of her face, barely scraping her left eye. Items Carried: Gankona usually take her ostrich-horse Midori everywhere with her. She wears a tan knapsack containing a LOT of silk scrolls, as well as a portable painting set with a brush, as well as a pouch of money. She has one leather-bound journal recording her day-to-day life, one thicker one for her stories, and about twenty small handbooks with line-less pages, all of which are very thick with hard black covers (she records random drawing guides and interesting facts about everything in them as a source of entertainment). She also has a pocket knife for carving and a canteen of water. She wears black leggings going halfway down her shins and woven slip-on shoes. Her dress is a deep minty green, reaching her knees with deep green trimming and long sleeves. She wears the tan knapsack on her back and a simple black string around her neck with a deep green-blue stone with "运气" carved into it as a good luck charm. Biography (Optional): Gankona was born on the 30th of November on a snowy late-autumn evening in Omashu. Her parents owned a small shop that sold good luck charms and basic necessities. She spent her time looking at art and playing with some of the charms. She'd study the calligraphy on the stones, replicate images of good-luck statues in her art, and so on. When she was four, she began helping her parents around the place with fairly basic things (showing the customers where things were and such). Later, she's started actually crafting some of the charms. When she was five, her little brother, Haru was born. Rather than fighting like most sibling usually do, they actually got along a little better. Gankona showed him little tricks and taught him how to do things, and was basically his mentor in everything since their parents couldn't afford a teacher or school for them to go to. However, Gankona mainly worked on art and writing. It was something she'd been doing since early childhood. She'd get some ink and the best brush in the house before grabbing a scroll and drawing. Overtime, her stroked became more graceful and smooth, as well as prominent and noticeable, and she began getting better art supplies. Her main tool was and ink bottle and paint brush. She gathered a whole collection of various shades of the colors, but she mainly did black and white pictures. She'd also work on creative writing. Though her stories didn't often include fantasy and magic, she actually made a completely different world most took place in, with different cities and customs. Eventually, she got a job outside of the store her parents owned, at a library she'd gone to all of her life to study at. Eventually, she earned a good enough income to get a small apartment. She moved out of her parents house and since has been visiting once every few weeks to play with Haru and such. It's been a year since then and she's been producing more art than ever (which she occasionally sells). She actually purchased an ostrich-horse and named it Midori for its deep green eyes. She keeps it in good condition and takes it for longer rides around Omashu. Though Gankona usually avoids political debates, she studies them closely and keeps up with current events. Other (Optional): Llamas and magic and wonder.
#79671769Sunday, October 07, 2012 11:25 PM GMT

Ab, your my freakin' idle for RPing, along with 10 other people.
#79671902Sunday, October 07, 2012 11:26 PM GMT

#79672136Sunday, October 07, 2012 11:29 PM GMT

(And I'm not even going to try. I'm outclassed by everyone here. >.> And I don't know my Avatar THAT well...)
#79672894Sunday, October 07, 2012 11:38 PM GMT

Uhhh Ab O.O that's ummm very specifically detailed
#79673003Sunday, October 07, 2012 11:39 PM GMT

(I've made more detailed. Agonizing detail.)
#79673137Sunday, October 07, 2012 11:41 PM GMT

(Mother of god do you have a link to one of your agonizing detailed ones? I must see one with my two eyes)
#79673293Sunday, October 07, 2012 11:43 PM GMT

#79684753Monday, October 08, 2012 1:55 AM GMT

(I know Avatar Very well.)
#79691513Monday, October 08, 2012 3:30 AM GMT

Name: Sora Gender: Female Profession: Only being about five, she doesn't have one. RPAge: Female Bending Style and Similar Techniques (If Applicable): As far as they know, she is not a bender. Personality: She's shy, just like her sister, and tries acting like her big sister all the same. She is also bossy, but in a cute way. Physical Appearance: She's tiny and thin. Her eyes are large, a pale blue, almost like ice. Her hair is a deep blonde, falling in soft curls down to about her waist. Usually in a braid. She wears a toddler-dress, the usual style of the earth-kingdom. Around her neck is a necklace, with a simple piece of rag represented as a jewel. She doesn't wear boots, as the two sisters can't afford it, instead, her sister carries her around when the ground is too hot. Items Carried: She carries around a rag-doll, made out of yarn and precise fabric. Biography (Optional): N/a Other (Optional): N/A
#79693473Monday, October 08, 2012 4:04 AM GMT

(Ab... I am ashamed of myself. Absolutely, inconceivably ashamed.)
#79694391Monday, October 08, 2012 4:25 AM GMT

(D: No, no don't be! I just like wordwalls.)
#79694500Monday, October 08, 2012 4:27 AM GMT

(Ab. Challenge accepted.)
#79694794Monday, October 08, 2012 4:35 AM GMT

(But I didn't...;-;)
#79697345Monday, October 08, 2012 5:50 AM GMT

CS: Name: Kaoin Yoshimitsu Gender: Male Profession: Running one of his father’s several cabbage stands in Omashu. (… MY CABBAGES! :O) RPAge: 13 Bending Style and Similar Techniques (If Applicable): An Earth bender, more talented than average, but with no formal training, although he’s been trying desperately to persuade his father to let him use the money he’s earned to pay for such training, but to no avail. Personality: Kaoin is very quiet and abashed, quite the paradox to the other peddlers and merchants in Omashu. He enjoys watching all the little things, like the birds that continually pull elaborate heists from Ol’Doalzen’s land fish stand, too snot nosed imps running around and causing mischief with their first inklings of earthbending. He often seems to daze out or day dream, leaving his stand seemingly unguarded. The local street rats know better. Having no siblings and an overprotective mother, Kaoin was never really socially immersed, and the only talk he’s familiar with is business. Which is perfectly fine and dandy with his father, however, this leaves Kaoin with a sense of isolation and social exclusion. He wouldn’t dare disobey his father to his face, although given a little prying, Kaoin is rather weak to pressure from peers, due to an overwhelming want to be acceptable and normal. He maintains some of his boyish spirit, wanting badly to refine his skill at earthbending, which at the moment is some basic, inefficient but effective defensive acts. Kaoin is rather scholarly for the materials he has on hand, having learned calligraphy to keep track of daily sales, and of important events. He despises the mathematics, as his wandering mind cannot stay centered on it for long enough to tally up a sum correctly. He instead prefers to use his literacy to write poetry. He prefers free verse, however, if he writes anything structured, it’s in haiku format. He uncharacteristically stole rather long scroll from his father’s storerooms, and writes these poems upon it, hiding it on his person. However, when it comes to functioning properly, Kaoin must have every thing in its proper order, often over compensating. Like when he arranged his pile of cabbages into a cube…or being obsessive about his hair being parallel, which is often mistaken for vanity. Kaoin does not tolerate bullies, willing to fight someone twice his size and lose than to let someone weaker than him take the beating. Hince his hatred of the Fire Nation, and his overwhelming desire to refine his Earthbending. His dream is to serve with the Omashu guard, despite his father’s dismissal that this was a simply novel idea, and would get him nowhere. Physical Appearance: Kaoin is childishly skinny, looking ridiculously underweight even for his meager 4’11 height, and the some joke that if you tied a kite to him, you’d never see him again. He’s fair skinned and his hair is a rich chocolate brown, neck length, straight, and PERFECTLY symmetrical. His chin is somewhat angular, although the rest of his face is childish in appearance, not to mention his ‘innocent’ grin. He wears a white, long sleeve shirt under a green vest embroidered with gold, and simple green, loose fitting pants. He rarely affords himself the luxury of shoes, as with his peculiar foot size situation, he would have to have a pair tailor made. Not that that means much in Omashu with the paved streets. However, the most ironic thing is, he’s immaculately clean. He despises being dirty. And he’s an earthbender… Items Carried: His scroll of poetry, an ink well, a quill pen, a sales log, coin purse, a small roll and a canteen of water for food (God forbid he touch one of the cabbages…). He also has a cane for hand smacking petty thieves. Because nothing says valuable cabbage like breaking orphan’s hands with a big stick. Biography (Optional): What isn’t already here is tbr. Other (Optional): I didn’t live up to the challenge. *Falls on sword*
#79705375Monday, October 08, 2012 1:29 PM GMT

(I guess I'm not accepted...)
#79705476Monday, October 08, 2012 1:32 PM GMT

(Ab, do you mind if I copy and paste your character sheets and only stop making details until my character sheets at least matches up to yours ;-;?)
#79706677Monday, October 08, 2012 2:07 PM GMT

#79706764Monday, October 08, 2012 2:09 PM GMT

#79706964Monday, October 08, 2012 2:14 PM GMT

(I meant no as in I don't mind.)
#79707545Monday, October 08, 2012 2:28 PM GMT