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#79505191Friday, October 05, 2012 11:18 PM GMT

[Let me explain the title. It is like an ISRP, except for the fact you can have up to three people in one thread. But in this, I'm keeping it to this thread, and I will respond differently to each. Hopefully this won't be too cheep... I hope.] -Scenario I-Command- Lead Balloon. A prototype, it is for special purposes. Located deep in Stockholm, Sweden, our operatives have not succeeded in even getting to the city. It is under lock down, and frankly, we're clueless what it does. But from the looks of it, it needs obtained. Search through houses/buildings/levels Solve some odd puzzles for locks Some good ol' gun fighting Plenty of quick response situations. Medium-Hard -Scenario II-Alone- Somewhere, over the meadows... somewhere.. over the meadows.. someone... will... save.. me.. from.. here.. alone.. in.. the... hospital. Each breath is raspy, the rusted metal container of the rock you call a mattress cradling it. White ink floors, with red crosses here and there. Darkness, and only a flashlight.. Very Confusing (YAY :D) Very quick response situations Plenty of hand to hand/fleeing Puzzles and combinations Near Endless Insane -Scenario III-Fly- A man, with a balloon made out of lead flies today. He circles up above the world, smiling and clapping. It is a world first, something to clap hands about. But of course, it doesn't end there. Two men, fire up into the sky, and its a catastrophic failure. It should have ended there, but now we see the new problem emerging. Someone is building the lead balloon, and is christening it Sailor IV. Maybe this voyage will stay alive, maybe not. But we don't bring it all the way over there, we are taking it into the building cautions, and the plans behind it, and then, finally into the gauntlet we call Sailor IV. Physics Lots of problem solving Easy {Maybe this sounds interesting.. maybe not. I dunno.} CSthingy Name Partner (Username please, or you can say that your open for a teammate) Age Physical Description Clothes (Match the scenarios please) Scenario Number {Hopefully this turns out sorta well.}
#79506809Friday, October 05, 2012 11:40 PM GMT

{Initiating that thing which causes bread to rise. Thread yeast.}
#79509115Saturday, October 06, 2012 12:10 AM GMT

(I thought this had to do with a balloon...)
#79509277Saturday, October 06, 2012 12:12 AM GMT

{All of it revolves around the general aspect. The Hospital one I didn't reveal directly, the third one is obvious, and the third one, its indirect.}
#79509302Saturday, October 06, 2012 12:13 AM GMT

I call number 1.
#79509661Saturday, October 06, 2012 12:17 AM GMT

Name: Johann Rommel Partner Open Ag.e: 37 Appearance: Dark grey great coat, black tricorn with green feather, light grey breeches. Black Hessian boots. Your casual human, with a scar on his left eye and one of his right jaw. His left eye appears to be fog trapped in an eye. Five foot ten, and weighs about 172 pounds. Medium build/strength. Black leather gloves. Scenario Number 1 (He can blend in with his outfit.) lolsorryurpostingwaaaay2fast.
#79510705Saturday, October 06, 2012 12:30 AM GMT

First attempt at a role-play and forum post. Here goes nothin'.. Applying for 2nd story. Name: Hailey Alstad Partner: Open Ag.e: 20 Physical Description: Looking to be about her ag.e (20), she'd stand at about 5'8. She'd look rather slender. Being slightly underweight, there isn't much muscle or fat to her figure. She'd have straight, bleach blonde hair fashioned into a ponytail which reaches down towards the midsection of her back. Her skin would be a bit pale, but nothing out of the normal. Likely, her most prominent feature would be her light gray eyes. Clothes: Ragged hospital gown Scenario Number: 2
#79510965Saturday, October 06, 2012 12:33 AM GMT

Very nice, Nordic. Welcome to RP. Both are accepted.
#79511177Saturday, October 06, 2012 12:36 AM GMT

(Thank ya. Whenever everyone is ready, I'm ready.)
#79531687Saturday, October 06, 2012 5:05 AM GMT

(Revival bump)
#79591793Sunday, October 07, 2012 12:04 AM GMT

#79591905Sunday, October 07, 2012 12:05 AM GMT

#79592022Sunday, October 07, 2012 12:07 AM GMT

I may join Alone.. ohandmarkwhathappenedtocarnivalofrustandyournewspaper?
#79592085Sunday, October 07, 2012 12:08 AM GMT

[Carnival of Rust; Lost track of it with my inactivity for a bit. If you bump it, I'll be glad to get back on that. Newspaper sorta failed.]
#79595676Sunday, October 07, 2012 12:58 AM GMT

Name Bert Miller Partner I would guess NordicStars Age Twenty-six Physical Description Medium but leaning more towards thin, five o'clock shadow, rounded black framed glasses with prescription lenses. Shortish blond hair and hazelish eyes. He is wearing a tattered combat ready uniform (forgot what they're called) which he isn't exactly sure how he got into them. Not too tall but not too short. Clothes (Match the scenarios please) Kind of linked them both together.. Scenario Number Two
#79596336Sunday, October 07, 2012 1:08 AM GMT

[Only read the sections addressed to you, other wise it ruins the fun.. heheheh] -Miller- You awake on a bed, various medications strapped to your arm. From the looks of it, you might have broken an arm or had some very bad disease. One of the containers has a trace of brownish stuff, not a dirt color, but a bit more redish. The other one has IV written on it. The typical window next to you, is blocked by some kind of square object, which you cannot tell by the dingy light radiating from one of the operating machines. There is rust on the tiles, and some kind of writing on the wall. Heavy rasps are coming from somewhere, echoing back down. The door which once led out has been stacked with something else, circlish in shape. -Astrad- You are not awake.
#79596493Sunday, October 07, 2012 1:10 AM GMT

-Bert Miller- Attempt to sit up and if I can inspect the dirt liquid. Afterwards inspect my injuries.
#79596735Sunday, October 07, 2012 1:13 AM GMT

-Hailey Alstad- She'd remain to sleep.
#79596741Sunday, October 07, 2012 1:13 AM GMT

-Miller- You sit up, with some struggle. The sheets seem to be holding you down, almost as if they were made out of lead. The dirt liquid offers no clues, as it remains unmarked as ever. You cannot see your legs without figuring how to remove this sheet, but your arms feel fine, and its too dark to tell if something has happened to your stomach.
#79596911Sunday, October 07, 2012 1:16 AM GMT

-Astrad- You try, but there is some rustling next to you which brings you to reality. You obviously have some kind of good night vision, as you can see the marked door (with the lettering D-7) next to you, with a lock. You are not hooked up to anything, and you lay uncovered in bed. Your clothes lay in a heap on the ground, and there is a side table to the corner, with a clipboard. A faint, unmoving mass of a human or humanoid lays infront of you.
#79597167Sunday, October 07, 2012 1:19 AM GMT

-Hailey Alstad- I'd slowly attempt to sit up in my bed. If successful, I'd step off and inspect the unmoving body before inspecting myself for any injuries.
#79597638Sunday, October 07, 2012 1:25 AM GMT

[Note: You can continue on for how ever long until I tell you to wait for your partner] -Alstad- You manage to sit up, and when attempting to stand up on the hard cold floor, you crash. With stars threatening to come, you crawl to the body, the blood matted hair screaming at you. A pugant smell comes to mind, when the body starts to twitch. You notice there is a slight breeze, too though. Hm..
#79597852Sunday, October 07, 2012 1:27 AM GMT

-Hailey Alstad- The body would startle me greatly. I'd immediately start to crawl away as fast as I can, despite any pain I might be feeling in my legs, towards the table in the corner of the room. Hopefully there would be some sort of weapon there?
#79598026Sunday, October 07, 2012 1:30 AM GMT

-Alstad- You back away, immediately on flight mode. The body does not move, strangely, as the breeze quits. You slowly pound over to the table, which mind you, is a card table. (Not a dresser or anything.)
#79598274Sunday, October 07, 2012 1:33 AM GMT

(Right) -Hailey Alstad- Seeing as the body stopped moving, I'd attempt to grap the clipboard from the card-table and go through it's contents, if there are any papers attatched. Though, I would not take part of my attention off the body.

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