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#80057191Sunday, October 14, 2012 1:48 AM GMT

(Credit to Rachetandclank2 for helping with the Qar's technology, and the general writing of this.) The two peoples of Nire are stark contrasts. The Mae, who dwell in the static and mountainous continent of Rut, were simple people who have built their entire culture upon meditation and harnessing their "latent divinity" to achieve great feats of magic. They are deeply rooted in tradition and strive to intimate their ancestors and their ways- As their creation myth states that their race were once gods, but upon entering a demon's realm, they were turned into mortals. They attribute their magical ability to the vestiges of holiness that not even the mightiest of demons could steal from them. The Qar, on the other hard, dwell in the shifting and violent volcanic continent of Yor. Only though innovation and ingenuity were they able to tame the harsh land, using machines and other technological feats to survive, most of which were powered with the blood of the Buirbeast, a large herbivore that dwells upon the shores of Yor. This king of ingenuity is ingrained into their mind from birth, and is spurred on by their shockingly short lifepans; Often they can only live until 50, compared to the 200 year lifespans of the Mae. The Mae's magic is based mostly upon the manipulation of the world around them, rather than creation or destruction. They cannot truly tear apart the fabric of the universe, neither can they sow new bits on. They can merely paint it a different colour, alter it to their needs. Thus they cannot create mass or energy, but they can alter it in many ways. The greatest wizard turned a forest into a city through various different stages, including causing the trees to fly into their needed positions, to be transformed into steel. The Qar's technology is unorthodox to say the least. Though the design is futuristic and sleek, technology on the most part is barely past the 1900's. However, the way they generate power for these machines to operate is rather unique in it's own way. By using blood from large animals they can use the latent energy inside it to power the machine. Most of them require very little to operate past basic functions so a more effective way is not necessary. One important note is the Qar's robotic ability; They can easily create machines that act as animals by using the heart of the animal to pump the blood. It is possible to sow hearts together to create animals that will have duel natures. The two peoples remained upon their continents until the dawn of the second time, also known as the age of venture. The second time was a historical period in which both races ventured out from their continents to discover new lands, with the Mae launching their ships only 4 months before the Qar. The Mae found the uninhabited continent of Fay during it's winter months, and found it to be much like home. They quickly settled in, building their holy monasteries and altering the land to suit their needs; Soon, the northern shore was in perpetual winter, mimicking the nature of Rut. The Qar found Fay during it's summer, and found it to be a strange land. None the less they began to build their gigantic cities, and began to experiment with the blood of the native beasts. It was less than a month before the two nations encountered each other. Tensions quickly mounted, causing neither parties to advance deeper into the Fay- It is now a lawless land, filled with danger and wonder in equal measure. CS Just make a paragraph describing your character. But if you want, no one would stop you from making a CS and filling it out. Rules Act as you are meant to act.
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#80058128Sunday, October 14, 2012 1:59 AM GMT

Bumpy :(
#80058334Sunday, October 14, 2012 2:01 AM GMT

(Is there a war going on then?! I will join either way. Just let me get to copying and pasting pieces of my other CS's together to make a paragraph.)
#80058867Sunday, October 14, 2012 2:09 AM GMT

The name of my character is Adam Prescott. He is funny and clumsy, but he can get serious at times and is acutally very intelligent. Adam has a well built body and messy brown hair that covers his forehead down to the eyebrows. His eyes are dark hazel and his skin has a light tan to it. He stands at about 5'9 and is about 142 pounds. Adam will usually be seen wearing a long brown trench coat with a white dress shirt that he doesn't tuck in. (Without his trench coat the sleeves of the dress shirt are rolled up to his elbows.) He has light khaki dress pants with a brown leather belt to hold them up. On his feet he wears white sneakers that have a futuristic look to them. In his pockets he has a pair of white gloves which he likes to wear on occasion. His allegiance resides with the Qar since he was born and raised in their land. Adam was abandoned as a kid so now he roams the lands that the Qar are in the control of searching for his true purpose. All he has with him is some food, identification, and a katana that is sheathed on his back.
Top 100 Poster
#80059161Sunday, October 14, 2012 2:13 AM GMT

(There is no official war, though both nations are very weary of each other and fear one may strike at any time.) Salto Ura is a young Qar, who spends his time dabbling in technology. He arrived in Fay upon one of the first ships sent out, and upon the moment he stepped onto shore he was mesmerised by it's beauty. He has a fondness of the animals of Fay, so much so that often he will make mechanical beings out of them, to accompany him on his many outdoor pursuits. Like most Qar, he is weary of the Mae- But, this has not stopped him from venturing into their territory upon a few occasions. Salto stands at a rather average hight, and has a slender build. He seems agile, though his body also seems weak; He has little signs of exercise on his body, though this does not seem to impeed him when he is outdoors. He often wears rather lightweight clothing made from simple hides and furs, indicating of his financial nature- He is rather poor, and only managed to get a ship to Fay because of his ability to maintain mechanical creatures.
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#80059250Sunday, October 14, 2012 2:14 AM GMT

(Also accepted. Though you may want to put your character on Fay rather than Yor, as that's where the RP takes place.)
#80059312Sunday, October 14, 2012 2:15 AM GMT

(Hmmmm, I looked at yours and then I looked at mine. I think I went a little too modern? What do you think?)
Top 25 Poster
#80059314Sunday, October 14, 2012 2:15 AM GMT

(( Tempted to join. Would the magic allow teleportation? Matter to energy to matter? ))
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#80059522Sunday, October 14, 2012 2:19 AM GMT

(A bit, yeah. The clothing is generally pre-1900's, though nothing would stop you from wearing such clothes; I'm sure they would have the means to produce the materials. Maybe not artificial stuff though. You'd also look a bit silly; but again, maybe you'd want to be silly.) (Teleportation would be possible, but it would be taxing, and you'd need to be very skilled in magic. But it is still possible.)
Top 100 Poster
#80060302Sunday, October 14, 2012 2:30 AM GMT

Bumpy + sadface
#80060331Sunday, October 14, 2012 2:30 AM GMT

(Ok then I will change my character up a bit if you don't mind.) My character is 21 and his name is Adam Prescott, odd name among his people. Nevertheless he is funny and clumsy, but he can get serious at times and is actually very intelligent. Adam has a well built body and messy brown hair that covers his forehead down to the eyebrows. His eyes are dark hazel and his skin has a light tan to it. He stands at about 5'9 and is about 142 pounds. Adam will usually be seen wearing a long brown trench coat with a white dress shirt that has ruffles that he doesn't tuck in. (Without his trench coat the sleeves of the dress shirt are rolled up to his elbows.) He has light brown pants that are held up by a dark leather belt. The shoes he wears are common and found quite often among the Qar. They are the same shade of brown as his trench coat. In his pockets he has a pair of white gloves which he likes to wear on occasion. His allegiance resides with the Qar since he was born and raised in Yor. Adam was abandoned at the age of 7 and left to fend for himself. He was one one of the first ships that landed on Fay is currently trying to find work even though he is awful at holding them. All he has with him is a blade that is hidden in the right sleeve of his coat and some bread.
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#80060532Sunday, October 14, 2012 2:33 AM GMT

(Accepted. He sounds like fun.)
#80061008Sunday, October 14, 2012 2:38 AM GMT

(Now.... We wait.)
Top 100 Poster
#80061473Sunday, October 14, 2012 2:45 AM GMT

(Indeed. How long will we wait?)
#80061661Sunday, October 14, 2012 2:47 AM GMT

(Until l type mine, perchance?)
Top 100 Poster
#80061748Sunday, October 14, 2012 2:48 AM GMT

(Yay, more people :D)
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#80062893Sunday, October 14, 2012 3:04 AM GMT

(Dragon was having trouble posting hers, so I'll give it a shot.) Hey. l'm Drakki Alsong. That's my name, don't wear it out! I am one of the Mae. My life sucked. No, l am not going into it. Stop asking. l'm twenty-seven years ol.d, and l'm a good height for it-six foot five. Woo hoo! Of course, it makes me a freak, but whatever. l'm a freak in a bazillion ways. My hair is brown. lt's long, and straight and...brown. I have high cheekbones and brown eyes with gold flecks in them. There's a scar above my right eyes. No, not going into that either. I have a big nose. On a happy day l'll call it aquiline, but really it's just big. l'm tall, and skinny. It's called a 'willowy' figure or something, but whatever. It's just a fancy way to say tall and skinny. I'm an idiot, can l just say that? l'm stupid. I've gotten used to it. Anything l missed? Oh yeah! um...l'm sarcastic. That's the easiest way to put it. l don't like people, but if you're nice to me l'll be nice to you.
Top 100 Poster
#80062950Sunday, October 14, 2012 3:04 AM GMT

How did I forget to put accepted on the end. I feel silly now.
#80063251Sunday, October 14, 2012 3:08 AM GMT

(Now we start? Or we can wait........)
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#80063692Sunday, October 14, 2012 3:13 AM GMT

(I think we should start; We've waited long enough.)
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#80064319Sunday, October 14, 2012 3:21 AM GMT

Salto sat down upon the peak of a rather large hill he had been climbing for some time, glad to finally get some rest. The hill was tall enough to go above the treeline, allowing him to see the great Qari cities in the south, and the peaceful Maeric villages in the north. Seeing the land so fractured made him wonder what would eventually happen with the Mae and the Qar; but he quickly snapped out of this when one of his small robots began to stop humming, generally the sign that the machine is working, and instead started groaning. With a muttered curse, he took out his small tools and began to inspect the machine.
#80065671Sunday, October 14, 2012 3:39 AM GMT

Adam There was a crash in the kitchen as Adam dropped the plates he was supposed to carry to the sink. This was the third time this week and as suspected the boss came rumbling into the kitchen shouting, "What is wrong with you boy! This is the third time this has happened! We are paying more money for new dishes than we are making! GET OUT OF HERE!" The sentence was the signal to leave quickly. Adam took off the apron and quickly ran out the back door with the boss on his heels carrying a metal pan.
Top 100 Poster
#80065979Sunday, October 14, 2012 3:44 AM GMT

Salto could not figure out what was wrong with the machine; The heart was fine, the bloodlevel was fine, and all the joints were fine. It was as if something external was inhibiting the blood from working.
Top 25 Poster
#80066263Sunday, October 14, 2012 3:48 AM GMT

Hello, dear men and women of Nire. Whether you are Mae or a Qar does not concern me, though I will have you know that I myself am a Mae. Of course, you are all very dear to me indeed, though you may not know of me. I am Malos Zehlen, and I would like to tell you about myself. Where should I begin? There are many places where I could, I assure you, but I believe that rambling on and on would be quite boring, and we both know that we don't have forever to discuss this. And so, I suppose I will be curt in my explanation. I am a rather small individual, as far as Mae go, at 5'2. I am hardly physically intimidating. Indeed, some would even say I am soft around the middle! They'd be right, of course. My abilities, however, are not that of physical strength. My abilities are of the magical variety. Now, I am aware that this statement would bring to your mind images of a fancily dressed, proud individual wildly slinging about fiery orbs of destruction whilst pretending that he is a true man of magic, or perhaps an earth-moving, wise-speaking monk. I am here to inform you fine people, however, that I am neither of this stereotypical archetypes. Some of you would know me as an innovator, if you have read any of my books, though I myself will admit that my old writings are rather mediocre. I have yet to revise them. Indeed, as I have just said, I am a writer. What do I write about, you may ask? Why, magic, of course! But not just any magical forces, good friends. I write about the art of energy. Kinetic energy, momentum, how to move near instantaneously. Yes, my good friends, I teleport. It is what I am known for, in fact, though I have a wide range of others abilities, I can assure you. In the end, my greatest motivation is the hunger for knowledge and innovation! For you see, I am more than just an innovator. I am an adventurer. And that, dear friends, is why I have found myself in this strange land, exploring it and interacting with even stranger people. Oh, what a fun tale this shall be to write down, as I'm sure you'll agree. I wear very little; My cloth shirt, cloth pants, linen robe, and several leather packs. It doesn't hurt to be less noticeable, you see. I may be well into my fifties, though still yo/ung for a Mae, and I may be little more than a short and bald man with a tendency to worm his way into rather dangerous situations, I can assure you that I will bring great new forms of magic to the world one day! But until then, I adventure and gather funds, following in the path of my great grandfather.
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#80066619Sunday, October 14, 2012 3:53 AM GMT

(Accepted.) Salto began to ponder if the hight could be the cause- He then ruled this out, as he has climbed far higher peaks. Perhaps it was local flora or fauna?

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