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#80666967Tuesday, October 23, 2012 8:51 AM GMT

First of all I would hate it if this feature was BC only, even though it wouldn't make sense if it wasn't. Anyway, I think that in order to enable model selling, you could either... 1. Warn the user that once inserted into the place, all of your models containing any original parts of the model will be labelled and tagged with your model showing that this model has been created with the help of this model. Of course this is easy to bypass by simply having a script copying the properties and rebuilding it. So another solution is that once you insert the model to your place it is automatically included in a new built in credits feature. People can choose whether or not their model is free to the public or requires credit. 2. Have the purchased model in a completely separate container (different to workspace) which cannot be accessed by scripts or if it could it cannot copy any information from it. Any descendants of the container cannot be manipulated but only viewed. When you try to publish something with an object inside the new container, an error message appears and the part is not published. When there are models such as cars, the colour will not be able to be changed and therefore making the author responsible to let the user change the colour with another thing which is published with the model, this would mean model creators will need to have a higher quality in their creations which allows colour changing. There is another alternative which allows the author to configure which properties are allowed to be wrote over or read and which methods or functions are allowed to be executed on it. 3. If ROBLOX includes a copyright feature in which you have to pay to earn a copy lock (eg. R20 per month) this would give a reason to implement it so staff members aren't just checking models to see if there are any copies for free, they are doing it so more members purchase ROBUX with real money or BC.
#80667310Tuesday, October 23, 2012 9:29 AM GMT

I agree if NBCers could sell models for robux/tix.
#80721668Wednesday, October 24, 2012 8:14 AM GMT

Mm yeah but I'm for NBC and all but if NBC can't sell shirts, and game passes, then selling models is kind of like selling game passes and in-game shirts by using the :UserHasBadge() method. However if NBCs cant sell models, then it sort of limits their creativity in a way.
#80721692Wednesday, October 24, 2012 8:18 AM GMT

If paid models aren't kept in a new container or parent then they can be highlighted in a different colour showing that this is an instance with modified access because you had purchased it, this would give more control over the models and so you can use scripts for them (eg. purchased planes can be regenerated with a regen script someone else had made), also this would not limit it to only selling models as you could now sell scripts such as disco brick script or something along the lines.
#80723211Wednesday, October 24, 2012 11:00 AM GMT

I like the idea of all users (NBC/BC/TBC/OBC) to be able to sell models.
#80723234Wednesday, October 24, 2012 11:01 AM GMT

Idea stolen from me :(
#80779211Thursday, October 25, 2012 8:36 AM GMT

D: sorry im not sure if i stole the entire thing or just the concept but as they sat "Great minds think alike."

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