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#80838903Friday, October 26, 2012 8:03 AM GMT

In the beginning there was the All Father. He longed to create and he longed for children. He created the universe and filled it with matter. He created balance and made darkness and light, Paradise and the Inferno. Then he cracked his knuckles and brought to being the middle realm where the two extremes would meet and combine into a balanced whole. Here he planted the seeds of divinity over the waters, earth and into the air. From them gods might grow, children that he might love and guide into being fully divine with him. It was here that he began his project, filling the world with plants, creatures of the air and sea and those that crawled upon the earth. Then he made two that were different from all the others. These he gave the ability to reason and love. The first mortals had been born. As soon as these mortals came from the dust, a divine seed sprung up. The first god had been born. Seeing these mortals, the first god was filled with jealousy. Misunderstanding his own birth he wondered, why had the All Father made them first? So, this god went over to them and began to corrupt them. When they had fully fallen sway to the god, they worshiped him and not the All Father. When the All Father came to them, they attacked him. In his sadness, he destroyed the pitiful creatures and looked at the Corruptor. He saw only malice in the god's eyes and knew then that this god did not belong in this universe. Something of evil this pure would only corrupt the other divine seeds. So the All Father took the Corruptor away to a restart in a new universe that this world might remain in balance. The divine sparks remained in the world, untapped potential for creation and power. Would these grow into more creatures of malice and chaos? or would they become champions of good and love? Only time would tell. Pantheon is a game about gods. The point is to be creative and join in making a story in an open world with other people. You can make a character that is a god, there are no stipulations on what you can be. However, there are stipulation on what you can do. All gods have portfolios. These are the fabric of that god's personality and will. Each portfolio can have up to three topics, each can overlap or be separate. 'Larger' topics take up more of a portfolio than 'smaller' ones do. A god can only create or destroy the things that are parts of their portfolio. Any god that wants to act on another god's portfolio must do it through intermediaries like mortals. All gods can travel to any of the three realms at will. While in the realms they can continue working towards their portfolio only if the laws of that realm are not broken by their actions. 1. The upper realm, Paradise, is completely good. No evil can be done there. This a place where only good exists and all mortals who are good end up here when they die. If an evil god comes here he is restricted from doing anything that might harm others, even mortals. 2. The lower realm, The Inferno, is completely evil. No good can be done there. This is a place where only evil exists and all mortals who are evil end up here when they die. If a good god comes here he is restricted from doing anything that might help others, even mortals. 3. The middle realm is completely open to everything. Here all is free and gods can act however they want according to their portfolios. This is where living creatures exist. Current gods: 1. The god of Magic and Wisdom, Acanthus 2. The god of Wild and Change, Cragin 3. The goddess of The Hunt, Womanhood, and Children, Lyandra 4. The god of Madness and Music, Trelàs 5. The god of Justice and Civilization, Mathias 6. The god of Corruption and Children, Kreios 7. The god/goddess of Indulgence, Expression, and Unification, Sanguine 8. The god of Heroism, Ingenuity, and Light, Kylian 9. The god of of Travel, Freedom, and Craft, Miurcrost 10. The god of War, Violence and Revolution, Gen@cide 11. The goddess of Love, Healing, and F3rtility, Adarani 12. The god of Fire, Destruction, and Natural Predators, Malus Dou Makakhan 13. The god of the Sea and its Creatures, Ulmo 14. The goddess of Deception, Greed, and Malice, Jute 15. The goddess of Embers, Metals, and Inspiration, Foteea 16. The goddess of Manipulation, Revenge, and Seduction, Nylia 17. The god of The Mind, Potential, Philosophy, Ego 18. The god of Fear, Illusion, and Labyrinth, Korterra 19. The god of Brotherhood, Strength, and Conquest, Braun 20. The god of Illness, Despair, and Suffering, Aspestis (Now gods don't have real forms but if they create a body for them to live in they have to describe it. Also if you make other things like a animal or a element you have to describe it.)
#80838909Friday, October 26, 2012 8:04 AM GMT

(I am Father all.)
#80838916Friday, October 26, 2012 8:05 AM GMT

Father I create the gods and the realms.
#80839036Friday, October 26, 2012 8:22 AM GMT

(What- did you just- is this just- what did you- Ohgod. This is just...very...I don't know. I applaud you. Did you really make all of this?)
#80839048Friday, October 26, 2012 8:23 AM GMT

Yeah I did after Bebi left I started to have more creativity.)
#80839075Friday, October 26, 2012 8:28 AM GMT

(Well, if you're not lying, you outdid yourself this time. I'll keep an eye on this for now, and see how it goes. Maybe I'll manage to join after a while.)
#80839130Friday, October 26, 2012 8:33 AM GMT

(I'm not after Bebi left I started to get more creative then this thread was born.)
#80839408Friday, October 26, 2012 9:09 AM GMT

(Wow dex, this is one of the best things that i have seen you pull out of that strange hat. I will be Ulmo, because i have a fasination with seamonsters.)
#80839532Friday, October 26, 2012 9:26 AM GMT

(can i make my own god? i have several ideas as to what my own god can be.)
#80839732Friday, October 26, 2012 9:43 AM GMT

(what would the portfolio's of that god be? there's not many things to rule over, that have not allready been set)
#80839761Friday, October 26, 2012 9:45 AM GMT

(air, wind and anger?)
#80839856Friday, October 26, 2012 9:55 AM GMT

(Ok lets see Marova god of air and anger.)
#80839896Friday, October 26, 2012 9:58 AM GMT

(Yoghurt ok you can be that god.)
#80839928Friday, October 26, 2012 10:01 AM GMT

Marova i create air, allowing people to breathe.
#80839931Friday, October 26, 2012 10:01 AM GMT

(Tim is Marova.)
#80839941Friday, October 26, 2012 10:02 AM GMT

(ik. i already created air.)
#80839952Friday, October 26, 2012 10:03 AM GMT

Father I create humans.
#80839984Friday, October 26, 2012 10:05 AM GMT

Ulmo I look around and find myself in a large place. I look down and see myself, a strange squishy "thing" in some sort of material. I walk over to a large being and look up at him in awe.
#80840322Friday, October 26, 2012 10:30 AM GMT

Bebi left?
#80840412Friday, October 26, 2012 10:36 AM GMT

Wow, Dex, this is really good! Can you make me my own god? Here's my idea: The god of the Unknown, Misunderstood, and Survival, Zintak
#80840435Friday, October 26, 2012 10:37 AM GMT

(Ok accepted now do you wanna be it.) (And from now on if you want a god PM me.)
#80840514Friday, October 26, 2012 10:42 AM GMT

Father I create a mouse and go into it. (This is a lesson about its not about being big its about trying to help.)
#80840571Friday, October 26, 2012 10:45 AM GMT

Ulmo I flood the erth with water and panic, then as fast as i can I lower the water level leaving large massive chunks of land
#80840592Friday, October 26, 2012 10:46 AM GMT

#80840603Friday, October 26, 2012 10:47 AM GMT

i create wind to help blow back the water.

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