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#81420789Saturday, November 03, 2012 11:10 PM GMT

1.) Allow the Owner of the Group to completely control the group's items. 1.1) Allow the owner of the group to be able to tweak group Item's pricing. 1.2) Allow the owner of the group to be able to remove group Items. 2.) More measures to stop duplicate clothing 3.) I don't entirely know for sure but I can no longer add Gear to my game's page. I want this back! 4.) A easier way for NBC's to make profits.
#81421999Saturday, November 03, 2012 11:27 PM GMT

# = Idea 1-1.2: Sounds cool but it doesn't matter to me. Support for the heck of it. 2: OMG YES. I can't BELIEVE how many of the same shirt are in the catalog! The Original should be owned by the Creator, and only the Creator. If a duplicate is made it will not be allowed onto the site, unless the Creator uploads a second shirt, say, one that's Transparent in places and one that's not. The Creator should also be able to not only delete clothing from his/her Wardrobe, but from the Catalog ITSELF as well. 3: IDK. 4: Bordering on Over-Suggested... BUT I STILL SUPPORT TO THE INFINITE POWER!

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