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#81994641Tuesday, November 13, 2012 2:07 AM GMT

I would like to see ROBLOX remove the borderline senseless prefix of "Right now I'm: " appended right before the status on any ROBLOXian's profile page. First of all almost no one that I've seen has used the status in a context that requires the prefix of "Right now I'm: ." I've seen people talking about their days, groups they happen to be in, that game that they bought on Steam; never "[Right now I'm:] Eating a sandvich!" With it there it just looks absolutely stupid. "[Right now I'm:] Message me if you want to buy my limited hat!" "[Right now I'm: ] Cannot remember how to form sentence‽" Furthermore, when a user actually *intends* to set their status to something that requires the prefix "Right now I'm: ," they are overwhelmingly likely to put it there inside their status manually, if for no other reason than the simple fact that they've forgotten that it even existed there in the first place. "[Right now I'm: ] Right now I'm asking Heavy how do I make sandvich?" And, no. That does not mean make the font bigger so people stop forgetting it exists. Sure. Okay. You could just *ignore it.* Right? Well, if we're all ignoring it's existence then why not just take the two seconds out of the day to remove it's existence from the default style-sheet? And yes, it would be that easy. It's only a single portion of a single line of HTML. Find it, highlight it, and press "delete." Here: I'll even tell you *exactly* what to remove, minus the wickets because ROBLOX will block my post if I put them: [span style="font-size:12px;color: #888;"] Right now I'm: [/span] The wickets were replaced with brackets. There isn't anything advanced here. The ROBLOX developers have updated the profile page numerous times in the past. The only difference now is that, instead of an entire overhaul, its only *a single portion of a single line* to remove. Or, at least, a single line relatively. HTML documents tend to be very long. But you get my point. Especially now since I've posted *exactly* what must be removed. And what irritates me just a bit more is that neither in the feed, nor in the "best friends" list does "Right now I'm: " happen to be prefixed. It seems that not only have the users forgotten about it's existence, I'm sure that quite the number of developers have forgotten it was there, too. So, seriously. It's unprofessional. It's senseless. It's useless. It's inconsistent. Get rid of it. It doesn't need to be here. You could relocate the status box, too, if the admins so wanted. But that's up to them. ~ Ivegottogodosomething!
#81995080Tuesday, November 13, 2012 2:12 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#81995357Tuesday, November 13, 2012 2:16 AM GMT

no support lots of people post their current clan status what they're up to whatever
#81995466Tuesday, November 13, 2012 2:17 AM GMT

Support. ~>"S&Iの非公式なボス"の一つ。<~
#81995516Tuesday, November 13, 2012 2:17 AM GMT

@Andrew; you obviously didn't read. ~>"S&Iの非公式なボス"の一つ。<~
#81995675Tuesday, November 13, 2012 2:20 AM GMT

jacob, good you noticed i only needed to read the title to disagree
#81995916Tuesday, November 13, 2012 2:23 AM GMT

I do not believe in just taking away things randomly. Poll the whole community and see their response first. If they say no, it's no. If they say yes, it's yes. Plus, I actually use it. Oohm oh gyway gyi fai de sou!
#81997756Tuesday, November 13, 2012 2:48 AM GMT

> i only needed to read the title to disagree Clearly this is not the case. > Poll the whole community and see their response first. Explain to me how that was not the entire purpose of S&I from the beginning? ~ Ivegottogodosomething!
#82002543Tuesday, November 13, 2012 4:14 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#82005334Tuesday, November 13, 2012 5:17 AM GMT

#82005396Tuesday, November 13, 2012 5:19 AM GMT

against WNTS suggestion is pointless was added for a reason, roblox will not remove
#82007998Tuesday, November 13, 2012 7:11 AM GMT

#82008675Tuesday, November 13, 2012 8:01 AM GMT

@Andrew Have you even read the Post? Support.
#82009020Tuesday, November 13, 2012 8:29 AM GMT

@Andrew obvious troll is obvious
#82009061Tuesday, November 13, 2012 8:33 AM GMT

No support, sorry people can do wut ever they want
#82009677Tuesday, November 13, 2012 10:44 AM GMT

Fluttershy sends her approval !Kiwi Overlord:3
#82021567Tuesday, November 13, 2012 8:22 PM GMT

> Fluttershy sends her approval Have we succeeded in conversion? Now all we must do is turn you into the path of the almighty Hanako, and thy assimilation shall be completed. Also, bump. ~ Ivegottogodosomething!
#82021836Tuesday, November 13, 2012 8:28 PM GMT

Er...well, I think you should be able to edit what that says, like on starting sentences with stuff like that. Also, be able to remove it completely by editing it to say nothing. I suppose support.
#82022844Tuesday, November 13, 2012 8:46 PM GMT

Eeh, would've been easier to discuss the subject with less of the excessive details. [TL;DR] is certain to apprehend eventually. :L But regardless of depth, I support. I even forgotten we had the prefix.
#82023261Tuesday, November 13, 2012 8:54 PM GMT

Wasteful has an interesting edit. I, for one, like that as well. But I'm fine either way. ~>"S&Iの非公式なボス"の一つ。<~
#82023620Tuesday, November 13, 2012 9:01 PM GMT

This is a WNTS but still i support jighly even though i never payed attention to it
#82024488Tuesday, November 13, 2012 9:17 PM GMT

I do not support this idea because it can be useful for some people. At least they need a status it could be changed to a different thing though.
#82028558Tuesday, November 13, 2012 10:18 PM GMT

If they removed this, it would take you like 5 seconds to write, "Right now I'm:" again. Support.
#82030875Tuesday, November 13, 2012 10:53 PM GMT

It's a simple removal, and the effect will be positive if we get to see this happen. You have received my support.
#82032168Tuesday, November 13, 2012 11:11 PM GMT

Why is there even a discussion about this? My status ( [Right now I'm:] "Watching you read this" ) actually is sensible. But I can certainly relate to being annoyed about the fact that people's statuses have nothing to do with the prefix "Right now I'm:". Here, I'll list all of my best friends' statuses: [Right now I'm:] "woah, haven't played roblox in a long time." [Right now I'm:] "So.. now wut.." [Right now I'm:] "gibe mony plos buff plis" [Right now I'm:] "Blargh." [Right now I'm:] "Mhmmmm" Every single one of those makes no sense. Every single one. And adding on to what you said about [Right now I'm:] not even showing up on the feed (but showing up on userpages), it also doesn't even show up when you're editing your status. So of course people are going to forget it - I myself don't view my profile that often, so it could take months for me to realize that my status doesn't make sense. [Right now I'm:] is also quite inconveniently blended in with the box that the text is located in - both the prefix and the box are grey. It is highly easy to look over. Another big problem is the fact that many people don't even want to start their status with "Right now I'm:". Sure, the whole point of your status is to say what you're doing right now - "status" means the state that you are in currently - but that doesn't mean everyone wants to do it that way. What if you want to say something like, "I'm going on a road trip in a couple weeks."? You can't really say that without sounding awkward - "Right now I'm: Telling you that I'm going on a road trip in a couple weeks." It just doesn't work. A status is a quick way to let your friends know what you're up to, or have done that you enjoyed, or any other random, trivial thing that you'd like to share. "Right now I'm:" simply doesn't always fit the context of what you're trying to say. And the funny thing is, what I just wrote is about 1000 times more complex than what we're planning to remove - I really shouldn't even have to be explaining all this, but some people obviously just don't get it. IF "RIGHT NOW I'M:" AS AN AUTOMATIC PREFIX IS USEFUL TO YOU, THEN YOU CAN JUST TYPE IT YOURSELF. IT'S ONLY 13 CHARACTERS WITHOUT THE COLON. YOU ARE ALLOWED SOMEWHERE BETWEEN 230 and 250 CHARACTERS. Really, for some people, grasping the concept that something entirely useless that can easily be replaced manually if necessary, and that will only take 10 seconds - aka no time, no effort, no money - to remove is more beneficial than detrimental, is extremely hard.

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