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#82131500Thursday, November 15, 2012 9:03 PM GMT

Plagiarism and False Advertising are some of ROBLOX's biggest problems. Many perpetrators who will not be named have been given immense, undeserved power over ROBLOX by making games that are either plagiarised, or falsely advertised. In fact, one such game is the 3rd most favorited AND most popular game on ROBLOX! HOW THE HECK DID THAT HAPPEN?! ROBLOX should make plagiarism and false advertising illegal, and crackdown on games that are falsely advertised. If they do this, ROBLOX will have taken a big step towards becoming a better game. ~Rock is dead. Long live paper and scissors!~
#82131576Thursday, November 15, 2012 9:04 PM GMT

#82131653Thursday, November 15, 2012 9:05 PM GMT

people copy because they are either jelly or dont have a life. get a life noobs
#82132165Thursday, November 15, 2012 9:14 PM GMT

Support. Roblox already has rules against taking content, but only if reported by the original author themselves and with often amibiguous, situational cause.
#82132423Thursday, November 15, 2012 9:18 PM GMT

Support. Plagiarism of anything in real life would have hefty consequences. I fail to see why ROBLOX shouldn't even have at least a minor punishment system, let alone any sort of "cease-and-desist" system of any sort. ROBLOXians here are powerless to do anything. They can't sue, and they barely have any sort of means to protect their own content through copyright or otherwise. Only the moderation system would have such a power, and they aren't doing a good enough job at exercising it. This need to be corrected. ~ Ivegottogodosomething!
#82132890Thursday, November 15, 2012 9:26 PM GMT

How do you suggest moderators do this? They can't play a game every time it's updated, or a new game is published. Even when it got reported, it'd be hard to check the game for 5 minutes, when millions of other reports are coming in about thousands of other games. Yes, action must be taken. MUCH action needs to be taken. For example, no two games should have the same name. It's impossible to prove something to have false advertisement in a game like this. Support to stop plagiarism, but not for false advertisement because it's impossible to stop. -The power of Logic compels you!-
#82133369Thursday, November 15, 2012 9:35 PM GMT

@Viver, one word, level DNA check. If it happens to match any other game in over 95% of the blocks used, it shall be removed.
#82133584Thursday, November 15, 2012 9:38 PM GMT

I'm pretty sure a more accurate word for it would be a level seed, though I'm not sure how ROBLOX would go about this. Technically, they could generate an MD5 sum for every place, and check it against the MD5 of new places being published, but I'm not sure how practice, effective, or efficient this will be. ~ Ivegottogodosomething!
#82137575Thursday, November 15, 2012 10:33 PM GMT

they could generate a code based on the general position of blocks in the game and what they are made of(material) and compare with other games to make it more effective roblox could add a feature that allows game owners to copyright their games with this, since it would be near impossible to do this automatically for every game on roblox and even harder to find which one is the original so game owners could have to apply for this and the game owner and others would be able to use a special report button that will check the level code to that of the original(possibly using the game ID for identification) and if the code of the game reported matches around 95% of the one provided it will automaticly make the game content deleted(maybe storing a backup of it for a day or so if there happen to be any mistakes so the game may be restored) -If you say plz because its shorter than please then i will say no because its shorter than yes-
#82138141Thursday, November 15, 2012 10:41 PM GMT

> If you say plz because its shorter than please then i will say no because its shorter than yes That signature is rife with irony. > If you say "plz" because it's shorter than "please," then I will say "no" because it's shorter than "yes." FTFY Either way, your idea is sound. I'm just worried about the amount of time and space it would take hash this identifiers, and how much time and CPU time it would take to compare two identifiers. ~ Ivegottogodosomething!
#82138233Thursday, November 15, 2012 10:42 PM GMT

Another example of "rife with irony" is how I took the time to correct your grammar, then promptly forgot to check the remainder of my post for grammatical errors. I will take my leave. ~ Ivegottogodosomething!
#82138930Thursday, November 15, 2012 10:51 PM GMT

"Either way, your idea is sound. I'm just worried about the amount of time and space it would take hash this identifiers, and how much time and CPU time it would take to compare two identifiers." thats why i suggested having to apply for it, to prevent alot of the problems like that that would arise as a result of roblox trying to do it to every game, even games that dont need it -If you say plz because its shorter than please then i will say no because its shorter than yes-
#82139170Thursday, November 15, 2012 10:55 PM GMT

and why is my signature rife with irony? -If you say plz because its shorter than please then i will say no because its shorter than yes-
#82139700Thursday, November 15, 2012 11:02 PM GMT

> and why is my signature rife with irony You criticise someone for using "plz" because it is shorter than "please," yet you let slide by many typos in your signatures such as a lower-case "I," or "its" (possessive) instead of "it's" (contraction). ~ Ivegottogodosomething!
#82144495Friday, November 16, 2012 12:04 AM GMT

support ye "The candles are lit, the end is near!"
#82190370Friday, November 16, 2012 9:20 PM GMT

hate disney ~Rock is dead. Long live paper and scissors!~
#82190501Friday, November 16, 2012 9:21 PM GMT

Ignore that last post. ~Rock is dead. Long live paper and scissors!~

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