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#82845893Saturday, November 24, 2012 5:58 PM GMT

(| Please note that this is a continuous story and not a roleplay, but feel free to read if it matches your interests. |) -^ Prologue ^- Several people throughout the world have faced an unexplained mystery that has occurred to them sometime in their life, something so unknown and something so... inhuman. They don't know how it's come about to them or why it did, but it has and it will remain that way with them until their time has been paid off, sort of like a community service program for prisoners. But this is so much more different, so much more unique and awful. What is it? It's death... Death occurs everyday at any given moment. But what if you came back? Like a shadow of death, lingering around, it waits for the next person to die and then revives them, letting them live once again. Those who were resurrected sometimes say that maybe it just wasn't their time to go and possibly the lord has given them another chance. Nobody can truly know the real meaning. Nobody can truly decipher the mystery and the logical answer for how they are still alive, even after death. But with their revival, comes a price to pay. A curse or a burden is put with them until they've paid it off, somehow, and this dark burdened curse will linger with them up until then. It could be never being able to lie, or being deaf, maybe even allergic to every living thing, who knows? The possibilities of your price to pay back for being allowed to live once again is endless. Not everyone manages to pay it off, though. Some have it until they die. Nobody quite knows why, but it's usually a 50% chance of either keeping or losing it, it's just a complete mystery. Four Weeping Children will have to face obstacles and enemies on their path to success and finding the answers that they seek. A teenage girl who is threatened by the government wants freedom and to see her mother. A middle a-g-ed man wants to pay off his curse for being such a coward and wants to help the others, yet his curse doesn't allow him to. A mid-twenties woman has the curse which either shuts down organizations, brings places to ruin, or kills anything that she's around for too long, and she just wants a friend. A young child in elementary school wants to uncover why his dad and the other government soldiers are chasing and kidnapping people, and why he's always the cause of all problems around him. Each of the four struggle till the end, but not all of them will make it. Only some can win, and the rest may lose. Each path and problem will intersect with one another, and the four will all have to make sacrifices to succeed... -|CHARACTER DETAILS|- [Subject 1: Teenage Girl] Name: Amanda Grace Bohr A-g-e: 17 Gender: Female Curse: Amanda's curse is that she is never able to make contact with moon energy or moonlight. She cannot be outside during nighttime and must only be in daylight. If she refuses to do so and goes into moonlight or outside during the night, then she will obliterate within seconds into dust. Personality: Cheerful, kind, and caring, Amanda is always the one to bring people together and always try and solve people's problems. She doesn't like to be alone and always enjoys company. She's very determined, and has her mind set towards certain things that she will not stop at until she succeeds. Appearance: Amanda is 5'6 and weighs 119 lbs. She is tanned, has dark blue eyes, and blonde shoulder length hair that is naturally straight with a bit of a wave in it. She will usually wear t-shirts, jeans, and typical teenage girl clothes. [Subject 2: Middle A-g-ed Man] Name: Mark Darwin Littleton A-g-e: 31 Gender: Male Curse: Mark's curse affects his personality greatly. This allows him to not able to be a leader with any leadership qualities at all. He is cowardly, a wimp, and has to wait for others to do face his problems for him, because he could never face them himself. He wants to pay off his curse and learn to mature up. Personal: Basically, his entire curse. He cannot be fearing, scary, commanding, or anything at all. He's a pushover, meaning he'll do anything you tell him to do, and he's a follower. He stutters a bit and is very paranoid. Appearance: Mark stands at 5'8 and weighs 168 lbs. He usually wears clothing like sweater vests, button ups, plaid, checkered, and all this time for normal days. He has short brown scrunchy hair and dark hazel eyes. He also wears circular spectacles. His skin tone is pale and a bit olive, but mostly pale from being indoors at all times and hardly ever going outside. [Subject 3: Mid-Twenties Woman] Name: Nicole Fare Foster A-g-e: 26 Gender: Female Curse: Possibly the most devastating curse of all, Nicole's curse is that she cannot stay with a specific person, people, or organization for too long or else it will shut down, be injured, or they will die. It could be a few hours, or it could be a few days. If she stays with the same person for too long, they will eventually begin to die. If she works at an office, that place and job will eventually all be closed down. This can even work with people she doesn't know. It's gone so far to even shutting down an airplane as well the people on it... Personality: From the devastating curse she has which gave her a hard childhood, she now has an emotionless and unshakably calm demeanor. Never panicking or frightened, she lives the life of a robot. She does, however, have a sharp and intellectual mind and is very witty when she can be, but most of the time, she's having to constantly travel, not wanting to risk anything, so she's an emotionless and easygoing person. Appearance: Nicole stands unusually tall at 6'1 and weighs 173 lbs. She has blueish green eyes, a lightly tanned olive skin tone, and long straight black hair that reaches below her shoulders and underneath her shoulder blades. She will usually wear dark colors, except for white, in the colors of black or purple, and usually is leather. [Subject 4: Young Boy] Name: Todd Dean Johnson A-g-e: 8 Gender: Male Curse: Excluding himself, he is the cause of drama and fights that will go around to people around him. This may explain the problems his family is having. He is never included in the fighting, arguing, or drama, but he always has to watch and deal with it. Personality: Todd is a curious, carefree, and easygoing kid. He doesn't worry too much and doesn't overreact, two traits unlike both of his parents. Instead, he likes to adventure and create things. He's very imaginative and creative, drawing and coloring a lot, and likes to build things with blocks or legos which takes him hours that will usually take a day or two to make. Appearance: Todd doesn't care what he looks like, but he has a lightly tanned skin tone, amber glowing eyes, and silky wavy brown hair that's a bit short, but not too short. He usually is seen wearing t-shirts and shorts, the ordinary kids clothing. To be continued in Chapter 1: Provenance.
#82846544Saturday, November 24, 2012 6:04 PM GMT

lemme mark this real fast. its really good, and the idea is pretty cool maybe ill have some miniscule advice later on for you to improve off of, but for now no complaints.
#82850168Saturday, November 24, 2012 6:42 PM GMT

Chapter 1: Provenance ~^Amanda^~ The noise of my alarm clock was blaring, like a prisoner had just escaped jail. I quickly jumped off of the top bunk of my bed and clicked it off. Paul would probably get mad that my alarm clock was so loud. Paul gets mad about everything. He's my stepfather, the one who has to watch over me since my father died and my mother has, well, I don't know, she must of ran away or something. He's a fat slob who thinks only of himself, so I don't mind him. I open up my closet and on the shelf at the very top, there were already my clothes for me to wear waiting to be put on. After a minute of dressing and putting them on, I made my way over to the calendar. Today was November 26th, Monday. I marked it off with a red marker and placed the marker back in its holder and ran downstairs. Paul was sitting at the kitchen table, slurping on pure black coffee with nothing added in it, which disgusted me. I just ignored him and went to their bathroom, which is just Paul's bathroom now, and began to do my make up. Me and mom use to do our make up together in here. I was just about to close the door until a large massive arm flew through, sending me back a bit and the door flying. "No, no, no, little lady. This room is just for me now, you here? Get your sl**ty stuff and take it upstairs!" His eyes were bulging at me, his fat body jiggling since he didn't have a shirt on. I just stared at him, appalled. Without saying a word, I grabbed all the stuff, shoved into a large striped bag, and rushed past him upstairs. I tried to tell myself last night was going to be a good day, but it just isn't. I want my mom back. I don't want Paul. He just thinks I'm a waste of space who's only good for cleaning. That's all he wanted mom for. Forgetting about that, I put all of my makeup on and other cosmetic designs then got all of my school supplies and backpack ready. I'm a very organized person, but everything in this house other than my roof and my bathroom is so cluttered from Paul. I ran downstairs, out the door quickly, and slamming it behind me. He would probably come running out, yelling to not slam it so hard, but he'd probably get stuck in the doorway too. I walked to the end of my street to the bus stop where Jane, Daniel, Brandon, and Cobin were all at. Not saying a word to them, even when they said hi to me, I stood there and patiently waited for the bus, not acknowledging any of them. _*Todd*_ I wasn't going to school today, Mom said I have a dentist appointment. Mom and Dad got in another fight and he usually comes with us, be last night he stormed out to a motel. I keep feeling like I had something to do with it, but oh well. I really wanted Daddy to come because Mom won't stay in there with me, she can't stand to see me bleed. She even works at the dentist office I'm going to today as a dental assistant, yet refuses to watch. I don't care, though, I usually don't bleed because I have good teeth. Currently in the car, I still have to sit in the backseat, but I like it. I look out the window all the time and see interesting things, but I just feel more special and older in the passenger seat. "Todd, you haven't said a word this whole time. Are you alright?" I nodded. "Yeah Mom, I'm fine." Mom always insists that I'm afraid of the dentist, but I'm not. I'm only afraid of being stabbed to death. I don't care if I was shot, I just wouldn't want to be stabbed. Besides, I've already been shot before. Mom and Dad both freaked out when I was shot, the bullet hit something in me. My aorta? I think that's something in my heart. I heard people die from that, actually everyone will die, but I guess I'm just an exception. This was only two weeks ago, and I don't feel any pain at all. I just remember falling asleep for a little bit and waking up the hospital as they were covering me up with a bag and some other stuff. They said it was to keep me warm or something. When I woke up, they seemed shocked and started to take all the stuff off. But ever since then, Mom and Dad have been fighting. I don't really know why, but they fight about everything. Not to mention even my friends and teachers! It's all very dramatic right now. Mom and Dad also told me not to say anything to anyone about getting shot. I was shot because while me and Dad were walking across town, a robbery was taking place. Police began to shoot from the resistant guy and then he shot back, a bullet missed, and hit me instead. It was pretty weird, I don't remember how it felt though. I sort of wish I did. I'm just surprised it doesn't hurt. Mom stopped the car, but it was still on. She unbuckled herself and got out. "Todd, stay there." She then changed the gear of the car to something else out of 'Park'. She shut the door, and the car began to roll. I usually don't panic about stuff, but this time I did. "Mom? Mom?! Where am I going?!" I looked out in front of me through the windshield. It was a river. I screamed loudly then unbuckled myself, shouting frantically for my mother. I managed to open the door, and there to my surprise was my mother. "Oh, Todd! What happened! How did the car do that!" She was holding me as the car rolled down the river, hitting boulders and broken trees as it did. "Todd, I am so sorry, I have no idea how that happened! Are you okay?" I just nodded. I know she didn't mean to do that, my mom loves me. The both of us began to walk back, looking for a phone booth to call our dad and pick us up. /♦\ Nicole /♦\ I was already awake before my alarm turned on. In fact, I was hours early. I woke up to the noise of a woman screaming. It was my roommate. I didn't expect this one to die so soon, I thought it'd take at least a day. But no, just a simple four hours. They all die different ways. This time, my roommate Janice died by suffocation under her blanket. She could have easily pulled it off. My curse is starting to seem so unrealistic and unscientific, I don't understand it anymore, and I don't want to. I can't have pets, either. Alone. Total loneliness. That's all there is, unless I want to be the death for more people. I gained this curse when I was eight, and ever since then, I have been a death machine. I get up from my bed, beside me is the body. I'll have to find other ways to hide it. I can't call the police, I've already called four times in the past decade that I've "mysteriously found" a dead body. They would become too suspicious. No, I have to bury it. I drag the covered body, walk outside, locate the shovel, and start digging. I already have twelve bodies buried in my backyard. This would be thirteen, now. After about two hours of finishing the evidence, I drop the shovel off at its usual place and go back inside, washing myself back up. It won't be too long until I'm seen as a criminal, possibly. I know that I should confess, tell them I haven't ever killed them, but it would be too tricky. 12 dead bodies found in my house in only a decade, and only four of them were taken. No, it'd be too risky to tell. I start a bath for myself with a bunch of bubbles in it and dissolving salts, just to relax myself. It's what I do whenever I have to do the deed again...
#82850235Saturday, November 24, 2012 6:43 PM GMT

(And thanks, Mark. ^~^)
#85808474Monday, December 31, 2012 7:34 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#85811349Monday, December 31, 2012 8:04 PM GMT

lol im just like nicole but a boy version. Every roleplay im in, it dies. DX
#85812060Monday, December 31, 2012 8:12 PM GMT

I for one love the crying of children, I will cherish this story.
#211469456Tuesday, March 07, 2017 9:44 PM GMT

Awesome story.
#211469985Tuesday, March 07, 2017 9:53 PM GMT

what did i even say 5 years ago LOL. it got content DELETED LOOLOOOOL Scammed out of every single item, 550k+++
#211470026Tuesday, March 07, 2017 9:54 PM GMT

dont bump old threads

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