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#83404033Saturday, December 01, 2012 4:51 PM GMT

The "ban" thing is quite horribly done. I mean, forgive me if the team has ended up changing/fixing the "ban" thing, but... Really? What is the "Ban" thing I'm so worked up about? Now, you see, I've seen this system is so badly done. They only ban the sole account. "How is this a problem? It works fine!" No, it doesn't. It really, truly doesn't. You see, they go and make a new account! I remember seeing some threaten to ban someone because of... "Aggressive language..." Anyway, the one with the mouth of mead ended up saying he multiple accounts. All with BC. Huh. Forgive me if you already ban by e-mail, but that won't work either. You can make a new e-mail just as easily as you can a new Roblox account. Anyway, I haven't gotten to the actual "suggestion" part, but what I'm proposing... PLEASE. Ban by IP. (Ex. I can imagine siblings with the same computer might have a problem with this, but it isn't like all the bans are permanent. There are other games out there. If you're concerned about another game being free, try out Planetside 2. Anyway, the community would be so much nicer, with much less cyber bullying and whatnot.
#83407400Saturday, December 01, 2012 5:30 PM GMT

no i want to stay on roblox
#83407864Saturday, December 01, 2012 5:36 PM GMT

They already ip ban... Also, Ip ban doesn't always work due to: Proxy servers Other people who are innocent in the Ip. ~When life gives you lemons, eat those STUPID lemons!~
#83408095Saturday, December 01, 2012 5:39 PM GMT

lol its so easy to get past an ip ban i can do it within seconds

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