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#83681383Wednesday, December 05, 2012 1:57 AM GMT

==Black Death II== (This story gets unrealistic pretty fast, so just try and roll with it. This is more of a "What if" roleplay. The 14th century, one of the most deadliest of diseases unveiled all over Europe and Asia. This plague left countless amounts of people dead, and left no nations healthy enough to fight eachother in any wars. Later during the epidemic, a scientist had discovered that the cause of the plague was due to the fleas carrying infections from infected rodants, it was an amazing discovery, but would not help very much since the fleas were already spreading across Europe. Finally, an act of mercy from God came as many claimed. The plague began to lift, and the number of people being infected was reducing rapidly. A little longer and people would finally return to their normal lives. The plague however, would not be completely gone for hundreds of years, but the epidemic for the most part was over. (...and here is where the crazy fiction comes in.) 1863, the American Civil War had been going on and Prussia was beginning its wars of unification. That year, a new plague was discovered in Guimarães, Portugal. Spain had not concerned themselves very much, as minor plagues were common in Europe. They were wrong however...Spain and Portugal were quickly cut back down into sick nations. Something was wrong however, the cannibalism rate went up in Spain and Portugal exceedingly. At last towns were being overrun and people desperately ran from their cities, running from the plague, and the once normal citizens going insane. Spain sent in their army, but this was not their state troops, it was their grand army meant for foreign affairs. Spain begged France for military assistance, but could not tell them the full truth of what was happening, they simply informed France that this was an act of Partisans overtaking Spain. Unfortunately, France declined. The Spanish military was not defeated, but the government was finished off. It was every man for themselves in Spain, France by now was aware of the growing situation, and urged their neighbors to guard their borders. France had concentration on their borders, simply denying access to any incoming citizens from Spain. Meanwhile in North America, US President Abraham Lincoln had been notified of the escalating conflict, with Spanish citizens running from Spain to countries near America, President Lincoln with hesitation, agreed to an Armstice with the Confederate States of America. The Confederacy agreed, but stated that any yankees crossing the CSA's borders would be targeted. The epidemic was nearing the United States quickly, from the Mexican states, the CSA would have to fend off the plague. A meeting was called for in England, Wilhelm I of Prussia, Abraham Lincoln of the United States, and Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom held talks on what to do. After the meeting, information was shared that the plague returned, this time causing cannibalistic features, infected humans still could talk and interact, but their hunger led them to feed on healthy beings, including other infected humans as well. The meeting ended, and that was the last anyone had seen of Abraham Lincoln and his counterparts, they went missing the day they embarked back to the US. Finally, France was not overtaken by the plague, but was being taken over, Prussia and Austria set aside their differences and established that they will kill any citizens seen near the French border. Will the United States be overtaken by the growing plague? How will Asia react to recent events? Will President Abraham Lincoln ever reappear? The adventure starts now! --------------------- Alright, that is the story so far, pretty messed up, but im just trying to get creative, below I will leave the characteristics for your character, and mine as an example: Name: Eli Unterwelt Nationality: Prussia Young Adult (Don't put an age, I've been banned for that before.) Skills: Survivalist, Practical, good with Flintlocks and Swords. Goals: Escape Europe, either to North America or South America. Gender: Male I will start off the story tommorow, unless someone else wants to start it.
#83681510Wednesday, December 05, 2012 1:58 AM GMT

Also, I recommend you at least TRY and read all of that, as it will help get a clear idea of what this is all about.
#83683924Wednesday, December 05, 2012 2:22 AM GMT

you messed it up its not prussia its called russia
#83694477Wednesday, December 05, 2012 4:32 AM GMT

No, Prussia was a pre-unified German state. Russia is the large nation you can't miss on the globe.
#83726723Wednesday, December 05, 2012 10:19 PM GMT

Name: Dale Lovesing Nationality: CSA [Previously USA] Young Adult Skills: Follower, good with rifles, good at collecting fresh water Goals: Make it to British Canada. Gender: Male
#83747055Thursday, December 06, 2012 1:54 AM GMT

Eli was an adult from Prussia, he heard of the upcoming plague, and had no intentions of staying in Europe, along with many others, he grabbed his gear and left for northern german states.
#83747297Thursday, December 06, 2012 1:57 AM GMT

"If im going to survive out in the country land, I'll need to find some food and beverages to take with me." Eli left his house for the last time, taking only a Prussian lance.
#83820131Friday, December 07, 2012 5:28 AM GMT

can i russian
#83823646Friday, December 07, 2012 8:16 AM GMT

Name: Lara Van Pelt Nationality: Prussian Young Adult Skills: Stealth, being small, melee wepons Goals: To stay alive and try to find Wilhelm if possible. If he turns out to be infected then escape to South America. Gender: Female
#83823661Friday, December 07, 2012 8:17 AM GMT

(Pity Prussia was abolished…)
#83829084Friday, December 07, 2012 1:14 PM GMT

Dale was with some fellow Confederate soldiers in a bar, but he was told to leave. "If they didn't want me to start singing they shouldn't have started performing...." He walked back to a brothel in the town, where he was staying.
#83829145Friday, December 07, 2012 1:16 PM GMT

(wait did lincoln and wilhelm die then?)
#83829171Friday, December 07, 2012 1:18 PM GMT

(That is a mystery in this story, possibly in the roleplay the mystery will be solved.)

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