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#83761400Thursday, December 06, 2012 5:18 AM GMT

Hello, today I am here to suggest an idea on the topic of loaning items as I was in LMaD and I came across this witch really made me snap. "We're seeing a lot of talk lately of users loaning one another items or money. While it's possible within the trading system to do this, please remember that you're doing so at your own risk. We at Roblox do not encourage loaning. The reasons for this are many but they mainly come down to possibilities for scams." Well first of all, ever since ROBLOX had the trade system it's really not that strong of a trading system, I think we need a loan box, when I mean by this it's the trading system still but to boxes below it showing "Loan" so if a player wants to loan an item to a user they pick there item and click "Loan" and then pick how many days the player wants to loan it for. The player then can add Robux or tickets which was the loaning fee, after that click "Accept" and the player has the item but it says (LOAN) on the bottom of it. After the days expired on the item it returns back to the players inventory. This is because people wont get scammed & if ROBLOX really does care about there players they would of planned this within the system & care about there members not 'discourage it'. How it would work: (Bad without the loan system) Player 1: "Hey, I can't afford a Dark Heart, can you loan yours to me?" Player 2: "Yeah sure" Player 1: "Loans" Player 2: "HA, *Unfriends* Player 1: "Hey! Give me back my Dark heart" Player 2: "No *logs out* Now with the Loan System: Player 1: "Hey, I can't afford a Dark Heart, can you loan yours to me? I will also pay a loan fee if needed." Player 2: "Yeah sure, it'll be $500 robux to loan though." Player 1: "Okay!" Player 2 & 1: "Goes to trading system, *presses scroll down arrow and selects Loan" *Clicks item and puts in Dark Heart and pick 3 days* Player 1: "Puts in $500 robux" Player 1 & 2: "Accepts trade" Player 1: "Wow thank you!" 2 Weeks later: "Message inbox pops up "Dark Heart has successfully returned to your inventory, your loan has expired." Player 1: "Thanks for the loan man!" This will be much easier, and players will be scammed less.
#83762920Thursday, December 06, 2012 6:01 AM GMT

heres a way out -->[] haz fun
#83766270Thursday, December 06, 2012 12:41 PM GMT

>guy deletes dh or sells it kk your expired dont mean crap If at first you don’t succeed, then skydiving is not for you.

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