#86586268Wednesday, January 09, 2013 5:36 PM GMT

(Accepted) Jack I nod and take the jacket, without hesitation. "Thanks." I say to Jes and looked outside.
#86586424Wednesday, January 09, 2013 5:42 PM GMT

[I ask myself: WHY are RPers obsessed with Red hair, I mean, it looks good; but I don't see why everyone likes it so much besides that.]
#86643266Thursday, January 10, 2013 4:35 PM GMT

Jes I stash my knives back into my back pockets and put my hat back on. "Here," I hand Jack my scarf "it'll keep your head warm." I was gonna have to get used to having someone with me. More food, water, shelter, and clothing. Anyways, it was worth it to have my brother and best friend back. I smile before stepping out into the snow. "We need to stop by one place before we head back to where I'm staying." I say thinking about that rabbit I had abandoned in my one and only cage under the tree...
#86664502Thursday, January 10, 2013 11:34 PM GMT

Jack I put the scarf on and followed her outside, into the cold. "Aright."
#86946250Monday, January 14, 2013 3:51 PM GMT

Jes I start walking back in the direction I had come from looking back at Jack every couple minutes. We finally reach the tree I hid the cage under, but something was wrong. The cage was no longer under the tree, and there was no longer a rabbit it it. The tough metal cage was torn to peices and the ground around it was coverd in blood. I stand stiff and still and turn to Jack slowly putting a finger to my lips to shush him even though he wasn't making a sound. I listened very carefuly and could hear deep breathing. My eyes turn sharply but silently towards the heavy breathing. I hold back a gasp as I see a snow covered black bear. I couldn't believe I didn't see it before. I stay as calm as I could, but I felt like my beating heart could be heard for miles. "Jack," I whisper "I want you to slowly back away. Go back to the cabin we came from, I'll take care of this... I don't want you to get hurt and most of all I don't want to lose you again." I take out my knives and grip them tightly. I had killed a bear before, but nothing as big as this.
#87008157Tuesday, January 15, 2013 4:03 PM GMT

Jack I nodded and slowly backed up to the cabin and started to quickly look for a weapon. I was opening closets, looking under the bed, and looking in drawers.
#87066228Wednesday, January 16, 2013 2:10 PM GMT

Jes "Dammit, this would have been a good to bring my gun." I step over towards a tree, the bear stares hungrily at me. "Alright, bear," I pause looking at the size of the thing then the size of my knives. The didn't go together. I decided to try since it was my only option. I take my knife and get in the right angle of the bare. I throw the knife in one quick second and there's a moment of silence of breathing for a moment. Suddenly there was a large roar then the sound of heavy feet. He was charging. "Ok... so knives aren't your thing...?" I say then begin to run. well, actually it was more like tripping over snow, but I was trying to run. The bear was gaining on me. How could something heavier than a human get over the snow so fast? I yell ahead "RUN!!!" To jack when I see the cabin. The bear would completely destroy it, we had to lose it somehow... or kill it.
#87198536Friday, January 18, 2013 12:40 PM GMT

Jack Just as I head her yell, I had found a double barreled shotgun with 6 shells, lucky for me, our father had taught me at an early age of how to shoot in case I had ever come across a gun. I opened the shotgun and loaded 2 shells in it and snapped it shut. I then walked out to my sister, and aimed the shotgun at the huge bear, and breathed slowly, waiting for my sister to run past. Thousands of thoughts go through my mind, wondering if I should run instead of trying to shoot, this my first time shooting a gun other than a BB gun that I had shot several years ago.
#87201642Friday, January 18, 2013 2:40 PM GMT

Jes I ran past Jack thinking he was going to follow. He didn't. I looked back and he was standing there aiming the gun he was holding. If that thing didn't take the bear out, we'd be dead meat.
#87206924Friday, January 18, 2013 5:03 PM GMT

Jack I breathed and pulled both of the triggers firing both of the rounds into the bear when he was in range. Being that the shotgun was old, it had caused a lot of smoke when firing. So I wasn't sure if the bear was dead or was gonna jump at me. Incase it had survived, I held the shot gun with one hand on the barrel and the other hand on the stock so it crossed my chest so hopefully the shotgun it self would hold back the bear just a little if it jumped at me.
#87223621Friday, January 18, 2013 9:25 PM GMT

Jes Right as the bear reached Jack it stood up on it's hind legs and roared loudly as the gun shots hit it right in it's chest. It staggered a bit and began falling. Right towards Jack! I ran towards him, "Jack watch out!!!" I yelled pushing him to the side right beofore the bear fell with a huge thud. I lay there on the thick snow breathing heavily. I turn my head towards Jack who I had accidentally pushed into the snow aswell. "I guess it's a good thing you know how to use a gun." I say brushing some snow off his head.
#87225139Friday, January 18, 2013 9:37 PM GMT

(Jes and Jack should've shown the bear they were not a threat by going into fetal position(However research experts have shown that it only makes it easy for the bear to flip you over) but okay killing it works too. I guess it would be boring if you avoided danger the whole time.) Rohirrim!
#87225245Friday, January 18, 2013 9:38 PM GMT

(Also even hitting a bear with a stick will scare it away, because bears rarely attack in a predatory manner, and those who do are either immature, starving, or wounded.) Rohirrim!
#87225550Friday, January 18, 2013 9:41 PM GMT

Jack "Dad taught me, and the idiot that kidnapped me, cleaned it in front of us, and guarded the cages we were in with it, to make sure we somehow didn't escape." I say to her and sat up. "Thanks by the way." I add.
#87226779Friday, January 18, 2013 9:53 PM GMT

(Usually, a shotgun shell wouldn't kill a bear. The shotgun pellets would just make the bear madder. Until he bleeds to death.)
#87227383Friday, January 18, 2013 9:58 PM GMT

(The bear was right in front of him, barrel almost at point blank, and he fired both of the shells.)
#87228158Friday, January 18, 2013 10:05 PM GMT

(Gee thanks for a school lesson on the weekend...) Jes I nod and the smile "Hey, that's what sisters are for right? Getting brothers out tough situations." I laugh.
#87228517Friday, January 18, 2013 10:09 PM GMT

(Agreed with Hottie, too much of a headache to argue over hunting stuff, even though I love hunting.) Jack "I guess, but who's the one that just saved both of us, and got dinner?" I say and laugh as I stood up and helped Jes up.
#87297710Saturday, January 19, 2013 4:15 PM GMT

(I guess it would depend where you aim it at. Near the heart or head would kill it, limbs would probably just make it mad.) Rohirrim!
#87553773Tuesday, January 22, 2013 2:13 PM GMT

Jes I look at the bear. "This is way better than that rabbit I had." I say examining it. I had no idea how we were going to carry this back in time before dark though.
#87609088Wednesday, January 23, 2013 4:05 AM GMT

Jack "Lot heavier too, may as well make a camp here and find some way to bring it to your place..." I say poking the barrel of the shotgun and poked the bear a couple times.
#87620623Wednesday, January 23, 2013 2:11 PM GMT

Jes I nod in agreement. There was no way we would make it back in time before complete dark lugging this thing, and camping in the middle of the woods without any shelter is not a very smart idea. I look at the cabin I had rescued Jack in maybe not even an hour ago. "I guess we could stay there." I think how we just left the dea man in there... I would have to take care of that. I then look at the bear again. "Where re we going to put that? We don't want any of the night animals feasting on our well earned meal." I drag my feet through the thickning snow to the bears head. I could still smell the bloody odor of the rabbit the bear had eaten before.
#87621548Wednesday, January 23, 2013 2:58 PM GMT

(Not to correct you, but most forest animals would probably have no interest in a bear, because other than racoons and stuff of their sort, most forest animals are herbivores, if I remember right.) Now for wrath! Now for ruin! AND THE RED DAWN!
#87747794Friday, January 25, 2013 4:07 PM GMT

(Even the wolves? And the birds?)
#87762409Friday, January 25, 2013 9:02 PM GMT

Survivor C.S. Name: Fern Church 16 Appearance: (under the heavy, black coat) Black T shirt, with a pale green tang top nuderneath. Gray, skinny jeans with rips. High top that are white with neon blue, orange, and pink stripes where the tip og the tounge is. The stripes are also along the check logo on the side and the check is colored yellow (banana). The bottom of the shoe is dark, royal blue. Hair is braided into a U behind neck. Breast cancer earings (not the dangly kind) are rested on my ear. Gets skinner by the day, saves as much food as possible. Um.... oh yes! Eyes used to be royal blue, but turned to cornflower because of coldness. Has pale frekles on cheeks and nose, skin is a medium pale, close to tan. Has those kind of gloves that have no matireal on fingers. Items: Rope, old pair of daggers my father gave me. (Now dead because of this...storm) Extra hair ties. A silver locket with a picture of a breast cancer sign. (My mother had brest cancer, but not anymore) One stick of carmax and chapstick. Two blankets. (one for mom and I each) Current Location: How about...West Virginia. (Charleston) Any Pets: Pet mouse, i gave him extra extra bedding fro warmth. Any Family or siblings: Mother is still alive, my sister, Meg, is dead, father died, and mother might give birth to a boy soon. (Uh Oh :o) Personality: Kind, generous, fierce hearted, Strong, (both apperance and personallity) Clumsy. Bio: Had a family of four, Mom, Dad, Megan, and me. Dad si now dead, with Meg dying of despair. Had a dog names, Jo, but died two years ago. Other: Snowz. Has a plan forming in head on escaping. ________________________________________________________________________