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#87767950Friday, January 25, 2013 10:15 PM GMT

(I wasn't sure what kind of environment you were in. I knew it was some kind of forest. As far as I know, wolves mostly take what they kill themselves unless they're starving or wounded. Not birds, unless there are scavengers or other predatory birds around.) Ooh, ya hear that, lads? He says we'll blunt the knives!
#87833488Saturday, January 26, 2013 5:25 PM GMT

#87860130Saturday, January 26, 2013 11:02 PM GMT

(Wait im accepted????)
#87860975Saturday, January 26, 2013 11:12 PM GMT

(Okay yes, Thanks) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I held mom's hand while i grew closer to her... mother...she had a cold. Which meant nothing good. And then...she died. Right infront fo me. I tried to cry, but my tears were frozen. They stuck to my skin as soon as they fell out, which made it hard to blink. I knew i shouldnt have, but I took mother's coat. I ate her food and water. I prayed everynight for another day. ---------------------------------------_____________------------------------------------------- Monday, date forgotten- I was alone. My tounge felt cold evev as it was in my mouth. I trembled putting a peice of bread to my lips. Then sipped the icy cold water in the bottle. I decided to go upstairs to my room where everythign got lost ebcause of the clutter. Here, it was a tiny bit warmer.I took mother's blanket and lounged in bed. Something caught my eye. A needle. A needle long enough to pick ice... I charged back downstairs to the front door. I started to pick at the shut door. I picked the lock to open, and then picked at the room between teh door and the wall. The ice was liek rock, but was breakable. I had hope. As time passed, i started to think fo what iw as going to do once its open. 'Dig out the snow' i thought. 'Then help others!' Adn after these two thoughts, I wandered another. Where would we go? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#88177435Thursday, January 31, 2013 1:08 PM GMT

Jack I looked at the bear's body and back at the cabin. "We could try to cover him with a tarp or something and deal with him in the morning." I suggest.
#88178000Thursday, January 31, 2013 1:41 PM GMT

Name: Victor Roxas 19 Appearance: Brown-ish black hair, 5'8 Tall, Color of the skin is Caucasian, Brown eyes, Wears Jetblack hoodie , thick black handgloves, Dark blue Jeans, Items: Rations, Professional Hunting Bow, 8 Compound arrow, Small Backpack, Water jug. Current Location: Frozen streets of a subdivision. Any Pets: Siberian Husky Any Family or siblings: None Personality: Quiet, Adventurous, Pet-lover, Patient, Leader-like, Kind, Wise Bio: Roxas is a Professional Bow-user and an adventurous kind teen, When the Ice age started everything went downhill for him, He's life, He's plans, everything. Now he's only wandering at the snowy wastelands to survive with he's trusty companion, Max, A Siberian Husky dog. Other:Snowz
#88212213Friday, February 01, 2013 1:30 AM GMT

Jes I nod "That'll be the best idea for now. You find a tarp and I'll find some rocks to weigh it down." I figured it'd be best to keep him near the cabin since he didn't know the forest as well.
#88213708Friday, February 01, 2013 1:47 AM GMT

Jack "Alright." I say and went inside and looked for a tarp and came back out shortly with one.
#88575531Tuesday, February 05, 2013 4:44 PM GMT

(Hey paint, is he accepted? ^^^) Jes I slowly walk off, I was getting tired and could feel my eye lids getting heavier. I managed to pick up four heavy rocks and was on my way back in not time. I finally reached the cabin again and dropped the rocks with a thud. My arms ached as I look up and Jack. "Oh good, you found one" I said helping him cover the bear and afterwards placing the rocks on each of the corners.
#88886450Saturday, February 09, 2013 11:11 PM GMT

Hours passed, but i still wasn't done. I couldn't even see the sun go down, but by my weariness....maybe 6:00 pm? I knew that there had to be a place to go. Florida? Long trip.... I wandered how long this storm would last. Whoever survives would go down low in history. "YES!" I cried as I was done. Then the door flew open, smacking me in the face. I felt no cool breeze fly in. What I saw made me want to give up. Outside my door was a big, dome of ice. If I dared, a needle would only make scratches, and then the ice would heal over night. What about.... a knife? A carving knife from the kitchen. No, but then I remembered dad's armory. Too bad I don't know the code to the door. But a gun could do. His are weak, but they could work... I Hope.
#89282646Friday, February 15, 2013 2:21 AM GMT

Jack "Alright, let's get back inside, and wait till day." I say going to the cabin and walking inside.
#89283297Friday, February 15, 2013 2:28 AM GMT

Jes I follow Jack inside the cabin and sit on the floor. I finally ended up laying there exausted. "Jack," I whisper "please don't leave me ever again." I say before closing me eyes.
#89283813Friday, February 15, 2013 2:33 AM GMT

Jack "I wont." I whisper and go to sleep on the couch after throwing a blanket on Jessi.
#89284062Friday, February 15, 2013 2:36 AM GMT

(Wanna skip to morning?)
#89284119Friday, February 15, 2013 2:36 AM GMT

#89284769Friday, February 15, 2013 2:43 AM GMT

Jes I wake up with a yawn and stretch my arms and legs. Looking at Jack sleeping, I smile thinking back to yesterday. I had actually found him. This was probably one of the best things that could ever happen to me. As I stand up, I look out the window at the big lumpy tarp. It was covered in more snow/ice, of course.
#89285307Friday, February 15, 2013 2:48 AM GMT

Jack I turn over on the couch, with my face into the pillow and continued sleeping.
#89306644Friday, February 15, 2013 2:02 PM GMT

Jes I laugh quietly to myself turning around to see Jack still sleeping "He still enjoy's sleeping in, I see." I decided to take this opportunity to go get us some breakfast. I make sure all of my knives are in their specific places in my pockets, slip on my hate, scarf, coat, and other items and then open the door. It felt like it had gotten colder... or maybe it was the fact we slept in a warm cabin all night. I shurg it off and step out into the cold. (Short time skip? I don't feel like adding in all of the details of skining the bear and all that :P) I walk back in after probably 10 - 15 minutes, hands filled with cleaned meat. "Yum!" I smile placing it on a nearby table. I looked over ta the fire place and thought it would be the perfect place to cook the meat.
#89309406Friday, February 15, 2013 3:25 PM GMT

Name:Ketaria Ren(Kit-ar-e-ah) 17 almost 18 Appearance:Light blonde hair, never pulled up always down, it is just under shoulder length. Eyes are a light green that naturally and very slowly change to grew(Maybe half a year.) A black tee shirt with the Batman symbol on it. A black turtleneck sweater. When outside, or when she's just simply cold she puts on turtle neck sweat shirt and an old dirty white Eskimo jacket. Her pants are black baggy sweat pants, and over that are some old jeans. She wears 2 pairs of socks and some black snow boots. She has a black beanie she wears along with gloves and a scarf. She is pale and has very little freckles on her face. She's about 4'5" and weights maybe 115lbs. Items:Hand made weapon: A small chain with a knife attached to one end. A skinning knife, water container(small) And a leash. Current Location:Still trapped in her house. Any Pets: (Optional) A Bernese Mountain Dog named Coco. Wears a red color and is only 2 years old.(human years.) Doesn't need a leash, but is still hooked to one sometimes. Any Family or siblings: (Optional)Mom and Dad went out to get food and never came back. Personality:Out going, loves the rush of danger, she can be mean sometimes, stays to herself unless she knows you REALLY good. She can also be nice, but has an attitude and can be sarcastic, a lot. Loves to be a smart alack to. Bio:As a little girl she's always hated snow, she loved the spring time better. Now that she's older, and snow is everywhere and has been for awhile, she hates it even more. Her and her parents were starving, so her parents went to get food cus Ketaria wouldn't let them kill Coco. They never came back and now Ketaria needs to get out and find food. Other: (Read rules to find out what to put here :3)Snowz X3
#94844444Sunday, April 14, 2013 9:21 AM GMT

Survivor C.S. Name: Sammuel Baraclough (Sam or Sammy for short) 27 Appearance: He has light brown hair and crystal blue eyes, a torn shirt, a black waistcoat and black pants. Also has a small black bow tie. Items: A pen and a pad, a first aid kit with a few bottles of medicine and bandages and a tray and towel. Current Location: Snowed in at the Local Diner Any Pets: (Opitinal) A small grey and black kitten only afew months old named Mew. Any Family or siblings: (Opitinal) Not that he knows off. Personality: Slightly irritating at times, and has a short temper, but if your nice to him he's nice to you. He sometimes panics badly and can't stand eating wild animals, it has to be prepared for him. He aslo hates risky things, as he once broke his arm jumping over a fence. Bio: A waiter who works at the Local Diner, which is currently snowed in. He's the only one in there, as he was cleaning up after closing time. Mew always sits on his shoulder, and he has knitted a small coat for Mew (aw, how cute? XD) who really likes it. He can't see anything out of the window eccept a bit of light coming through the snow which is piled up against the walls. The electricity is flickering on and off, so he needs to find light sources other than the candles on the tables. Other: (Read rules to find out what to put here :3) Snowz (I aslo roleplayed in the last post of this too, eccept I was called Lloyd not Sammuel XD)

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