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#84613268Tuesday, December 18, 2012 12:24 AM GMT

For groups needing maps, such as military groups wanting a way to show there lands and country groups to show what they own... =================================================== Description of the update: Its a feature you need to have ownership of a group to use. To get to it, you click Admin, then you will see, above the place to re-name ranks, an empty box with a option bar below it, such as the ROBLOX site and the opened Chat bar would be an example. Inside where the chat bar would be, wouldn't be a place to close the bar, or switch tabs, but where users would be listed would be "Generate Map" "Add New Location" "Set Capital" "Rename Map". The box on the top would be named "Untitled Map". You click "Generate Map" to generate what looks like the ROBLOX terrain, only in an above view, along with water. To create your first group place, you click "Add New Location", in which, leads you to your mouse being a 50% transparent grey dot, and you click to place it. Once its placed, it will ask you a group place's ID, you put the ID in, then click Save. It will then, when clicked, open a little bubble, like the chat bubble, on the map, showing the place name, the picture of the place, and a "Play" button, you click somewhere else at random to get rid of the bubble, and click the grey dot again to make it re-appear. To set the place Capital, or the main place, you click "Set Capital", then click one of the grey dots which stand for your group place. Once you click it, that dot will turn into a gold star, and when you click it, its name will be larger and in gold, and below the place name will have "Capital of GROUPNAME". To rename the map, you click "Rename Map", which would then let you, well, change the name of the map from "Untitled" to the name of the map. - How does this work out? - Support, or give an idea to change, do not say Scriptable, because that is childish, and leads no where. - To long? Don't read it then, the Non long version is a configurable map inside the group admin panel.
#84614782Tuesday, December 18, 2012 12:42 AM GMT

Nice idea. Although they said they might do something like this. Your idea is diffrent and I like it. Support.
#84614802Tuesday, December 18, 2012 12:42 AM GMT

#84615509Tuesday, December 18, 2012 12:50 AM GMT

#84621405Tuesday, December 18, 2012 1:46 AM GMT

Thanks! Keep getting people to see this and keep saying support and it will get used!
#84623646Tuesday, December 18, 2012 2:06 AM GMT

support sounds cool
#84625009Tuesday, December 18, 2012 2:18 AM GMT

#84660335Tuesday, December 18, 2012 8:10 PM GMT

Support, since I readt that article in the Roblox Newsfead I've been looking forward to when it would happen, as do like 75% of all Roblox'ians, all Roblox War Group Members will love that feature!(A lot of people!)
#84665852Tuesday, December 18, 2012 9:20 PM GMT

I hope this gets used! Share the idea and make it popular and its used! - Bump.
#84670594Tuesday, December 18, 2012 10:13 PM GMT

#84747069Wednesday, December 19, 2012 11:24 PM GMT

Bump. Cmon guys, just 30 or so more views and this post may become popular.
#84753430Thursday, December 20, 2012 12:34 AM GMT

#84766153Thursday, December 20, 2012 2:46 AM GMT

Support. It's a good idea for lots of clans, including yours and mine.
#84771671Thursday, December 20, 2012 3:54 AM GMT

#84774924Thursday, December 20, 2012 4:48 AM GMT

Support. Maybe an official ROBLOX map for large clans? So they can have constant combat in said map, there would be no such thing as empty server raiding cause there would always be people.
#84778645Thursday, December 20, 2012 6:11 AM GMT

I support -ZZ
#84821298Thursday, December 20, 2012 11:23 PM GMT

@Boom: Thanks for supporting, and for large clans only won't work, that will leave this idea hanging, so, no, ill stick with the original idea said here. And bump
#84828881Friday, December 21, 2012 12:36 AM GMT

Bump. Please be an admin give idea, and the rest of yall, please put your ideas down, support this, or "no support" it with a reason.
#84868323Friday, December 21, 2012 2:07 PM GMT

... Is anyone else gonna reply?
#84872249Friday, December 21, 2012 3:40 PM GMT

#84872261Friday, December 21, 2012 3:40 PM GMT

#84873383Friday, December 21, 2012 4:02 PM GMT

Actually for a massive server it would need to be large clans only, if every single clan had a SIMPLE fortress on the map (whether they used it or not) of about 500 bricks, multiply that by the... good grief I'm not gonna bother counting, probably 3 million+ clans, that would be a total of atleast 1.5 billion bricks. If it were only the clans with, say, 10k+ members who had a fortress on that mega server, (I'm estimating the amount of clans here again) about 10k might have 10k+ members. While that is 5 million bricks, which is still an insane amount of data, it is nowhere near as much as 1.5 billion.
#84873518Friday, December 21, 2012 4:04 PM GMT

@Boom: Your not paying attention to if this is ingame or not are you -_-. Read the whole thing, and look at the first part.
#84873593Friday, December 21, 2012 4:06 PM GMT

This is on website. It will not show the actual forts, but show them as dots and the main as a star. You click the dot/star, then it will open, show the place image, and a play button, click it, your in.
#84875766Friday, December 21, 2012 4:50 PM GMT

Yes, I read the whole thing, and it sounds quite nice, but alot of exploiters (Speedhack isn't the only thing Cheat Engine can do) still play such games, not to mention annoying clans that make alts to join an enemy clan, put said alts in a server and raid it so they can claim they weren't epty server raiding. One massive server might do away with those problems, as think. If there are 500 speedhackers, then there are 99,999,500 players (atleast) who would probably see it. Out of atleast 99,999,500 players, there are bound to be some who would report it. And remember, thats a LOW estimate. That's assuming all groups on the server have exactly 10k members, while most groups have far more. As for empty server raiding, people would be bound to notice 5 random new accounts sitting there and letting an enemy team raid a base. Those people would either (A: Report them) or (B: Notify the group being raided or one of the group's allies) and with how many would notice that, there's almost an instant guarentee that the group being raided would be immediately notified. As for the sheer amount of data that would be in the massive server, there might be a handy script I don't know about that just simply "inserts" a base somewhere, and that would cut down on data usage. To provide even better transfer, a user only transmits data to players who are 200 studs away or less. As for "clicking on a location" to travel to it, it still doesn't solve the problems I listed. Even though DLL and Cheat Engine Speedhack are patched, exploiting can still be done. And empty server raiding can still be done unless a special filter is placed on the game, say, "nobody else can enter the base of clan XXX until there are 5 members of clan XXX there, and when there are less than 5 members of clan XXX the server is shut down and the data is PM'd to the leader of group XXX and the leader of whatever group was raiding." Because some famous people get so much spam in their inbox, there would be a separate section of PMs labeled "Group Raid Statistics" which would hold the aforementioned statistics. And again, these servers need more places. In truely massive raids I've seen 10 servers full of 30 players and another one with 7 in it. A maximum server capacity of 100 would make the place alot laggier, but if you have a nice/gaming computer and half a decent internet connection, it shouldn't be much of a problem except maybe on the server side. As for the "stamper map" that is truely sad. Yes, I used stamper back when I didn't know how to build well, but now that I've begun to find the magic that is CFrame, stamper is pretty much useless except for copying a spike to make an easy kill brick. What's wrong with just putting down a baseplate, recoloring it, CFraming in some giant squares as mountains, a few trees, an ocean around the island, and a simple fortress?

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