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#84726205Wednesday, December 19, 2012 6:21 PM GMT

A couple people... like mariopoi, still have to be convinced that climate change/global warming is real, even though it is right in front of them. Just wait untill next year, it will be even more strange than this one, and THEN he will know that those scientists, wern't lying.
#84739180Wednesday, December 19, 2012 9:58 PM GMT

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#84740082Wednesday, December 19, 2012 10:07 PM GMT

happy you're misinformed and stupid and gullible mario you're an idiot for thinking that global warming isnt real
#84740104Wednesday, December 19, 2012 10:08 PM GMT

go to my game on roblox please!!
#84740351Wednesday, December 19, 2012 10:10 PM GMT

Mario is the only smart one here. Global warming is just liberal LIES -------------------------- Long live Conservatism
#84740668Wednesday, December 19, 2012 10:13 PM GMT

even though it is right in front of them ____ The point of a changing climate is that it's not a visible change. If you think you can see global warming, then you have to reconsider your understanding of Earth's climate.
#84740715Wednesday, December 19, 2012 10:14 PM GMT

If you think you can see global warming, then you have to reconsider your understanding of Earth's climate. ------------------------------- You can't see melting icecaps?
#84740719Wednesday, December 19, 2012 10:14 PM GMT

> i believe what i want don't proove ANYTHING DON'T MAKE ME BELIEVE IN STUFF This is the main Problem USA faces, it's is part of their cultural to discard logic and believe what ever they want and get angry at those who rightfully call them stupid for ignoring evidence. Less then 1% of studies since 1991 suggest that the global warming is not occurring.
#84740946Wednesday, December 19, 2012 10:16 PM GMT

Less then 1% of studies since 1991 suggest that the global warming is not occurring. --------------------------- It's liberal propaganda!
#84741228Wednesday, December 19, 2012 10:19 PM GMT

We need Oil.
#84741369Wednesday, December 19, 2012 10:21 PM GMT

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#84741905Wednesday, December 19, 2012 10:27 PM GMT

we can believe what we want and you can't change peoples belief -------------------------- Are you a Christian by any chance?
#84742000Wednesday, December 19, 2012 10:28 PM GMT

Climate change exists, but it is not caused by humans.
#84742126Wednesday, December 19, 2012 10:29 PM GMT

Climate change exists, but it is not caused by humans. ---------------------- This isn't the global warming theory. It is believed that CO2 emissions from burning fossil fuels speed up the change.
#84742388Wednesday, December 19, 2012 10:32 PM GMT

I think fossil fuels have a minimal effect.
#84742531Wednesday, December 19, 2012 10:34 PM GMT

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#84742627Wednesday, December 19, 2012 10:35 PM GMT

Okay good. I was going to call you a hypocrite. Anyway back to the point. Please explain melting ice caps, rising ocean surface temperatures, and the increasingly severe weather.
#84742889Wednesday, December 19, 2012 10:38 PM GMT

nope i'm a troll FTFY
#84743550Wednesday, December 19, 2012 10:45 PM GMT

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#84743951Wednesday, December 19, 2012 10:50 PM GMT

I'm going to let you gather your thoughts on the other explanations. For now I'll respond to the most credible response. ummm.. there is no increasily severe weather ------------------------------ Check hurricanes. Those "Once in a hundred year storms" are happening every 5 years.
#84744666Wednesday, December 19, 2012 10:58 PM GMT

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#84744833Wednesday, December 19, 2012 10:59 PM GMT

I'm not interested in conspiracies.
#84744925Wednesday, December 19, 2012 11:00 PM GMT

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#84745197Wednesday, December 19, 2012 11:03 PM GMT

>Implying a theory supported by 99% of scientists is a conspiracy.
#84746073Wednesday, December 19, 2012 11:12 PM GMT

Have you ever wondered what the ‘green movement’ was about? It has caused riots. It has founded entire political parties in America, Germany, Britain, and France. It has taken a strong stance against many modern conveniences and in some instances modern progress as a whole, for the sake of the environment! What is this? The green movement is founded on the infernal and baseless idea that humans are the source of several problems with our planet, and we should take action to prevent an apocalyptic disaster. One of these movements is the belief that humans have caused a massive rising of temperature in the atmosphere, due to CO2 emissions and unclean power plants. This idea is deemed ‘global warming’. Not only is this idea completely false, but if these movements get their way, the results could prove catastrophic. You probably are aware that the northern icecap is receding. Some websites claim that the icecap has receded over fifty percent since 1850! A common logical fallacy is that poor innocent polar bears are drowning because of icecap warming. This is not true. In fact, population of polar bears in northern Canada stands at 1,103 bears, 66% higher than scientists who predicted that the population would fall because of warming. CNS news, says that no change has been observed in polar bear species at all! According to the National Post, polar population is increasing! Whatever the case, this is one clue that global warming is a natural occurrence, as it doesn’t seem to be affecting the environment negatively. Secondarily, many say that the southern icecap is growing! In addition, the global climate seems to have very little effect on the northern icecap recession. Some extremely intelligent scientists are beginning to think that the polar ice cap recession, the very symbol of anthropogenic global warming, isn’t a very reliable source to monitor global warming by. You would have to be a hypocrite to claim that your global warming claims were scientific, and yet ignore these blatant facts. Carbon dioxide is said to be a pollutant. Little do many people know how wrong they really are! It is actually the very thing that fuels life! Plants breathe it, and convert it into oxygen! The EPA actually noted positive effects of more CO2! Tropical forests and marshes are appearing to grow faster! It is true that high concentrations can be bad, but under 0.28 percent of greenhouse gases per year are produced by humans, according to graphs by the U.S department of energy in October 2000. Man made C02 accounts for just 3.225 percent of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere! In fact, water vapor contributes over 19 times more pollution that CO2 emissions! According to the Foundry Newspaper, human have contributed 3.62% of greenhouse gases, which only represent 2% of the total atmosphere. Overall, cutting ‘unclean’ energy sources may reduce emissions, but it will put millions out of work, and hardly put a dent in the greenhouse gases in our atmosphere, which over 96% are formed by natural causes. A misleading error was found in the NASA temperature graphs for 2007. The graph was called, ‘the hockey stick graph’, because of its resemblance to a hockey stick! Apparently, the warmest years within 100 years were not 1998 and 2006, but 1934 and 1998! Whether intentional or unintentional, the creator of the graph was recorded on tape angry saying that the error was indeed real, but refusing to say the man who disproved its name, because he “didn’t deserve the recognition.” Talk about a sore loser! One of the many places where you can see this clip is the documentary, Not Evil Just Wrong. This man who apparently “didn’t deserve recognition” was Stephen McIntyre. By eliminating extraneous results and correcting graphing errors, he was able to recreate the graph with NASA data, showing a much more natural trend in climate temperatures. This showed that the earth has heated up many times in the past, like in the medieval warming period. Overall, it is safe to say that the idea that global warming is caused by humans is baseless in entirety. What is the cost of the global warming hysteria? Think about that question. As you can see, the proof does anything but support global warming. What is the one thing worse than the anthropogenic global warming lie? The fact that scientists and politicians outright lie to us? How about the so-called “solutions” to the “problem”? Take modern fluorescent light bulbs for example. The U.S. wants to ban use of non-fluorescent light bulbs by 2014! Not only do these light bulbs contain a more-than-deadly dose of mercury, but they, in many instances, are barely less efficient than mainstream normal light bulbs! I bought one, and it burnt out within two days! Hydro powered turbines harm fish habitats. Windmills also contain mercury, require tons of land area to place, and are also highly unreliable. Solar panels are expensive and unreliable as well. Bio-fuels basically require burning the environment, and are not as efficient as coal. The bottom line is this: it is impossible to power our world with these pathetic sources of energy! By using these forms of energy, would go back to the Stone Age! Spain is a wonderful first world country. They felt they needed to do something about the environmental “problem”. Their motto was: “For every unclean job, a green job!” This resulted in having the worst first world economy in the world. Joyous, isn’t it! Many people will claim that alternative fossil fuels make us dependent on OPEC, but we have plenty of fossil fuels in Alaska, if only our politician friends allowed us to drill them. It is pretty clear that anthropogenic global warming doesn’t happen.

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