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#85708163Sunday, December 30, 2012 6:33 PM GMT

There should be a badge for Posting Forums
#85708289Sunday, December 30, 2012 6:34 PM GMT

Agreed this would be very cool to show off.
#85708339Sunday, December 30, 2012 6:35 PM GMT

Sorry mate, already made "top 100, top 50, top 25, and top 10" [}2009 LMaDer{]
#85708457Sunday, December 30, 2012 6:36 PM GMT

And I know there is a tp 10 50 100 posts but there should be badges that can go on your profle. Also there should be a top 10 50 100 post thing for each subject like LMaD, S&I, ROBLOX Talk etc.
#85710959Sunday, December 30, 2012 7:07 PM GMT

I think this is a good idea too as it shows you are contributing to ROBLOX somewhat.
#85711082Sunday, December 30, 2012 7:08 PM GMT

Like once you get 1 thousand forums?
#85711760Sunday, December 30, 2012 7:16 PM GMT

> Sorry mate, already made It is at this point that I wonder if you realise that the badge system there is broken in its entirety. The first batch of users who ever posted on the forums back at its inception have all earned those badges regardless of the fact that they no long are in the top 10. Hell, I've seen people in the top 10 and top 100 that have fewer posts than I do! Not to mention the fact that it would be thoroughly impossible, with the current number of users on ROBLOX, to ever achieve those badges. I'm certain that to break even the top 100 I'd need more than 10 times the amount of posts I have now. That's not very do-able. Instead, we should keep the current forum badges, and add some more along with them as site badges, for those who break 1,000 posts, 10,000 posts, and 100,000 posts in addition to a badge granted by moderators and administrators to those who show outstanding citizenship, whether by way of exemplary logic, or excellent people skills. I'm certain that'd be fair, wouldn't it be? ~ Ivegottogodosomething!
#85711927Sunday, December 30, 2012 7:18 PM GMT

Sorry, can't. The guy who made the Roblox badges quit.
#85713352Sunday, December 30, 2012 7:36 PM GMT

> The guy who made the Roblox badges quit. And so someone else can't make the badges? Really? You're just going to believe that? ~ Ivegottogodosomething!

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