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#85980438Wednesday, January 02, 2013 10:08 AM GMT

Hello Robloxians, Since I was one of the oldest players in ROBLOX during the time in back of 2008. I was going to tell you story of all about my time before ROBLOX going to make it worst though out the years. I'm still not getting old of playing this anyway (for now). I made some inventions before other new players has better ideas to create a new things like cars to planes to robots. 2008: This is my first year of joining ROBLOX by seeing an advertising on old game website (currently I don't know the name). I thought it looks fun and also think this is a building game (not many games that are consist only building genre). After a while, when I playing this game. I was so addictive to ROBLOX, since this website has more good games than in present time. My first place that I was visiting was building place with few blocks you can copy. In beginning, there are no resizes tools, surface tools and material tools back then. It would make any building games discontinued though out the year. Other games like bread factory tycoon, build to survive and other simple games are much better than the one in today. Most places relay on creative and gameplay unlike most other games like call of robloxia (even thought it has the best FPS shooter in ROBLOX but causes many negative problems ahead than in the past). There are no NOOBS back then as well. This year will called it "The Golden Age Of ROBLOX". 2009: ROBLOX has introduce a group system. So, you can create your own war groups and fan clubs in this year. The unknown breakouts during this year was "HACKERS". The first present of the hacker can be found in "Telamon Sword Fights On Height" (version 1). After the catastrophes from the attacks. The word "NOOB" has discovered (apart from giefers). In this word NOOB means annoying player (not new players). Since, I don't like fighting games so much. So, I was going to play on Ultimate Build. This is because ROBLOX are supposed to be a building game (mostly like game making place). After I enter Ultimate Build made by Bobba (thank god I remember). This is the only building game you can find. Just like in 2008, there are no resize gizmos whatever you have in today. After I join in this game. I saw many players build oversize giant (in build and race calls them "simple" robot) with a new trick known as seat glitching that you have to weld your parts to the whole structure of the giant. I was creating other stuff that I can build in Ultimate Build. So, then I have be invented the "first hover tank" has emerged to this place. Players will taking more attention to my first invention and others will have invented "cars", "lorries" and other "vehicle types". (share one invention to another inventions). After many prototypes I built (also many players will tries to build a new thing). I was found out someone made a first boat to the sea by using seat glitching and hovers. Then, I got a brainstorm to make a boat "UN seat glitching". I was use wheels as turning system and added a thrusters. It will become a first motorized sea vehicle to ever have a thrusters in use and without seat glitching. Apart from my inventions, there are also has more problem break though on ROBLOX. VAK is the first evil organized war group ever emerged from this time. I don't know why this group causes plagiarism to all other players. At least they banned few times. VAK has the most members in this year. Good thing I wasn't joined as them or faces serious threat. 2010: I have been a lot of time playing in Ultimate Build for more creations. I created the first realistic submarine that always similar to real life designs. Also, I was created the first aircraft carrier that was very huge but after many hours of work. I was disconnected and lost all my work. It will taking more attention to some players for creating even better designs in later years (include all other stuff). Still, I'm thinking there are lack of air vehicles creation in Ultimate Build. So, I was going to create my first air plane known as "scout" plane. It is the first aircraft that always moves by itself with thrusters and hover. It will taking a lot of attention to many players creating a better aircraft as well. Then, I was bored of making those stuff.. I was randomly create weird machinery propeller that moves like helicopter. Then, someone has created the first helicopter in this time making them impressive. Also, others has created the first sky bases and weird moving space ships in this time (making other players will take advantages of building space games in their places). Since, there are more ideas from Sci-Fi rather than WWI-WWII themes. This will make senses that all other game developers will also focusing on Sci-Fi as well. The new threat has rising up, FEAR is the worst group that all other experience players had. It mostly causes plagiarism to all others. Gratefully, they banned till next year. Even worst, there guests in this update. It will took a lot of advantages for players to ruined someone's works and other gaming place in this year. 2011: At last, this is the year where louis1199 has created the second building game known as "build and race". This is the problem for both building games to compete each other to win top popular page. Since, I will tries both game places and you know "build and race" has better tools than bobba's Ultimate Build. So, louis1199 has won the top building game of this year. There have resize tools and all other gadgets in this year. WIJ is my first time I have been prisoned. Gratefully I was free and their doesn't believe my inventions in the past. 2012: This is my time to go in build and race "building game". There are more players building just a vehicles. But my stuffs has comes in handy. Since, my building skills are now high though out the year. I am now very good at building mechanics in this year. I have invented my first prototype "2 legged walker". It uses motors as their moving system. Also, I invented many types of other things because of easy building. Piston machines, auto moving vehicles, movable cannon barrel with turret mount and much more. I can't type this long since there are a lot of stuff that you didn't know.. Bad news that louis1199 got hacked, someone has took it and trying to be famous like louis1199 building place. Now, the conflict has begun. There are no other stories in this part. Only ROBLOX make it much worst. You can find my other parts of invention at youtube. There are bowling machine, improvable piston, walk able mecha that you never know and few others. I will post my videos if I have free time so everybody will give their creativity skills comes to work. signature: -alfieq-
#90235266Monday, February 25, 2013 3:55 AM GMT

wow u must be good at this xD
#94617923Friday, April 12, 2013 4:39 AM GMT

Great story bud how are you and your creations? :D
#99012878Monday, May 27, 2013 1:16 PM GMT

News: I have discovered a working gearing machine. Now it need to figuring out how to stabilize. Probably ROBLOX can't handle much stress (or too much glitching).
#118314147Wednesday, November 20, 2013 2:21 PM GMT

Is there a link to the mecha that can move realistically?
#129909554Saturday, April 05, 2014 3:59 PM GMT

Wow......... Such a bright time back den It's true there were no noobs back in 2008

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