#86109745Thursday, January 03, 2013 9:26 PM GMT

#86125499Friday, January 04, 2013 12:09 AM GMT

Fair enough. That would be useful too. But you will come across these types of people that will just like the game because its good, not that the game lied.
#86125850Friday, January 04, 2013 12:13 AM GMT

Yeah I would read the comments but all you see is: *Do this for 999999 robux!" *COME TO MY PLACE* Useless
#86126573Friday, January 04, 2013 12:19 AM GMT

Yep, its either they've disabled the comments or theres just a bunch of spam. Either way, Better with comments and spam than without comments.
#86134738Friday, January 04, 2013 1:32 AM GMT

we need a rating system and bans for false advertising
#86136574Friday, January 04, 2013 1:49 AM GMT

Suport I hate piepersons crappy survive the waves
#86141403Friday, January 04, 2013 2:37 AM GMT

900th post. And rofl. c:
#86142303Friday, January 04, 2013 2:46 AM GMT

Support. Summer, you're grounded for 3 weeks for drinking all of the Haterade in this house.
#86155419Friday, January 04, 2013 5:17 AM GMT

ya dog put this ingame
#86157468Friday, January 04, 2013 5:49 AM GMT

i didn't read the entire thread but of what i did read im just going to say agreed w/ frozen
#86158255Friday, January 04, 2013 6:03 AM GMT

Support, bump here: Frozen is completely misunderstanding what we're talking about. > Does a game that says "soon to be an RPG" that is instead an obby count? No, how is that misleading in any way? It says the game is going to be an RPG soon, implying the game is under construction. We're talking about games that say "CLIMB 5000000 STEPS TO WINNERS!!!" that are cart riding games. >> Does a game that is multi-genred but named after the smallest genre count? ...What? No. We're talking about people purposely changing the name of their games to get visitors. >>> Does a game that has a completely nonsensical title (eg. DJIGGBSDFSUGH) Count? NO, because they aren't advertising the game as something else. It has a weird title, okay... let's join to see what it is, cool, it's a building game, don't want to play, then leave. If it says "FASTEST ROLLER COASTER ON ROBLOX TYCOON" and it's a build to survive game then it should be removed.
#86163809Friday, January 04, 2013 8:00 AM GMT

^tottaly what she said
#86166218Friday, January 04, 2013 9:20 AM GMT

Okay then. Allow me then, to completely assert what I mean in a complete essay filled with introductions, ctrl+F control support... oh, and also explanitory content that might just clear your befillity. "Frozen is completely misunderstanding what we're talking about." This sentence will be quite a little bit idiotic, considering that I *DO* know what I'm talking about after 6 of the same argument, ended to me and people who think alike to me. We are talking about "banning games with misleading titles" because "misleading titles are annoying." And I am pointing out (And clearly failing to explicitly) that it's impossible, as every person will answer the questions that need to be asked of weather the title and game are different, differently. Actually, listing from your responce, you've practically just fallen straight into the stereotype I was trying to avoid; You've completely missed the point. All of your replies are saying "yes" or "no" Well, completely no, but still. And, it's not that simple. Everyone will give a different responce in some way. For this report system to work, we need to have a definitive system on which we can say "okay, this is misleading" and say "okay, that isn't." Which I am trying to point out. And it's never going to happen, for reasons aforemented. Where do you draw the line on something being misleading? You've failed to answer that, all of you. So until you do, and then realize that you can't draw that line, then your arguments are invalid. Let's say I wanted to hate on someone. Let's say myself. I could just go onto thier places, find a controversial place name and report it for being misleading. They only checkbox for that ban is if the place has a different genre/mechanic to the title. Using this, let's answer your first responce. "No, how is that misleading in any way?" Think about it for a long time. Try being pedantic. "It says the game is going to be an RPG soon, implying the game is under construction." What if it's not been updated for four years? Is that still misleading? I've seen the nature and stupidity of humanity. Hate is a luxury, and people overindulge. They will go into random's people's places and report them for being misleading if thier opinion of misleading is different to the creator's. I've seen it. It happens. People go on crusades. And besides, what about people trying to just get people they don't like banned via thier pedantic behaviour? -Actually, now thinking about it, seeing I've been trying to avoid this but quite clearly I am going to fail to: CreepyGirl, you are a hypocrite. You accuse me of misunderstanding something, When you yourself are equally misunderstanding my argument. Let's refer to your second object. "We're talking about games that say "CLIMB 5000000 STEPS TO WINNERS!!!" that are cart riding games." What if there ARE that many steps to a point called winners, but you have to play games to get to that stairs? Again, you aren't getting it. I'm saying that there's no definitive line of "misleading" and there will never be one. These questions are trying to point that out. (And clearly failing in this case of subjects.) Also, we're not talking about that. We are talking about a new ban for games that have "Misleading" titles. Why are you assuming that only front page games are affected? They aren't. There are more things that this can do that you are clearly not realizing. People unknown but randomly hated by someone can be banned simply for trying to think up a decent name for a game! Is that what you want? "...What? No. We're talking about people purposely changing the name of their games to get visitors." No we're not. Stop being evolutionary to the idea. We are talking about the banning of games with misleading titles. Motives to do such a thing like this turning into actual debatory content is irrelivant. Just like your post as other than the the top sentence which gives it an address actually has little to no relivance to my post at all. "NO, because they aren't advertising the game as something else. It has a weird title, okay... let's join to see what it is, cool, it's a building game, don't want to play, then leave. If it says "FASTEST ROLLER COASTER ON ROBLOX TYCOON" and it's a build to survive game then it should be removed." But the title isn't relivant to the game. See? Right here, is why it will never be made. Again, I can be more pedantic and ask this: What if the building/survival tools were suplied via tycoon style, and then the thing you had to survive was the "fasted roller coaster on roblox" Speaking of "fastest roller coaster on roblox" what if something said that, it was a roller coaster, but it wasn't fast? Could THAT be considered misleading? Put short: It will never happen. Because it's impossible for it to be fair. People will draw the line of "misleading" content at different places; some tolerant, some intolerant. A ruleset for misleading content can be overcome by pedantic content, and having a single mod can make people dissagree. So overall, stop whining. Stop playing front games as most of them are practically crap, Don't play games if you can't comment on them, Always check the comments. `The comments are always spam-ridden`- Then check the first ten pages and also get a kick out of it by reporting the spammers. If it's fake, people will tell you in the comments. If they can't, the game is already not trust-worthy. This problem wouldn't be so massive if people weren't stupid enough to fall for it. Okay, let's actually do a scale. So, what are the pros and cons of this idea? Pros that I can see: People who make misleading titles are wiped. People don't fall for the trap anymore. Name some more. Any valid point list will never be as high as my full list of cons. Cons that I can see: People will argue on if thier game is misleading like it's the end of the world. People will rant on S&I to a change in the rules. People will use this ban as a way to insult people. It is a nightmare to moderate, if not downright impossible. People will try to be pedantic to get away from someone's misleading title. The mods will have to set in plan a very long set of rules that they don't have time nor patience to create. \_ The mods will have to constantly change the rules because of bypasses which I can \_ name all day if I wanted to which takes time and makes it confusing. Shall I go on? As you can see, there are a LOT more cons than pros, and some are actually devastating. Yes, sure, it removes one element of problem, But it creates a lot more problems. Before you make an idea, take a step back and visualize what the impacts of the idea are in areas other than the ones mentioned. You'll begin to see that a lot of ideas kill others. There you go. Oh, and chesse: If you're trying to inflict a negative emotion upon me with your insults, you have succeeded: That post made me feel contempt and arrogance towards you. That's how pathetic it was.
#86166639Friday, January 04, 2013 9:37 AM GMT

#86169389Friday, January 04, 2013 11:35 AM GMT

You should also check the game gallery. If there's many images and none of them are of the same game, it's 99% sure that the game is not what the title says. Also, if the game has a video on the gallery, it's not a fake title game. I think nobody would want to pay 1000 robux just to get like 70% of it back.
#86169762Friday, January 04, 2013 11:50 AM GMT

People will argue on if thier game is misleading like it's the end of the world: And your point is? Its pretty obvious whether or not a game is misleading the mods can figure out just fine. People will rant on S&I to a change in the rules: What and they dont already? People will use this ban as a way to insult people: What in the world are you talking about? It is a nightmare to moderate, if not downright impossible: No its not its simple really alot easier than moderating alot of things. People will try to be pedantic to get away from someone's misleading title: Alot of your reasons do not make sence but this takes the cake. The mods will have to set in plan a very long set of rules that they don't have time nor patience to create: Long set of rules? Really? Thats your reason why they shouldnt set this rule they will have to "plan a very long set of rules"? What do you mean they dont have time or patience its there job I would be very worried if they wouldnt. \_ The mods will have to constantly change the rules because of bypasses which I can \_ name all day if I wanted to which takes time and makes it confusing:There already is a rule about loop holes.
#86179036Friday, January 04, 2013 4:06 PM GMT

Look guys. All I'm suggesting is that we are able to report something fake and make fake advertising against rules of ROBLOX. Its not like im asking to ban every single game. It makes it easier for players to know what game they're going to and disallow competitors to just cheat their way unfairly into making money. People would mostly just add irrelevant pictures to make people come, when I become to use the comments saying the game is fake, the comments are disabled. So people will just come anyways. It is not obvious considering its on front page and you get a bunch of people coming anyways because they don't know.
#86189197Friday, January 04, 2013 6:53 PM GMT

Im totally agreeing with this post.
#86196829Friday, January 04, 2013 8:34 PM GMT

@Frozen People are just not understanding. Yeesh =.=
#86223983Saturday, January 05, 2013 12:58 AM GMT

frozen's logic doesnt make any sense we need 2 ban games that have false advertising
#86227223Saturday, January 05, 2013 1:27 AM GMT

Honestly, Frozen, I'm not going to bother to read your post. You keep saying the same thing "BUT, WHAT IF..." there are no WHAT IFS, we're talking about this: GAME TITLE CLEARLY SAYS "RIDE CART TO WINNERS". THE GAME IS A STAMPER TOOL BUILD. NO CARTS AROUND. That is false advertising, and clearly misleading. You keep saying things like "BUT OGM WAT EF THRE IS A PPERSON THT SAYES THER GAEM IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION" that is NOT what we're talking about. False advertising isn't allowed in the REAL WORLD, so why should it be allowed here?
#86227583Saturday, January 05, 2013 1:30 AM GMT

Y'all ever heard of reading the description? Lazy blobs.
#86244700Saturday, January 05, 2013 4:28 AM GMT

@creepygirl HOLLA
#86248272Saturday, January 05, 2013 5:07 AM GMT

Support. It's time for a change in the front page games. We want more 'Paintball!' and 'Apoc. Rising' on the front page, NOT 'Survive Spongebob' or 'Mario Kart (Free VIP week!!! Admin 90% off!!!)' @Frozen, You don't understand what we are talking about. Games that have 'RPG under construction' isn't misleading. It just states that the game is, well, under construction. Games that ARE misleading are games that names like 'Survive Willy Wonka!!!' but is instead a Survive game, a obby, a copied game, etc. Those are misleading games.
#86296136Saturday, January 05, 2013 8:05 PM GMT

Thanks to all supporters.. Read the description? Yeah I took a look at some descriptions on some fake games I found and its actually links to other groups such as fan clubs and things. Why would someone personally say their game is fake in their own game? Its really not likely. I'm suggesting this because it will make ROBLOX better and allow users to know what they will be playing. I mean it could be a game leading to something inappropriate that Moderators haven't found.