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#86587030Wednesday, January 09, 2013 6:02 PM GMT

- You get out of your car, You see a faint light inside of a building in front of you, You grab your bags from the Taxi, You take a deep breath. "This is it" you say. You walk up and put your hand in a fist to knock on the door. You finally get the guts to knock. a minute or two someone comes to the door. Your new roomate. "Hey [Insert name here]" They say. "Oh...Hi" You say back then step inside. You have just moved to Eastwood St. - Okay so this is a first for my city roleplays. Hope ya have fun, and invite your friends! :) This is a magical roleplay the creatures allowed: Vampire, [Not the sparkling kind] Fairy Werewolf Angel Shape shifter Human Demon Wizard/witch. Rules: 1. No Spamming. 2. No advertising. 3. Do not post if you don't wanna Roleplay. 4. 3 roomates per apartment building. 5. Have fun :D Insert info like this: Name: Age: Creature: Personality: Powers: [Optional] Apartment:
#86587401Wednesday, January 09, 2013 6:15 PM GMT

N a m e: Madison Lakes A g e: 18 1/2 C r e a t u r e: Angel P e r s o n a l i t y: Madison likes to spend most of her time in her room reading "Far and gone". She is sensitive, moody and doesn't like to be disturbed by people she doesn't know. P o w e r s: She can summon all animals. A p a r t m e n t:Two bedrooms, One bathroom, Living space, and Kitchen.
#86587665Wednesday, January 09, 2013 6:23 PM GMT

(I may join. Out of pure boredom and the fact it is funny to humor people. But may I please be a vampire, my hobbies consisting of impersonating glitter?)
#86587968Wednesday, January 09, 2013 6:33 PM GMT

N a m e: Chad Symprus A g e: 23 Creature: Shapeshifter Personality: I am very outgoing, chill and all around relaxed. I rarely get mad, but when I do, you don't want to be near me. Powers: (Shapeshifting) Apartment: 2 Bedrooms, Kitchen, Laundry Room, Family Room (Living Room), Bathroom
#86588089Wednesday, January 09, 2013 6:36 PM GMT

Name: Daniero Masquairde Le Moxxi De Hawxen Age: 25 Creature: Vampire. Personality: Calm and intelligent. Not angered easily either. Powers: Dunno. Do I need to put the powers achieved by being a vampire in here? Such as enhanced strength and speed 'n' stuff. Apartment: Just put me in a random one, I don't care really. I notice there is no appearence. I just look like my ROBLOX character then. Except less blocky obviously.
#86588127Wednesday, January 09, 2013 6:38 PM GMT

(I have decided not to sparkle. It's bad enough that I joined this in the first place.)
#86588501Wednesday, January 09, 2013 6:50 PM GMT

Name: Aiden McCain Age: 19 Creature: Human [Male] Personality: Kind, but sometimes not the person to give up something important to him. It incredibly bad at making friends it out of this world. Powers: Being boss. Apartment: Like dark night, anything. me appearance is me robloxian look.
#86588800Wednesday, January 09, 2013 6:59 PM GMT

Name: James Anderson Age: 32 Creature: Human Male Personality: Used to be a Sergeant in the US Army back 'in the days', retired about 4 years ago. Now he's a business man who owns Blake Anderson Private Military Corporation, which is a PMC with great success. He also owns millions of cash, and has apartments worldwide. Powers: Normal Human Powers, US Training (like skilled fighting etc.) Apartment: 2 Bedrooms, 1 Master Bedroom, Kitchen, Bathroom, Living Room. (Appearance: A white suit with s black tie and white shoes and sunglasses)
#86588965Wednesday, January 09, 2013 7:03 PM GMT

(Are any of us accepted?)
#86588978Wednesday, January 09, 2013 7:04 PM GMT

Name: Alexander Goodwin Age: 23 Creature: Human, Male. Personality: He is very sly, he is a party animal and will do anything for the rich amount of $$$. Powers: He has no powers, but he is skilled in his vision and an excellent climber. Apartment: 2 Bedrooms (Upstairs), Bathroom, Kitchen, Living Room, Social Area, 'Night Zone' Basement. Records on Alexander: Former Jobs: Army Weapons Trainer & Gym Instructor. (Was these). Siblings: Sister, Jane and Brother, Michael. Spouse: None. Criminal Records: None. Hospital Records: Was treated for pneumonia a year ago. Dental Records: Excellent, strong teeth. Eye Colour: Blue Blood Type: A+ (A Positive)
#86589289Wednesday, January 09, 2013 7:12 PM GMT

[Ignore my CS]
#86589392Wednesday, January 09, 2013 7:14 PM GMT

Name: Iris McFeely Age: 24 Creature: Demon Personality: Quiet and recluse due to her nature, but also a dark and somewhat intimidating demeanor. People find things extremely disturbing that she sees as normal. Although, she is very observant and wise and can collect information from anything. Anything she sees can be useful to her. Powers: Shockwave - An ability that allows her to emit an invisible wave all around her in a five-meter radius that can harm enemies by dealing damage to them or fling them away. This ability can also be used to deflect things, such as bullets or falling items. The shockwave makes a humming and vibrating noise once activated. Apartment: Two beds, 1 and a half bathrooms, kitchen w/ dining included, den in front of the kitchen, and an entry foyer in front of the front door. There are two closets, both in the hallway that leads to the bedrooms and bathroom. One of the bedrooms is the master-bedroom with a bathroom included. There's also a double-door closet in both bedrooms.
#86589610Wednesday, January 09, 2013 7:20 PM GMT

[Wait, nvm. I just realized the thing I wanted to do wont work. Don't ignore it]
#86589868Wednesday, January 09, 2013 7:27 PM GMT

(Someone spam her with party invites. I want to know if I've been accepted or not so I know if to waste time looking at this.)
#86590937Wednesday, January 09, 2013 7:56 PM GMT

plz no. seriously.
#86593444Wednesday, January 09, 2013 8:39 PM GMT

Name:Carson Soliday Age:18 Creature:Wizard Personality:Kind,but gets angry easily Powers: Basic wizard powers Apartment:Two bedrooms,one bathroom,Living space,and Kitchen
#86593447Wednesday, January 09, 2013 8:39 PM GMT

[All Accepted] Madison: Sits in bed playing around.
#86593543Wednesday, January 09, 2013 8:40 PM GMT

Anderson Sit downs on his bed, takes off his shoes and turns on his HDTV. Then lies down and watches BBC Three (Am from UK, umad?)
#86593863Wednesday, January 09, 2013 8:45 PM GMT

Madison: "Gosh this street is just filled with a bunch of freaks like me. . . . ......." I say bored.... "Can't anyone be an angel around here for once?"
#86605281Wednesday, January 09, 2013 11:19 PM GMT

Name: Jason Smith Age: 18 Creature: Human Personality: Someone you would expect to be hanging out in corners, but also will break u any fight he sees, and can fight if he must. Powers: Teleportation, the power to generate and control flame. Apartment: (I Can't remember the street name) St. 6.
#86605491Wednesday, January 09, 2013 11:21 PM GMT

oh wait. it's supposed to be how the apartment looks. ok then, Apartment: Two Bedrooms, a Living Room, Kitchen, Two Bathrooms, and one Media Room.
#86615315Thursday, January 10, 2013 1:12 AM GMT

[Accepted] Madison: Gets up and walks to Chad's house and knocks. "CHAD I'M BORED!"
#86637247Thursday, January 10, 2013 11:54 AM GMT

Carson: I lay in my room and fiddle around with my wand"So.....bored"
#86639144Thursday, January 10, 2013 1:21 PM GMT

This RP shall face eternal doom. The trolls shall all attack it, and consume! Do not blame me for your horrible fate. Blame the horrid RP, which garners much hate.
#86643861Thursday, January 10, 2013 4:56 PM GMT

Name: Pierre Alexander Age: 19 Creature: Angel Personality: Romanic, occasionaly sad and angry at life, also Pierre is a french (Lol) Powers: [Optional]: Can summon small things, and teleport. Apartment: Two bedrooms, one bathroom, living space, kitchen, and balcony. ~Just blame it on John~

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