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#86588748Wednesday, January 09, 2013 6:58 PM GMT

I decided to write a book based on roblox clans. This one revolves around Vaktovia, really. It's the beginning of a novel. Like my last book, this one will be 160,000 words. Here are the first 7 Chapters. [CHAPTER 1] ''I don't know if this will work out, John. They only accept the best, and they have been known to be extremely brutal...I don't know if we'll pass their exams.'' Said Drakond, staring at John without blinking. ''I've heard they are the most respected Earthly Military in existance. We may not make it alive.'' Said John, an eyebrow arched in amusement. Both of them looked at each other, then exploded in laughter. John actually had tears coming out of his eyes, and Drakond was shaking his head slowly from side to side. ''Come on, let's go see how this works out.'' Said John, grabbing Drakond by the arm and leading him to the F.E.A.R Recruitment officer. The Officer looked at them for a moment, then his eyes brightened in realization that they were Civilians, not foreign military. That meant they could be recruited. ''Hey boys! I'm Dan, nice to meet you. Great weather we're having, huh? A great day to join F.E.A.R, eh? That's right, you could be one of the lucky people chosen to join fear!'' Dan said, his eyes twinkling in hope. Drakond and John looked at each other for a moment, then back at Dan. Then John opened up his mouth to speak. ''Did you have to say that about his mother?!'' Drakond exclaimed, huffing from the exertion of the chase. John was still laughing at the conversation. ''Listen, if I had known that there were 12 others standing by, I wouldn't have done it!'' John said, still trying to supress himself from laughing. Drakond looked at him for a moment, then slowed down to a jog. He then pulled John over to him, behind a large metal pipe. ''Shut up for a minute, listen'' Drakond whispered, his head poked out from their newfound hiding place. After a moment, they slid out from their cover. What they saw suprised them. The 12 F.E.A.R soldiers were laying on the floor, out cold. Then John laughed out loud on what he saw next. Dan, the recruitment Officer, was laying upside down, his Undergarments on his head, with the words ''FEAR at its Finest'' on the front. Drakond raised an eyebrow, then heard a soft clink. A shadow loomed over John, and Drakond saw two arms slowly raise above Johns head. John stopped laughing, and looked at Drakond. ''What, do I have something on my face?'' John asked, still unaware of the threat above him. Drakond, then ran foward, and pushed John out of the way as the two hands clamped down on where He was a moment before, Drakond now taking his place. Then they heard a Dark, deep voice say ''So, you two were about to join FEAR, eh?''. They looked up, and saw a Soldier in Black and Red Body armor, with a glare that could melt metal. He then reached foward and grabbed Drakond's Arm. ''I asked you a question, Boy. You would be wise to respect your Superiors and do as they say'' the man said, the glare still in place. ''Hey, you can't do that!'' Said John, his hands on his hips, with a glare on his own face. The men stared at John silently, then slowly reached over and grabbed a small Metal pole from his side. He then pressed a button, and the whole pole suddenly lit up as A laser shot up from it. It was a Laser based sword, technology that could not be found on Johns Homeworld. ''N-no, Sir. We were pranking them again, like we always do. We wouldn't join it for all the Credits in the world!'' John stammered. Drakond then grabbed the mans Arm, and tried to push it away. But the ropes of muscle underneath his Uniform were as hard as Iron, and could no doubt do the same damage as any Iron based weapon could. Drakond then pushed as hard as he could, with no avail. The mans eyes moved to him, amusement playing across his face. ''Sorry kid, I have no use for you. It's the bratty one I want.'' the Man said, who then dropped Drakond on the floor, and advanced on to John. Drakond, then slowly stood back up, his arm aching. John tried to speak, to say anything. A retort, a sentence of defiance. But all that came out was a Small whimper, as the man slowly moved his sword towards John. Just as the man was about to swing, Drakond's instinct kicked in. He went under the mans arm, then grabbed his wrist. He then took out his own personal weapon, a small Iron club, and smashed it on the mans wrist as hard as he could. There was a resounding crack that could be heard across the room, and the man dropped his weapon. The man clutched at his wrist for a moment, then looked at Drakond. His eyes seemed to turn red with anger. Drakond then threw the club at the man, which missed and thunked against the wall. He then looked down at the pole, and pressed the red button. The laser shot out, and stopped at its limit. Drakond then waved the Sword around like it would solve all the problems in the world with a single sweep. He then said ''I don't know who you are, but you're not hurting John!''. The man hesitated for a moment, then advanced. ''Hey! Didn't you hear me? Back off, or else!'' Drakond shouted, still waving it around. ''Think you have the Guts, kid? Go ahead, try to kill me. Drakond then stopped, the word ''Kill'' flashed around his mind. Grusome events played across his head, ones that seemed like a distant memory. The man took advantage of Drakond's freeze, and ran foward to the kill. Drakond stood motionless for a moment. Then something strange happened, something that couldn't be explained. The man seemed to move in slow motion, his every move being calculated by Drakond. Drakond slowly dodged the mans fist, then punched the man in the gut. It ended up hurting Drakond more than the man, seeing as the man had body armor. Drakond then jumped up and kicked the man in the neck, sending him staggering backwards. After that, he swung the sword in an arc, and chopped off the mans hand. Time seemd to speed up almost instantly. The man looked at his hand, then at Drakond. Then, to Drakond's suprise, the man Grinned. ''Well, runt. You've just earned yourself an opportunity. Sparks came out of the mans wrist stump. ''I-I don't understand. Why aren't you bleeding?'' Drakond whispered, his heart pounding in his chest. ''Because, Runt. I'm a Cyborg. We tend not the bleed in some areas. Now, about that Opportunity. How would you like to Join Vaktovia?''. Drakonds eyes then lit up, and he slowly backed away in fear. He had just fought a Vaktovian. One of the most feared races that existed. Then John spoke up for Drakond, answering for him. ''Yeah, he'll join. On one condition. I'm going with him''. Drakond stared at John, then back at the man. ''Very well. My name is Sar. Just Sar. And you, my little friends, are about to go through hell''. Sar was inspecting his now missing hand, whilst Drakond and John were fiddling with their fingers, trying to keep themselves from becoming too excited. Sar suddenly looked up, and raised an eyebrow. ''What exactly were you two doing in a Recruitment station anyways? You don't exactly seem the Military type.'' Said Sar, leaning on his elbow. Drakond and Josh looked at each other, then shrugged. It was a Legit question. There were so many Different Militaries and Warring groups these days, it was said 1/10 people you meet are some type of Military. The station they decided to prank was a small floating plaza. It contained Several chambers in which recruiters could test the people who wanted to join, such as a melee arena, a small laser dart Arena, and an obstacle course. It had rows of offices in the front, and the arenas were located in the sides, right away from the middle, where most recruiters found their prey. ''Well, we weren't planning on actually joining anything...we usually go there to Prank the new F.E.A.R Recruitment officers'' Said John, a grin on his face. ''Oh, yeah! You're the one who knocked out all those F.E.A.R soldiers, aren't you? I loved what you did with the Recruitment Officer.'' Drakond said, giving Sar a nod of appreciation. ''Well, here are three things you must know before you decide to come running into a Vaktovian base. One, they will not stop to kill you if you are causing a nuisance, just because you are newbies. Two, I will shoot you if you make me look bad. Three, do anything I don't like, I'll shoot you. Four, If yo-'' Sar was cut off as John said ''Four, if we move, blink, breath, or sneeze in the wrong direction, you'll shoot us?''. Sar looked at him for a moment, before slowly reaching for his gun. ''He's sorry!'' yelled Drakond, looking at John like he was an idiot. ''Fine. Let's just get on the ship so we can leave the station.'' Sar said, shaking his head. The three slowly walked to the station's port, where the Small Vaktovian vessel was located. Sar pushed in a long pattern of numbers on the Keypad on the side. After a second, a cloud of steam was let out as the door hatch opened. ''Welcome to your first ride into Paradise, boys'' Sar said, rolling his eyes. As they sat down into the uncomfortably large black seats, Sar took off his helmet and Breather, and was rewarded with a Gasp. ''You-you're....b-but...how...when...possible?'' John studdered out. Sar let his long hair fall down, his face revealed at last, and his mouth free of the restricting breather. ''What? You're acting like you've never seen a Girl before''. Sar rolled her eyes, and then explained the situation to Drakond and Josh. ''Vaktovia is actually very rare when it comes to a female soldier. There are a lot of us, but not nearly as much as the male population. See, if a F.E.A.R soldier saw I was a Girl, I'd get no end of insults to my Gender. Then I'd have to break someones neck''. ''But..your name is SAR. That's a boys name!'' John said, both eyebrows raised. ''Sar, as in Sarina, tough guy. Like I said, had to keep my cover in that damn station. Now shut up and strap in. We're heading to Vaktovia to get you two in a little place I call kiddy hell. Cadet Academy''. John and Drakond strapped themselves to their seats, and looked foward, still not fully believing they almost had their butts handed to them by a girl. ''If she really wanted to, she could have crushed us like pancakes...and no doubt have any problem eating us afterwards!'' John whispered, his eyes looking straight at Sarina. ''I doubt she would have. Even she couldn't take every single soldier in the Station...I think. Anyways, I don't think she's a threat anymore'' Drakond calmly assured his friend. Sarina was pushing buttons and moving around controls. She bent down to holster her pistol in the bottom of the seat, and John wiggeled his eyebrows at Drakond. ''Look at that-'' John was cut off as Drakond slapped him on the back of the head. The trip took longer than anticipated. The seats were uncomfortable and extremely large. Sarina then asked a question that Drakond expected sooner or later. ''How old are you two?'' she asked. John answered first. ''I'm 16, He's turning 16 today'' John said, clapping Drakond on the back. Then Sarina let out a long string of curses, words that Drakond didn't even know were possible to put together. ''How would a Monkey do that with a Coconut in the first place?'' John asked Drakond. Drakond just hit him on the head again, then leaned foward towards the pilots seat. ''Sarina, what's wrong?'' Drak asked, his eyes darting to the sides in worry. ''Nothing, nothing. It's just that we're out of fuel. It seems one of the Soldiers in the space station decided the ship would be a good target to have revenge against the Vaktovian Empire.'' Sarina said, sighing as she slumped into her seat. John then tapped her lightly on the shoulder, slightly moving side to side. ''What?'' she asked. ''Would this be a bad time to say I have to pee?'' John asked. ''Just hold still, you'll be unstuck in a moment!'' Drakond shouted, getting annoyed at John. ''Well excuse me, Mr. Know it all! You're not the one who was thrown at the ships wall!'' John shouted back, his face red with struggle. Sarina had thrown him into a wall, then said ''You can empty your bladder all you want over there''. He was currently stuck in the wall, a crater in it the shape of his body in which he could not escape. Drakond finally managed to pull him free, but it brought down a block of the metal wall on top of Drak's head. Drakond stumbeled across the ships floor until he stopped and gazed at Sarina. ''What are you looking at?'' Sarina asked. ''You're so pretty...'' Drakond responded, before slumping to the floor. Sarina slightly blushed, before she saw Josh wiggeling his eyes. ''Maybe it's time for him to conquer your empire, Huh? To invade your private land? To send a man in the Foxhole? To-'' Josh's words were cut off by Sarina hitting him in the nethers with her fist. He slumped to the floor, next to Drakond, and passed out cold. She sighed, and continued her search for a source of fuel. [CHAPTER 3] Drakond woke up with hazy vision, a wall of white clouding his vision. He slowly got up to his feet, and rubbbed his eyes. He looked down, where John was passed out. Drakond allowed himself a small chuckle, before heading to the Pilot area. ''About time you woke up. I thought you'd sleep the whole way there.'' Sarina said, giving him a raised eyebrow. ''Gee, sorry for falling unconscious because I was hit by a piece of metal. I'll try to do it less often'' Drakond said, rolling his eyes. Sarina nodded approvingly. ''Better.'' She said. Drakond just stared at her for a moment, then walked over to John to wake him up. ''Hey, John. Wake up.'' Drakond said, softly kicking him in the ribs. John didn't move. ''You're doing it wrong, watch.'' Sarina said, a grin on her face. ''WAKE UP OR I'LL SLICE YOUR LEGS OFF!'' She yelled at him, brandishing her pole. John woke up screaming, then looked up to Sarina. He scowled at her, then dusted himself off and stood up. ''For pete's sake, Sarina. What was that?'' John asked. ''Your new wake up alarm. Now shut up and get ready'' she replied, heading back to the Pilots seat. ''But I thought we ran out of power?'' Drakond asked, looking around him for some kind of explanation. ''These ships come with two power cores. I took the extra and set it to use'' She said, shaking her head. ''Now sit down.'' Sarina said, glaring at both the boys. They both sat down with speed that would have made a Vaktovian proud. ''This is taking too long'' Said John, rubbing his neck. ''Well, maybe I should knock you unconscious again. It would go a lot faster if I just did that.'' Sarina replied, raising her fist. John shut up, and leaned back in his seat. ''First thing is first, boys. The coalition is over. We're an Empire now. But now doubt you've heard of that already, right?'' John and Drak nodded. ''Good. One thing. This won't be easy on you. I'm only a Private myself. I shed the armor of the Corps a while ago. However, you two get to look nice and Gray''. She said, nodding at John. ''What?! I wanted the Black armor! Oh my god, that armor you are wearing is SO badass. In fact, why don't you take it off, and let me wear it...just for a moment?'' John asked, his eyes twinkling in excitement. ''I would...well, actually, I wouldn't, but here is the thing. I'm not wearing clothes under the Armor. The clothing is part of the armor, and comes off with the Suit''. John gave it a moment of thought, then grinned. ''All the more reason to take it off, eh? Heh, heh, heh. Oh, I've seen the way you've been eyeing up poor Drak here, why, I bet you'd just love to-'' John was cut off by Sarina taking out her pistol, and aiming it in a certain area. Johns eyes widened, and he quickly shook his head from side to side. ''I'll be a good boy'' John promised. Sarina stared at him for another moment, then holstered her pistol. ''Why do I put up with you two?'' she said. ''Because, you love us?'' Drakond asked. Sarina just snorted and went back to Piloting. After a while, the boys felt the ship descending. ''Wait, we can't be there yet.'' John said, looking out the window. ''The Vaktovian home planet is way far away from here.'' he said, glaring at Sarina. Sarina, sighed, then turned around to look at both of them. ''I have to get you two registered here. I can't just walk in and say ''Oh, hey. I have these two idiots with me, take 'em off my hands''...As much as I'd like to'' She said, Staring at John. ''Fine, bu- Oh crap. Bladder, bladder, bladder, I still need to empty it'' John whimpered, then ran off to a random bush. Sarinas eyes widened, and she was about to give John a word of warning, when both Drakond and Sarina heard a girly scream ''NO! Get off of that! I make babies with those!'' John screamed, a small tentacled animal was in a certain area that it should not be. ''What the? What is THAT thing?'' Drakond asked Sarina. She looked at him, then sighed. ''A flurg. THey inhabit the local Flora. Your friend, unluckly, just stumbeled into a patch. In fact, I'm suprised there are not more.'' She said, raising an eyebrow. As if on cue, there were a bunch of little screeches, and 5 more of the things jumped up on John. He yelled more, before falling down with a Thud. ''Do they do anything...permanent?'' Drakond asked. Sarina sighed again, then nodded. ''They actually increase hormonal chemicals. So...your friend may go a little women crazy for a moment or...twenty.'' She replied. John suddenly stood up. The little Flurgs dropped off of him, and his eyes turned purple. Suddenly, he looked at Sarina. He screamed ''WOMEN!'' for a moment, before charging at Sarina. She raised an eyebrow, before taking out a small stun gun, and shooting him in the chest. He wobbeled for a moment, before falling down. Sarina shook her head, then got a spare towel from the Survival pack. She threw it to Drakond. ''You may want to cover Mr. Sunshine up.'' She said. She then looked down at Johns naked body, and Shook her head again in disappointment. ''I'm not impressed'' She said, look down at John. Drakond blushed for a moment, before covering up John with the towel. The registration Officer raised an eyebrow at the whole scene, but didn't speak until Sarina spoke up. ''Vaktovian Private Sarina Tieri, code-9348, Setting up these two for Registration.'' She said. The Registration officer looked at Drakond and John, then raised an eyebrow at Sarina. ''You're kidding, right?'' He asked. Sarina held up her hand stump, which was no longer sparking. ''Those two buffoons over there managed to take off my hand in a fight. I think that makes them at least Cadet worthy.'' Sarina replied. ''What, just your hand? What a bunch of wimps, I could take off your hand if I wanted to, I could-'' The recruitment officer stopped as Sarina's hand moved to her Pistol. ''Are you doubting my abilities?'' She said, glaring at him. ''N-no, not at all.'' He replied, shaking with fear. She sighed, and then walked over to Drakond and John. ''Drakond, what's your full name?'' Sarina asked. ''I don't know. Just...Drakond.'' He replied. She raised an Eyebrow, before motioning at John. ''John's full name is John Fieldstone.'' he said. ''That..has to be the most earthly name I've heard in my life'' Sarina replied. She then gave their names to the Registration officer, who nodded. She then picked up John with a grunt, and walked with Drakond to the ship. ''How old are you, Sarina?'' He asked. ''16 and a Half, actually.'' She replied. Drakond nodded, and then looked down for a moment. ''No offense or anything, but I always Imagined Vak's would be Butt ugly. You have to be the most beautiful one I've seen before'' He said. He then noticed his slip up, and tried to cover it. ''I m-mean, you're good looking for a Vak. Not that they are ugly or anything! I mean that you're...uh...I mean..'' Drakond stammered. Sarina giggled before speaking ''Smooth one, hotshot. Thanks, you're not bad yourself'' She replied. Drakond gave her an awkward grin, before his eyes lit up in realization. ''You just giggled.'' he said. Sarina looked at him for a moment, then replied ''You're cute and all, but if you say anything about that to anybody, I'll make what happened to John look like Childs play, understand?'' She asked, staring at him. ''Right. Got it. Never happened.'' Drakond replied. ''Good'' she said, turning the ship back on active, and getting ready to head out. [CHAPTER 4] Sarina was still laughing from the whole ordeal. ''I C-can't believe what I just saw!'' she guffawed, and continued laughing to herself. ''Well...It's actually normal for us'' Drakond responded. Sarina looked back at him, and smiled. ''You're kidding, right? she asked. ''Not at all. One time, we decided to give some R.A.T mercenaries a little welcome party when a bunch of them went into HQ. They had this Uniformed guy with them, I'm guessing he was a High rank in R.A.T. Anyways, they come up to us, like ''Hey, wimp. How about I give you a leading chance on your future, you might make something of it''. John was just staring up at the lead mercenary who said this, before replying ''How many credits do you make? Oh, yeah. 25 per hour, 100 per kill. (Sarina laughed at this, and motioned for him to continue with the story). Anyways, that's not what made me laugh. What made me laugh is when John said ''Wow. You guys must be so rich right now. I make that much money shoe shining, and even now and then I get a tip. R.A.T and F.E.A.R walk hand in hand, don't they?''. I turned to see a bunch of F.E.A.R Privates walk towards us. They said ''We make a hell of a lot more than those RAT idiots.''. The rat guys looked at the FEAR guys, then the big one said ''You callin' us idiots, Lard *ss?''. Then the FEAR and RAT guys get in this huge fight. It was hilarious!'' Drakodn said, completing his story. Sarina was laughing, and wiped a tear from her eye. ''Now that, is funny.'' she said, her eyes twinkling The rest of the ride was relatively pleasent, for at least an hour. Then John woke up to find himself Naked. ''Uh...Drak?'' John said. Drakond turned towards John and raised his eyebrow. ''Yes, John?''. ''Drak, why am I naked?'' John asked, the worst possibitlies playing through his head. Drakond stared at him for a moment, then cocked his head sideways in confusion. ''You don't remember what happened, John?'' Drakond asked. ''No, all I remember is that we landed down on that little moon for registration, I went to use the bathroom, and this little squid thingy jumped on me, and then I blacked out.'' John responded. John smirked at Drakond, then stood up and let the towel fall down. Drakond quickly looked away, shaking his head in disgust. ''What's wrong, Drak? Don't like what you see?'' John chuckled, and pulled his pants back on. ''That's disgusting, John.'' Drakond responded, trying to shake the image out of his head. Drakond left John to get changed and walked up to Sarina, who was sitting down, ignoring them. Suddenly, she stopped the ship, and looked down at the pad on the side of the piloting controls. Her eyes widened, and she actually looked afraid of something for once. Drakond looked over her shoulder, to see the words ''CONVERSATION HAS BEEN RECORDED AND FILMED. THANK YOU FOR SUBMITTING YOUR REPORT''. ''By Vaktus...I'm such a fool...The people at HQ have seen the whole thing...'' She whispered to herself. Suddenly, she was just as angry as she was fearful. ''Sarina...what's wrong?'' drakond asked. Sarina looked like she was fuming, her eyebrows were furrowed together, and she was snarling. ''Go away.'' She said. Drakond was about to place his hand on her shoulder, out of concern. Sarina reached up, grabbed his wrist and twisted it behind is back. Drakond grunted in pain, then turned his head to sarina. ''What are you DOING?!'' Drakond yelled, trying to make sense of what was happening. ''I've disgraced myself! I've been acting like a CIVILIAN, chatting with recruits and putting up with this crap! I've breached regulations as a Vaktovian.'' She replied, her eyes squinting. Suddenly, her face darkened. ''And now I'm going to make up for it.'' she whispered into his ear. Drakond shuddered.''I am not your Friend! I am a Vaktovian soldier, and not a foolish one at that. Now, prepare yourself.'' She said, untwisting his arm and pushing him foward. Drakond caught the cieling handle, and kept himself from falling. ''Wait, Sarina! You don't need to fight me!'' Drakond yelled, hoping to calm her down. Sarina only chuckeled, and advanced. ''A fight is where both fighters can deal some Damage. All you can do is sit there and squirm. Now, enough conversation!'' she said, and lunged at him. Drakond Sidestepped her lunge, and pushed her in the direction she charged in. She banged into the wall, and growled. ''You got lucky that time, punk.'' She said. She then brought out her pole, and activated it. The blood red laser shot up, and radiated a terrific heat. She brought it down, and Drakond was about to be cleaved in two. Just before the blade made contact, Sarina was knocked over by a Tackle from John. ''Take this, Crazy B*tch!'' John Said, knocking her to the Ground. Sarina looked up at John in suprise. ''You actually fight, you little worm?'' Sarina asked. ''Drak may not like fighting girls, but I have no problem with it!'' John said, watching Sarina get back up. She glanced at Drakond, then looked back at John. ''Pfft. Defending the weak, John? I don't know why you bother!'' She snarled, swiping at him with her Laser sword. He backed away, the tip of the sword grazing his face. A thin black line cut across his cheek, and he winced in pain. Drakond was getting back up, and looking at Sarina with a pleading look. ''Please Sarina, just stop!'' He said. She simply growled at Drakond, then lunged at him with the sword. Drakonds eyes Widened, he knew he was too slow to avoid it. He closed his eyes and waiting for the pain to come. He heard a small thunk, and could smell the odor of burning flesh. But he didn't feel anything, and opened his eyes, expected to see himself with a gaping hole in the middle of his torso. What he saw caused him to drop to his knee's, and cry out in anguish. ''J-John?'' Drakond asked, tears starting to roll down his face. [Chapter 5] Drakond looked at John in horror, and with good reason. A small smoking hole was now clearly visible in Johns left side. John gave Drakond a weak smile before collapsing on the ground, twitching once and then keeping completly still. Drakond looked up to Sarina with a fixated look of sadness in his eyes. Sarina looked at her laser sword with an emotionless gaze, almost as she wasn't completely sure what just happened. Her face slowly sunk, she having fully realized what she had just done. She took the only, and best friend of a boy with no Parents. She looked at Drakond and her face softened. She hesitated, then said ''Drakond...I-'' She was cut off by Drakond slowly getting up, and swaying softly side to side, as if being pushed by a breeze. Drakond looked down at John, and then back to Sarina. His gaze Darkened, and slowly contorted into a mask of Anger. He stood there, staring at Sarina for a full minute. Sarina backed up a little bit. She was alarmed, she knew that face before when facing an enemy. It was the look of a person who had just lost everything. Someone who could fight with nothing to lose. The Vaktovians often destroyed everything in their path, conquering whatever was in their way. Many people lost everything they had. The Vaktovians had a name for these people. Retaliators. People who have been known to fight tooth and nail until their last breath, often taking as many soldiers down as they could. She slowly stepped back, and Drakond stepped foward. This pace continued. Every step Sarina took back, was a Step Drakond took foward. She was finally backed up against the side of the ship, against the emergency exit. Drakond continued staring at her in silence. This continued for a minute, before he finally spoke. ''Blood for blood'' he whispered, before leaping at Sarina with a scream of anguish. But to Sarina, it sounded more like a Roar. Drakond tackled Sarina to the ground. He pulled back his arm, and drove it foward liked a cornered animal. The punch landed harshly in Sarina's stomach, winding her. She blocked his next punch, which was aimed for her head. With her forearm she tried to push against him, while trying to reach for her Laser pole with the other. Normally, Sarina would be able to push him off easy. But his strength was multiplied threefold, fueled by anger and hatred. Just as Sarina was about to grasp her pole, Drakond Elbowed her on the left side of her jaw with his free hand, and then grabbed the pole himself. He activated it with a push of a button, then stood up and jumped back. He allowed Sarina to get to her feet, before saying ''Now, time to give you a hole of your own.'' softly. He then raised the Laser pole, and brought it down, aiming for her Fleshy Arm. She grabbed the pole by the hilt, and twisted it from his grasp. He punched her in the Jaw again, on the right side. She Responded by Kneeing him in the gut, then punching him in the nose. He grabbed his nose in pain for a moment, then launched at Sarina again, this time punching her in the Kidney. Sarina wheezed, and clutched at her kidney. While she was on the floor in pain, Drakond walked back to the pole and picked it up. He calmly walked over to her, and twirled it in the air. He then brought it down on her Cybernetic arm with a scream of Primal rage. The arm was cut off at the shoulder, and fizzed out on the floor with a thud. Drakond looked down at Sarina for a moment, before kicking her over to her back. He looked down at her, then furrowed his eyebrows. ''Go ahead, kill me. It'll get easier from then.'' she spat at him, giving him a look of hate. He growled in anger, before bringing the sword down. The sword sank down to its hilt next to Sarina's head. Molten metal drop flung onto the wall, fizzling out. Sarina's eyes were still closed. When she realized she was still alive, she opened her eyes and looked at Drakond. Drakond was letting tears fall down his face, freely. He was leaning down, looking back at John, who was not breathing. He looked back at Sarina, with a face that just said ''How could you do something like this?''. He then reached down and offered her a hand up. She hesitated, before grabbing it and letting herself be pulled up. Drakond then reared his right arm back, and punched her back down, Directly in the eye. ''That's for John.'' he said. He then walked over to the Cockpit, and sat down in the Pilot's chair. He then started trying to configure the controls, but he couldn't read the language. He looked over back at Sarina, and said ''Get us down to Eridani.''. Eridani was a nearby world where John was born. She looked at him for a moment, as if he was crazy. ''Get. Us. To. Eridani.'' he said again, this time his tone was filled with threat. She looked at John on the floor, then gave Drakond a nod. She sat in the Pilot's chair, then reconfigured the Autopilot to bring them down to the planet. She looked down at Drakond, who was now on his Knees and looking over John. He made some sort of symbol, a cross over Johns chest. He then reached into Johns shirt, and yanked out a piece of Fabric. ''We found this stuff on Owlisus. A fabric that adapts to the users shape. John was going to have it made into a mask for me. He thought I didn't know, but I did. I knew.'' Drakond said softly. He then stuffed the fabric in his side pocket, and looked out the window. They were fast approaching Eridani. Drakond then kneeled down, and picked up Johns body, and hefted it onto his shoulder. The ship made a small noise as it landed, and the door opened. Drakond then stepped out into John's world. The soil gave way to the combined weight of Drakond and John. Drakond grunted as he set John down. He then went back into the ship, and snatched the pole off the ground. He then took the pole, and activated it. He crossed himself, then slowly made the outline of a Rectangle in the dirt. He then sank the pole to its hilt, and carved a 1.7-Meter deep hole. The Laser pole vaporized any soil it came into contact to. It wasn't the best grave, but it would do. He then disactivated the sword, and tossed it to the side. He picked up Johns body, and set it gently down into the hole. He then took out his favorite item, a Lead cross that he was given by John a long time ago, when they met. He closed his eyes for a moment, his hand turning white as he grasped the cross. He then opened his eyes, and let the cross drop onto Johns chest. He then took off a Spare metal panel from the ship compartment, and dropped it on top of the hole. He grabbed the Laser pole, and carved in ''John, a loved family member, and a great friend. Brother, son, best friend. God bless him.'' into the metal panel's top side. He then slowly moved the laser sword on the edges of the panel, causing the edges to melt and fuse with the ground. He then looked at the grave one more time, before walking back into the ship. He looked at Sarina once, who was trying to look away from the grave. He tossed her the pole, and said ''Where's your damn honor now?'' with a sneer. She looked like she was about to reply, but then she saw the look on his face, and closed her mouth. She fiddled with the controls until the original course was set back up. They had a long ride ahead. [CHAPTER 6] ''We're here'' Sarina said, turning back to look at Drakond. Drakond was in his seat, with his elbows against his legs, and his head resting in his hands. His eyes were vieled by shadow due to the light angle, and he looked mournful. Sarina hesitated before shaking her head, and pulling herself up. She stood up, and glanced at Drakond again before walking over to the side of the ship. With the click of a button on the frame, the door hatch opened with a cloud of steam. Once the steam cleared, Sarina puffed up proudly at the sight. Across a barren rocky field, Hundreds of cadets marched behind their DI's, all of them in the same uniform. A tank top with fishnet arm and chest covering. They all had sliver dogtags hanging from their necks. Sarina allowed herself a small smile before remembering her passenger. She turned back to look at him. He was still in the same position, and if possible, looked sadder than before. ''We have to go, cadet. Get moving'' Sarina said. When he didn't reply, she scoweled and hopped off the ship, onto the ground, kicking up a small cloud of dust. She was just about to try to get help from a DI, when she heard footsteps from the door. Drakond stood there, and looked completely ready to punch anyone that looked at him the wrong way. Sarina grimaced, and turned around to see a group of three boys, and a single girl. The boys were laughing and pointing at the girl. She was just standing there, quiet as a rock. She heard the one of the others call her ''Frosty''. The girl then looked mad, and yelled something very explicit about the boy and the way he was born. Drakond stood there, listening to the whole thing. The boy who had gotten yelled at, the bulkier one of the group, stood there for a moment, an angry scowl on his face. When she was done yelling at him, Drakond expected it to end right there. But Sarina knew better. The first boy, the bulkier one, suddenly pulled his arm back, and punched the girl in the stomach. She went down in a heap, and struggled to stand back up. When she got on her knee's, the boy reared his leg and kicked her in the face. The three boys laughed at her, calling her a ''Little ice queen''. Sarina rolled her eyes and went to break it up, when she noticed something. Drakond was already walking up to them. The second one in the group, a skinnier, but still strong looking one, nudged the bulkier ones shoulder. The bulkier one turned around to face Drakond with a grin on his face. ''Looks like we got some fresh meat, boys!'' the bulkier one said. Drakond decided to call him brute. The other two, he decided to call smelly, and stick. The bulkier one looked down at Drakond, and continued his vile grin. Suddenly Drakond snarled and punched brute across the face. Brute stumbeled back, then Drakond punched him in the gut. As brute grabbed his stomach in pain, Drakond kicked him in the shin, hard. Brute fell on the floor, and Drakond lowered himself to look at brute. ''Now. Get ready for the real pain'' Drakond said. Brute looked at him with anger on his face. By the time Drakond was done with brute, Drakond's hands and feet were completely sore, and three of his fingers were broken. Brutes face looked like someone had dropped his head into a blender. The other two cronies looked at Drakond with anger. The first one, smelly, decided to try his luck to avenge his friend when Drakond turned to help the Girl up. He Grabbed Drakonds arm, turning him around, and punched him across his Jaw. Drakond winced, but didn't say a word. Then stick, the other crony, walked up and punched Drakond in the gut. They bout then grabbed Drakonds arms, and took out small glinting metal objects. ''You're gonna get shanked, newbie'' Smelly said, a grin on his face. Just as Drakond prepared to try to move when smelly moved his arm, Smelly suddenly fell to the ground. Stick looked down at smelly, then got hit from behind, in the ribs. They both rolled around in pain. Drakond turned to see the girl he had helped, standing up, and looking pissed. She then went to each of the croneis, and delivered a swift kick in their family Gems. She then turned to look at Drakond, and walked up to him. She still looked pissed, and Drakond prepared to be yelled at for helping her. Just when she got face to face with him, Drakond steeled his eyes and prepared to fight. Suddenly, she jumped up and kissed him, full on the lips. Her soft lips met with his, and for a moment, everything was peaceful again. Drakond's eyes widened, and he was staring at the girl with wild eyes. She smirked at him, before talking. ''My names Alanah. Thanks for the help, really.'' She said. ''Drakond'' he replied. Drakond and Alanah were alone in a corner, and Sarina had went off to get a medical team for the three stooges, as Drakond named them. Suddenly, Alanah started quietly crying, tears going down her eyes, but making no noise. Drakond looked at her, waiting for a reason. ''I could never take them on. Not all three. If it was just one, I could take him on with no problem. But never all three.'' she said. Drakond quietly looked down at her before stepping foward and wrapping her in a hug. She sobbed quietly into his shoulder for a full minute before stepping away. ''We can't show weakness here, we're not allowed to help each other. Why did you help me?'' She asked Drakond. ''Where I'm from, hitting Girls is wrong. Not only that, but what he did was just plain brutal.'' Drakond said. Alanah nodded with his answer, and turned around. She then sighed, and turned back to face him. ''Here, you are either working alone, or you're in a group. Those three were one of the worst ones in our level.'' Alanah said. Drakond then grimaced as Alanah grabbed his hand to inspect it. ''You broke three of your fingers!'' she exclaimed. ''I broke his face.'' Drakond calmly told her. She then raised an eyebrow, before whispering ''We're in this together, you and me. We have each others backs, right?''. Drakond paused. He remembered when he heard almost the exact words from John. He then nodded at her, and they both walked towards their bunker. Drakond stopped as he got in front of his bunker, and waited for Alanah to say goodbye. But she just walked in and made herself at home in one of the bunks. Drakond raised an eyebrow before saying ''Girls and Boys can share the same rooms?'. She laughed at him, before replying ''Vaktovia says we have to toughen up. That means everyone is treated the same, different gender or not''. Drakond nodded, before looking at the name on the bunk below her. It said ''Drakond''. Drakond raised an eyebrow at Alanah. ''I...may have switched one bunk name with yours.'' she said. Drakond chuckeled before jumping into the bottom bunk, and laying down. ''Why did big and ugly decide to call you Ice Queen?'' Drakond asked. Alanah hopped down from her bunk, and stared at him. ''Don't. Ever. Call. Me. That. Clear?'' Alanah asked. Drakond chuckeled again before replying ''Crystal''. She then rolled her eyes before answering his question. ''I was Originally from Sleet clan''. Drakond raised an eyebrow. Everyone knew sleet clan. Fearsome fighters, but mostly defended their own planet. They were known to be a large family, more than a Military. Drakond nodded. ''And...Drak, thanks.'' She said, a small blush on her cheeks. He smiled before looking up and saying ''Anytime, Alanah. Anytime''. Drakond stared at the bottom of Alanah's bunk. He let his thoughts drift across his mind, his eyes concentrated on the metal underside of the bunk. He heard Alanah's soft snoring above him, and he allowed himself a small smile. Technically, the Cadet academy didn't start for anyone in their bunker until tomorrow. Drakond looked across the room, none of the people particulary catching his attention. He let out a small breath of air, and slowly stood up from his bunk. He stretched for a minute, about 7 cracks could be heard resounding throughout the room. Drakond grunted, then headed outside to get some fresh air. Or the closest thing to fresh you could get in the dusty air of the Cadet academy. Drakond leaned against the metal wall outside the bunker, and thought about his future. (Meanwhile, In the bunker) Alanah was quietly sleeping in her bunker, occasionally mumering something in her sleep. Three figures from the back of the room slowly crept up from the Shadows. Brute, Smelly, and Stick were part of their Cadet level, and shared the bunker with them. ''Lock the door'' Brute ordered smelly. Smelly went over to the door, and turned the hatch. Stick then motioned for smelly to help him grab Alanah's arms. Both of the boys grabbed Alanahs arms, and stick covered her mouth. Alanah awoke with wild eyes, and tried to scream for help. But her cries were muffeled by Sticks hand. Brute then unbuckeled his belt, and Alanahs eye's widened. ''Don't worry, Ice queen. I'll warm you right up'' brute whispered into her ear. Alanah let tears fall down her face. (Back Outside) Drakond heard a soft clink from inside the door. He raised an eyebrow, then tried to open the hatch. He furrowed his eyebrows and and tried to force it open, but it still held still. ''Why would someone lock the door?'' He asked himself. He then remembered what Alanah said earlier that day. ''Those three are one of the worst in our Level''. In our level...Drakond's eyes then widened as he came into realization. Cadets from the same level shared the same bunker. He then looked for entrances into the bunker, anything. He then saw a familair looking head from the locked window of the right side. It was Smelly. Drakond's eyes opened with Rage. He then pulled back his arm. (Back Inside) Alanah was desperately squirming, trying to get out of the boys grasp. Stick and Smelly held her tight. Smelly was grinning like and idiot, but Stick looked like he wanted to throw up. ''Boss...are you sure you want to do this?'' He asked brute. Brute looked at him, then walked to him, his pants half off. ''You trying to say something, RUNT?'' Brute asked stick. Alanah looked at stick with pleading eyes, and Stick closed his eyes. ''Yeah, I have something to say. I don't want any part of this'' Stick told brute, then walked off, letting go of Alanah's hand. Smelly quickly grabbed both her arms, and held her still. Brute looked at stick, then said ''I'll deal with him later. For now, back to the little queen''. Just as Brute's pants were down, and Alanah was screaming at the top of her voice, a hand smashed through the window, and grabbed Smelly's head. Smelly's eyes widened, and he let go of Alanah. The hand held Smelly's head back, then another one entered the broken window, grabbed a piece of broken glass, and slit Smelly's throat. A small line formed in smelly's throat, and he gurgeled as he slowly bled to death. Drakond then Jumped into the window, smashing it completely. This awoke the other people in the bunk who were sleeping before. They all watched the scene with emotionless eyes. Drakond jumped into brute, tackeling him onto the floor. He then looked at Alanah, who was missing all her clothing. Drakond looked back at brute, whose pants were down. His eyes hardened with Rage. He then reared his arm back, and with a roar, smashed it into Brute's throat. He then did it again, and again. Until a large Snap was heard, and Brute started bleeding out of his mouth, and stopped breathing. Drakond looked threatingly at the rest of the room, before snarling ''Where's the other one?!''. The room pointed to stick, who was looking green. Just before Drakond was about to kill him as well, Alanah spoke up ''Wait, Drak! He didn't do anything. He didn't want any part of it''. Drakond looked down at stick. ''But he didn't try to stop it, either. Did he?'' Drakond asked. Drakond then pulled his arm back, and smashed stick in the nose. Stick fell back, blacking out. Drakond then took off jacket, and wrapped it around Alanah. Alanah slowly pulled her pants back on, and looked up at Drakond with tear stained eye's. ''How could they.....I mean...how? How could they possibly even think of doing that?'' She cried. Drakond picked her up, and set her down in his bunk. He then opened the hatch of the door, and started stripping his bunk of everything he had on it. He took the matress, the sheets and blanket outside of the bunker. He then went back inside, and much to everyone else's amusement, picked up Alanah bridal style. She blushed, and let him carry her to her new makeshift bed outside. He set her down, and then walked over to the side of the outside of the bunker. He sat down, with his back against the wall, and watch Alanah as she tried to get comfortable. ''Drak'...come over here'' She said softly. Drakond got up, then kneeled down next to her. She then reached up, with a soft and tender hand, and stroked the back of his head, before leaning in. He leaned in with her, and they both kissed. The soft breeze flowed gently across them, but they paid no mind to it. Not to the blood on Drakond, no the dried tears on Alanah's face. It lasted a full three mintues before they broke apart. ''Y-you know, you don't have to sleep against that bunker. You could..u-um, share this bed with me. To sleep.'' She stammered. Drakond then lied down next to her, but stayed outside the blankets. He put his hands behind his head, and stared at the stars. Soon enough, he heard Alanah softly breathing, and he let himself close his eyes.
#86588835Wednesday, January 09, 2013 7:00 PM GMT

Such a shame that nobody will take the time to read that wall. :c
#86588855Wednesday, January 09, 2013 7:00 PM GMT

#90152051Sunday, February 24, 2013 12:41 PM GMT

WOW that's a lot of typing!!!!
#90152110Sunday, February 24, 2013 12:42 PM GMT

Vaktovia died. Free modelers too. Your book is invalid.
#90152177Sunday, February 24, 2013 12:43 PM GMT

*get a life mushroom moves across the screen*
#90152210Sunday, February 24, 2013 12:44 PM GMT

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#90153582Sunday, February 24, 2013 1:14 PM GMT

Who spends that much time typing 20+ paragraphs about a roblox faction? I'm sorry but I can't read all of that. If you legit typed this, holy cow man.
#91178908Thursday, March 07, 2013 12:31 PM GMT

Can't Read them all D:< *Btw I kinda like your story*
#91178999Thursday, March 07, 2013 12:32 PM GMT

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#91179041Thursday, March 07, 2013 12:33 PM GMT

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#91179076Thursday, March 07, 2013 12:34 PM GMT

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#91179114Thursday, March 07, 2013 12:35 PM GMT

Wow that's nice copy/paste to C&G tho. XxTheLoneWandererxX
#91179149Thursday, March 07, 2013 12:35 PM GMT

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